AUTHOR=Sciacchitano Salvatore , Capalbo Carlo , Napoli Christian , Anibaldi Paolo , Salvati Valentina , De Vitis Claudia , Mancini Rita , Coluzzi Flaminia , Rocco Monica TITLE=Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome: To Treat or Not to Treat? Have We Answered the Question? A Review of Metanalyses JOURNAL=Frontiers in Endocrinology VOLUME=13 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fendo.2022.850328 ISSN=1664-2392 ABSTRACT=Background and Objective

Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS) occurs in approximately 70% of patients admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU)s and has been associated with increased risk of death. Whether patients with NTIS should receive treatment with thyroid hormones (TH)s is still debated. Since many interventional randomized clinical trials (IRCT)s were not conclusive, current guidelines do not recommend treatment for these patients. In this review, we analyze the reasons why TH treatment did not furnish convincing results regarding possible beneficial effects in reported IRCTs.


We performed a review of the metanalyses focused on NTIS in critically ill patients. After a careful selection, we extracted data from four metanalyses, performed in different clinical conditions and diseases. In particular, we analyzed the type of TH supplementation, the route of administration, the dosages and duration of treatment and the outcomes chosen to evaluate the results.


We observed a marked heterogeneity among the IRCTs, in terms of type of TH supplementation, route of administration, dosages and duration of treatment. We also found great variability in the primary outcomes, such as prevention of neurological alterations, reduction of oxygen requirements, restoration of endocrinological and clinical parameters and reduction of mortality.


NTIS is a frequent finding in critical ill patients. Despite several available IRCTs, it is still unclear whether NTIS should be treated or not. New primary endpoints should be identified to adequately validate the efficacy of TH treatment and to obtain a clear answer to the question raised some years ago.