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Front. Electron. , 04 February 2025

Sec. Integrated Circuits and VLSI

Volume 6 - 2025 |

Energy-efficient analog-domain aggregator circuit for RRAM-based neural network accelerators

  • The Centre for Electronics Frontiers, Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Recently, there has been notable progress in the advancement of RRAM-based Compute-In-Memory (CIM) architectures, showing promise in accelerating neural networks with remarkable energy efficiency and parallelism. However, challenges persist in fully integrating large-scale networks onto a chip, particularly when the weights of a layer exceed the capacity of the RRAM crossbar. In such cases, weights are distributed across smaller RRAM crossbars and aggregated using tree adders and shifters in digital flow, leading to increased system complexity and energy consumption of hardware accelerators. In this work, we introduce a novel energy-efficient analog domain aggregator system designed for RRAM-based CIM systems. The proposed circuit has been verified and tested using Virtuoso Cadence circuit tools in 180 nm CMOS technology with post-layout simulations and analysis. Compared with the digital adder tree approach, the proposed analog aggregator offers improvements in three key areas: it can handle an arbitrary number of inputs not just powers of 2, achieves lower error through better rounding and improves power efficiency (2.15× lower consumption). These findings mark a substantial advancement towards the full implementation of efficient on-chip hardware accelerator systems.

1 Introduction

The deployment of neural networks (NNs) in machine learning (ML) applications, including computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing, has grown exponentially over the past few decades (Hertel et al., 2015; Graves et al., 2013; Bahdanau et al., 2015; Humood et al., 2023). To address the intensive Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operations required by these applications, emerging circuit architectures such as Compute-In-Memory (CIM) modules have been developed (Yu et al., 2021). Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM)-based neural network (NN) accelerators (Musisi-Nkambwe et al., 2021; Mittal, 2019; Yao et al., 2020; Marinella et al., 2018; Cai et al., 2019; Bayat et al., 2018; Sahay et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020; Mochida et al., 2018; Shafiee et al., 2016; Xue et al., 2020; Prezioso et al., 2018; Ankit et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2015; Narayanan et al., 2017; Hung et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2017; Ming et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2019; Su et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2024) have attracted considerable attention due to their utilization of Ohm’s law for multiplication and Kirchhoff’s law for accumulation. By leveraging an RRAM array, these engines can execute parallel in-memory MAC operations, offering substantially enhanced speed and energy efficiency compared to von Neumann computing approaches (Amirsoleimani et al., 2020; Mittal, 2019).

However, despite recent advances in RRAM-based accelerators, there remain several challenges at the system level that need to be addressed in order to effectively implement large-scale NNs, such as AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2017), VGG-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015), and ResNet (He et al., 2016) on chip. A notable challenge arises when the necessary fan-in within an NN exceeds the capacity of the RRAM crossbar, limiting hardware implementability of large-scale networks (the “aggregation problem”). Simply increasing the size of the RRAM crossbar is not an efficient solution due to constraints related to write/read errors (Yuan et al., 2019), sneak path currents (Humood et al., 2019), and latency (Xia et al., 2018), which tend to worsen with larger array sizes.

Instead, the ISAAC architecture reported in (Shafiee et al., 2016) distributes the weights of large NNs across multiple RRAM arrays to execute partial sum product computation quickly and in parallel (Huo et al., 2022). Subsequently, the outputs from each array on the same column are aggregated/accumulated using adder trees and shifters in the digital domain before being transmitted to the next layer or output registers. Several other architectures have also adopted similar adder tree- and shifter-based approaches, (Yuan et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021; Xia et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Chi et al., 2016; Nag et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2023). Other research efforts have implemented aggregation on FPGAs (Liu et al., 2020; Hung et al., 2021; 2023; Huo et al., 2022), however, this limits the concept of having a full system on chip.

However, the aforementioned studies do not address the performance and implementation of the aggregation system, hence, the practical overhead of accumulating inputs from different crossbars at the system level remains unknown. Additionally, the digital approach using adder trees and shifters can only accumulate outputs from 2N arrays (where N represents the number of aggregated inputs) limiting the practical implementation of certain neural networks.

