AUTHOR=Kulikovsky Andrei TITLE=A Kernel for Calculating PEM Fuel Cell Distribution of Relaxation Times JOURNAL=Frontiers in Energy Research VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenrg.2021.780473 ISSN=2296-598X ABSTRACT=

Impedance of all oxygen transport processes in PEM fuel cell has negative real part in some frequency domain. A kernel for calculation of distribution of relaxation times (DRT) of a PEM fuel cell is suggested. The kernel is designed for capturing impedance with negative real part and it stems from the equation for impedance of oxygen transport through the gas-diffusion transport layer (doi:10.1149/2.0911509jes). Using recent analytical solution for the cell impedance, it is shown that DRT calculated with the novel K2 kernel correctly captures the GDL transport peak, whereas the classic DRT based on the RC-circuit (Debye) kernel misses this peak. Using K2 kernel, analysis of DRT spectra of a real PEMFC is performed. The leftmost on the frequency scale DRT peak represents oxygen transport in the channel, and the rightmost peak is due to proton transport in the cathode catalyst layer. The second, third, and fourth peaks exhibit oxygen transport in the GDL, faradaic reactions on the cathode side, and oxygen transport in the catalyst layer, respectively.