AUTHOR=Wang Ershen , Shu Wansen , Deng Xidan , Wang Zhi , Xu Song , Wang Huan TITLE=Vertical Protection Level Optimization and Availability Analysis for Advanced RAIM JOURNAL=Frontiers in Energy Research VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenrg.2022.890095 ISSN=2296-598X ABSTRACT=
With the introduction of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) in aviation, there has been increased dependency on GNSS position. Multi-constellation GNSS services and equipment will remain a solution for many aircraft positions in safety. Multi-constellation GNSS can improve robustness and navigation performance. Therefore, advanced receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (advanced RAIM or ARAIM) technology is being developed as an augmentation method for GNSS users under multi-constellation. ARAIM can allow increased service level globally and provide vertical guidance during the approach phase for aircrafts. Since the traditional ARAIM algorithm uses the average allocation strategy to allocate integrity and continuity risk, an allocation approach based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented in this article. Different allocation strategies for integrity and continuity risk are chosen as different particles, and the weighted sum of vertical protection level corresponding to different fault subsets is selected as the fitness function to optimize the allocation strategy and the corresponding VPL. Based on real GNSS data, the ARAIM algorithm under multi-constellation is analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the integrity and continuity risk allocation method based on the proposed algorithm optimizes the VPL and improves the global availability of ARAIM under multi-constellation.