In this work, we present a novel analog-domain aggregator circuit for RRAM-based accelerators. The proposed circuit is designed to accumulate the digital outputs of N number of sub-arrays within the hardware NN accelerators via charge redistribution/sharing techniques. First, the digital output of each array on the same column is converted from the digital domain to the analog domain through C-2C DAC ladders. Subsequently, the analog outputs of the C-2C ladders are accumulated and shared across a single line. Finally, the aggregated analog signal is converted back to the digital domain using a SAR ADC to be processed for the next NN layer or to the output registers. Furthermore, considering that most NNs generate signed outputs, positive and negative sub-array outputs are individually accumulated and subsequently subtracted from each other during the aggregation process. Figure 1 shows the proposed approach along with other approaches in the literature for “aggregators” used in RRAM-based NN accelerators.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Mapping a large-scale neural network on multi-core RRAM CIM chip. To the right, we illustrate the proposed approach to aggregate partial sums (green outline) along with Adder Tree (Yuan et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021; Xia et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Chi et al., 2016; Nag et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2023) and FPGA (Liu et al., 2020; Hung et al., 2021; 2023; Huo et al., 2022) approaches.

The proposed aggregator is validated via Cadence Virtuoso in a commercially available 180 nm CMOS technology. Post-layout simulation and analysis have been performed to evaluate the circuit’s performance and characteristics. To validate the performance of the proposed system, we also implemented and simulated the adder tree and shifter system utilized in ISAAC (Shafiee et al., 2016) using digital Register Transfer Level (RTL) methodology on Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) design flow, providing a direct comparison vs. a fully digital approach. Results demonstrate improved flexibility, precision and power performance of the proposed analog aggregator. The demonstrated aggregator version is capable of accumulating outputs from up to 8 different arrays, which is sufficient to accommodate the majority of large RRAM-based NN accelerators such as ISAAC (4 arrays per bank) (Shafiee et al., 2016) and PRIME (8 arrays per bank) (Chi et al., 2016). However, expanding the number of digital outputs that the proposed aggregator can accumulate is easily achieved by increasing the number of C-2C DAC ladders. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to successfully demonstrate the design of an analog domain aggregator specifically tailored for CIM architectures.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the proposed aggregator architecture. Section 3 describes the methodology of the charge-sharing operation and analog sharing mechanism and the transition of the signal from input to output along with design constraints and design parameters. Simulation results and performance evaluation are provided in Section 4, followed by conclusions in Section 5.

2 System overview and methodology

The proposed aggregator schematic and layout are shown in Figures 2A, B, respectively. This section discusses the mode of operation and circuit design, including the exploration of design parameters and system specifications.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Proposed aggregator architecture. (A) Schematic view. See text for description of signal flow steps (numbers in green). (B) Layout view (211×338 μm2).

2.1 Mode of operation and charge sharing

The numbers and arrows in Figure 2A denote the signal flow. Given that the outputs of a neural network layer can vary in sign, the outputs of an RRAM-based accelerator are represented as a signed digital number (S). Step 1: 5-bit, signed digital numbers (IN0 to INN) enter a sign detection block. Where the signed number has a 4-bit magnitude (Q0 to Q3) and a sign-bit (Z). The block separates the numbers by sign into positive (P0 to PN) and negative (N0 to NN) and applies 2’s complement on the negatives. Step 2: The resulting unsigned numbers are fed into either the positive or the negative bank of C-2C ladder DACs, which present their results at terminals “VaN+” and “VaN” respectively. Step 3: The DACs connect to the positive and negative “aggregation lines” and share their charges, thus being aggregated in the analog domain, i.e., producing the analog aggregated sum (i=0NactVaiNact) where Nact is the number of aggregated inputs. Step 4: The aggregated analog values are converted back to digital using SAR ADCs. The source followers are based on two series NMOS transistors and act as buffers. Step 5: The aggregated positive and negative numbers are subtracted using a digital subtractor.

