AUTHOR=Rosentrater Kurt A. , Yang Lu TITLE=Toward an Understanding of Physical and Biological Properties of Corn-Based Whole Stillage, Thin Stillage, and Condensed Distillers Solubles and Changes Thereof During Storage JOURNAL=Frontiers in Energy Research VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fenrg.2021.722950 ISSN=2296-598X ABSTRACT=
The production of bio-based ethanol has been one of the fastest growing industries in the United States during the past decade. Thus, wider exploration of ethanol coproduct uses is necessary in the ethanol plant. Currently, process steams such as whole stillage, thin stillage, and syrup are processed into distiller dried grains with solubles and fed to livestock. The storability of whole stillage, thin stillage, and syrup influences the economic and energetic balances of fuel ethanol production. However, there are few investigations of the shelf life for these products or how to measure these quantities. The objectives of this research were to test physical and biological properties of whole stillage, thin stillage, and syrup and determine storability and allowable shelf life for these materials as influenced by storage temperature levels. Using standard laboratory methods, several properties were determined, including moisture content, water activity, thermal properties (conductivity, resistivity, volumetric heat capacity, and diffusivity), color, mold development, and CO2 production. Also, the separation processes due to settling were observed over 72 h. The thin stillage and whole stillage had relative high average moisture contents of 92% (w.b.) and 87% (w.b.), respectively, and a mean water activity of 0.99; the high water content marked samples easily susceptible to rapid spoilage. Time had a significant effect (