AUTHOR=Lv Haipeng , Abuduwayiti Xiwang , Meng Lingpeng , Shi Cunjin TITLE=Rapid Power Compensation-Based VSC-HVDC Control Strategy for Low-Frequency Oscillation Suppression of the Island Power System JOURNAL=Frontiers in Energy Research VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenrg.2021.768340 ISSN=2296-598X ABSTRACT=
Owing to the increased proportion of new energy power generation, such as wind power and photovoltaics, connected to the island grid, the system powered by the voltage source converter-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) is prone to oscillate or even lose stability when disrupted. In this study, considering the rapid power compensation (RPC), an active power control strategy has been suggested for the receiving-end converter station of VSC-HVDC that could efficiently suppress the low-frequency oscillation of the island power system. First, the mechanism of VSC-HVDC inhibiting low-frequency oscillation of the island grid is analyzed in this study, and then, it theoretically determines that the damping capacity and inertia level of the rapid power compensation control strategy are stronger than those of conventional droop control and inertia control. Second, the receiving-end converter station switches from the RPC mode to droop control in order to allow the system to have a smooth recovery from the steady-state operation in the later stage of oscillation suppression. Moreover, detailed control logic and state-switching strategies have been designed. Finally, the simulation reflects that the proposed control strategy has a stronger oscillation suppression ability, allowing it to obtain rapid suppression of low-frequency oscillation.