This aggregator can accumulate up to 8 digital numbers but expanding to in principle arbitrary numbers of input blocks is easily achieved by increasing the number of C-2C DAC units (not just powers of 2). This results directly from the nature of charge-sharing, where every contributor is implicitly equally weighted, thus enhancing versatility vs. conventional digital aggregation techniques. Each DAC unit is equipped with a switch (Lx) that determines whether the DAC participates in the aggregation or not. Moreover, this aggregator supports a resolution of 5-bit for both inputs and outputs. Changing input resolution entails modifying the resolution of the C-2C DAC, while increasing output resolution involves adjusting the SAR ADC resolution.

2.2 System overview

2.2.1 Sign detection

The sign detection block utilized in this study is shown in Figure 3. It receives a 5-bit digital number (Q0-Q3 for magnitude and Z for sign). When the input number is positive, the equivalent positive number corresponds to the magnitude of the signed number ([P0,,P3]=[Q0,,Q3]. The corresponding input to the negative C-2C DAC is set to 0 ([N0,,N3]=0). Similarly, if the input number is negative, the two’s complement’s magnitude is passed to the N terminals, while the P terminals remain at 0. The two’s complement is implemented using a series of inverters and half-adder (HA) blocks, where the digital bits are first inverted and then incremented by 1.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Sign detection circuit used in the proposed Aggregator. HA, Half-Adder.

2.2.2 C-2C DAC

In this work, the digital-to-analog conversion at the input side is performed using a modified version of the textbook C-2C DAC circuit (Singh et al., 1987). A C-2C DAC is a data converter that uses a binary-weighted capacitor network to convert digital inputs into analog voltages. The name “C-2C” refers to its use of unit (C) and double unit (2C) capacitances. Two DAC ladders are employed, one for the positive aggregating side and one for the negative side. Figure 4 displays a single DAC unit from the positive aggregating side, with a corresponding DAC unit implemented on the negative aggregating side. The value of C is minimized to 100 fF to reduce area and power while maintaining good linearity and minimizing the effect of parasitic capacitances. The RST signal resets the analog line to 0 V before the start of the conversion. The positive equivalent numbers are transformed into an analog voltage represented as Va, ranging between VREF1 and VREF2. The multiplexers used in the proposed C-2C DAC are based on transmission gates. The selection process for VREF1 and VREF2 is addressed in Section 2.3.

Figure 4

Figure 4. C-2C DAC Unit Used on the Positive Side of the Proposed Aggregator, with an Identical Unit Implemented on the Negative Side. Capacitance Value (C) is 100 fF.

2.2.3 SAR ADC

The SAR-ADC circuit, referenced in (Sharuddin et al., 2016; Alpman et al., 2009) and illustrated in Figure 5, constitutes the largest component within the proposed aggregator. The implemented SAR-ADC consists of 4 main components. First, the sample and hold circuit (S/H), as shown in the inset of Figure 5, is used to sample and hold the analog voltage obtained from the averaging DAC ladders when CLKSH is activated. The capacitance value of CSAMP is set to 1 pF, and the width-to-length (W/L) ratio of the transistors is chosen as 68/1 to minimize kickback noise at the comparator inputs.

Figure 5

Figure 5. SAR-ADC design utilized in the proposed aggregator. Also shown: schematics of the sample and hold circuit, the comparator, and the SAR logic.

Second, The comparator employed in the implemented SAR-ADC is based on the strong-ARM latch comparator reported in (Almansouri et al., 2017; Kobayashi et al., 1993) due to their low offset, low power consumption, and high input impedance. The comparator is needed to compare the analog sampled value with the DAC output. In order to operate at a low common-mode voltage, a PMOS-input latch comparator is used in this work. The comparator design, along with the width-to-length ratio of the transistors, is shown in the inset of Figure 5. Transistors were sized to minimize the offset, as evidenced by post-layout Monte Carlo simulations demonstrating an offset of less than 5 mV at a common-mode voltage of 0.1 V.

Third, The SAR logic shown in the inset of Figure 5 is implemented using two shift registers composed of chains of standard D-Flip Flops (D-FFs). The shift register at the top serves as a sequencer and operates synchronously with the internal clock. Meanwhile, the bottom register stores the conversion value. The final component of the SAR ADC is the C-2C DAC unit, as described earlier in Section 2.2.2 and depicted in Figure 4. However, the value of C in this C-2C DAC is set to 720 fF to minimize kickback noise from the strong-ARM latch comparator.

