Hydroxychoroquine has hypoglycemic effects and may reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM). We determined the association between hydroxychoroquine use and the incidence of DM in a population-based cohort of pations with Rheumatic disease
A prospective cohort study among 502392 Potentially eligible participants in the context of UK Biobank, recruitment to the database began between 2006 and 2010. Patients diagnosed with diabetes and fasting glucose greater than or equal to 7 mmol/L at baseline (n=619) were excluded and patients diagnosed with either RA or SLE at baseline (n=6793) were followed up until 2022. Diagnosis was recorded using the International Classification of Diseases, tenth edition (ICD-10) code. The mean follow-up was 13.78 years and the primary outcome was newly recorded type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), with the time of onset of diabetes as the follow-up endpoint date.
During a median follow-up period of 13.78 (12.93, 14.49) years, diabetes developed in 537 participants, with an incidence of 7.9%. New diabetes cases not taking hydroxychloroquine and taking hydroxychloroquine was 504 (8.03%) and 33 (6.36%), respectively. In univariate models, the hazard ratio for diabetes was 0.89 (95% confidence interval, 0.81-0.98,
Hydroxychloroquine was associated with decreased risk of DM among rheumatoid arthritis patients, our data taken together with correlational studies, warrant further investigation of the potential preventive effect of hydroxychloroquine against T2DM.