The beneficial effect of thermogenic adipocytes in maintaining body weight and protecting against metabolic disorders has raised interest in understanding the regulatory mechanisms defining white and beige adipocyte identity. Although alternative splicing has been shown to propagate adipose browning signals in mice, this has yet to be thoroughly investigated in human adipocytes.
We performed parallel white and beige adipogenic differentiation using primary adipose stem cells from 6 unrelated healthy subjects and assessed differential gene and isoform expression in mature adipocytes by RNA sequencing.
We find 777 exon junctions with robust differential usage between white and beige adipocytes in all 6 subjects, mapping to 562 genes. Importantly, only 10% of these differentially spliced genes are also differentially expressed, indicating that alternative splicing constitutes an additional layer of gene expression regulation during beige adipocyte differentiation. Functional classification of alternative isoforms points to a gain of function for key thermogenic transcription factors such as
These results suggest that differential isoform expression through alternative TSS usage is an important regulatory mechanism for human adipocyte thermogenic specification.