2.2.4 4-bit subtractor

This is used to subtract the negative aggregated output from the positive aggregated output, here a standard 4-bit subtractor unit. Its output represents the final digital result of the accumulation process.

2.3 Design parameters

In the proposed aggregator, there are four design parameters, namely, VREF1, VREF2, VREF3, and VREF4, which demand careful consideration. The parameters are highlighted in red in Figure 2A. VREF1 and VREF2 denote the minimum and maximum reference voltages for the averaging C-2C DAC ladders, while VREF3 and VREF4 represent the minimum and maximum reference voltages for the C-2C DAC of the SAR ADC.

Figure 6 provides a graphical representation of the balancing process, illustrating the signal range transition from input to output. As the averaging DAC ladder is connected to an NMOS-based source follower before going to SAR ADC block, VREF1 and VREF2 are chosen to fall within the linearity range of the source follower to mitigate conversion errors. Consequently, VREF1 and VREF2 are set to 0.6 V and 1.6 V, respectively, This defines the input DAC range, as shown in red in Figure 6. To determine VREF3 and VREF4, the average DAC ladder was simulated with zero active inputs (all digital inputs set to 0) and full active inputs (all digital inputs set to 1). The voltage of the source follower was recorded for both cases resulting in a value of 0.186 V and 0.919 V, respectively. These values correspond to the source follower (SF) range that passes as an input to the SAR ADC, with a least-significant bit (LSB) step size of 49 mV (Figure 6, purple). If we set VREF3 and VREF4 to match the SF range, it balances the aggregator such that the digital output rounds down to the nearest integer, similar to the digital approaches. However, a more accurate approach would be to balance VREF3 and VREF4 to ensure that the SAR ADC output corresponds to the nearest integer, rather than rounding down. This can be achieved by setting VREF3 as the minimum SAR ADC input range value minus 0.5 LSB step, resulting in 0.161 V, and VREF4 as the maximum SAR ADC input range value minus 0.5 step, i.e., 0.894 V (Figure 6, blue). This method improves rounding accuracy, demonstrating an advantage of the analog approach over the adder tree and shifter method.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Aggregator VREF1 - VREF4 design parameters balancing. Left - inputs DAC signal rage, through middle - after source follower to right - input range of SAR ADC. The SAR’s input range is 0.5 LSB downshifted from the output of the SF range to ensure decision borders fall in the middle of the range between exact bits.

3 Results

The proposed aggregator circuit has been validated in Cadence via post-layout simulations at 180 nm commercial CMOS and under a 1.8 V power supply.

3.1 Post layout transient simulation

Figure 7 presents a SPICE post-layout simulation of the proposed circuit using a randomized set of 8-signed digital inputs (IN1-IN8). The two clock signals, CLKCOMP and CLKADC, are operating at frequencies of 200 MHz and 100 MHz, respectively. RST is an active-high signal that resets the averaging C-2C DACs. Once it transitions from high to low, relevant DACs proceed to convert the digital inputs to analog signals and aggregate them on the same shared line. VANALOGP and VANALOGN represent the aggregated positive and negative analog values, respectively. The analog aggregated values are sampled when the CLKSH signal is high. Upon the signal transitioning from high to low, the values are retained in the S/H circuit within the SAR ADC. Subsequently, the conversion from analog to digital commences. Finally, the unsigned 4-bit positive and negative aggregated digital outputs (PAVG and NAVG) and the final 5-bit signed output after the subtraction (OUT) are shown. To the right, the 8 digital input combinations alongside the calculated and simulated averages are shown.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Example of post-layout simulation of the proposed aggregator system using a randomized set of 8-signed digital inputs.

3.2 Corner and temp analysis

Table 1 presents a summary of the process corner and temperature analysis across three different process corners (nmos-pmos) and five temperatures (ranging from −55°C to 125°C). The analysis is based on the simulation of three randomized digital input combinations. Table 1 shows the LSB deviation between the simulated output and expected output (expected - simulated) for each corner and case. A deviation of 0 LSB indicates a correct conversion, highlighted in green in the table. Red-highlighted cells indicate incorrect conversions, along with the extent to which the simulated output deviates from the expected output. Overall, the system demonstrates excellent performance, passing most corners and only failing in extreme corners with a deviation of only ±1 LSB.

Table 1

Table 1. Process corner and temperature analysis for different input combinations (Case 1 - Case 3). Table entries: deviation between simulated output and expected output (expected - simulated) in units of LSB.

3.3 Monte Carlo analysis

Monte Carlo analysis and simulations were carried out on the proposed aggregator circuit to examine the influence of transistor mismatch. Figure 8 presents histograms of the aggregated outputs under four randomized sets of digital inputs. The random inputs were chosen to correspond to exact aggregation results of 6, 6.25, 6.5 and 6.75 (decimal), i.e., in 0.25LSB increments (Case 1 - Case 4). Hence, the correct nearest-integer-rounded results would be 6, 6, 7, and 7, respectively. We ran the test 200 times and recorded the results of the aggregation. Results in Figure 8 show the vast majority of trials returning the correct answer (0 LSB error), with Case 3 (exact answer = 6.5, rounded answer = 7) showing the biggest incidence of imprecisions with 6% of total trials resulting in code 6 instead of 7 (Figure 8C). We note that this is a borderline case and as such the absolute error vs. the exact answer is 0.5 LSBs in for both code 6 and 7. Another observation is that the worst error appears in Case 1, where 0.5% of trials result in 1 full LSB difference from the exact answer.

Figure 8

Figure 8. (A-D) Monte Carlo post-layout simulation of the proposed aggregator system using a randomized set of 8-signed digital inputs. X-axis: Top row (red): Rounded output code, i.e., final output of aggregator. Middle row (blue): Deviation from expected output code. Bottom row (purple): Difference of aggregator output code from exact answer. Percentage of each count is shown above each bar.

3.4 Power and area breakdown

Table 2 presents the average power consumption and area breakdown of each component in the proposed aggregator. The metrics in Table 2 are based on post-layout extracted simulation under a random set of digital inputs. The average power consumption was measured while operating at a CLKCOMP frequency of 200 MHz and a CLKADC frequency of 100 MHz. It is dominated by the SAR ADC blocks. The SAR ADC block in the proposed aggregator is responsible for the majority of the average power consumption, accounting for 92.58%. Innovations in SAR ADC designs could play a crucial role in reducing the overall power consumption of the system.

Table 2

Table 2. Proposed Aggregator area and power breakdown.

3.5 Performance comparison with digital approach

Table 3 presents a comparison of performance and specifications between the proposed analog aggregator and the digital adder tree aggregator proposed in (Shafiee et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021; Xia et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Chi et al., 2016; Nag et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2020). However, the aforementioned studies do not provide details about how a circuit block with the function of digital aggregator might be built or how it might perform. Hence, the digital aggregator has been implemented using an RTL digital flow implementation using the same CMOS technology node, input/output resolution, and number of aggregated inputs of the proposed aggregator. The digital ASIC flow applies standard cells provided by the foundry. Its output loading is set to 50 fF, the same as the analog flow implementation for comparison.

Table 3

Table 3. Performance comparison and specification summary between the digital and analog implementations of the Aggregator system.

The proposed analog aggregator offers three key advantages over its digital counterpart. Firstly, it can accumulate a higher number of inputs (arbitrary up to N), whereas the digital aggregator is limited to power of 2 inputs due to the limitations of shift operations used to average the sum of inputs. Secondly, the analog aggregator is designed to round the final sum to the nearest integer, reducing the error to 0.5 LSB, while the digital approach rounds down, resulting in “natural” errors up to 1 LSB. Finally, the analog aggregator system demonstrates an improvement of approximately 2.15× in average power consumption compared to the digital implementation, despite being physically larger. We further note that the layout area of the proposed aggregator can be further optimized by utilizing more advanced technology nodes with additional metal layers. For example, the capacitors in the C-2C ladder can be integrated above the logic, leading to a more compact design. The digital approach, on the other hand is front-end limited so additional metals are unlikely to appreciably improve its footprint.

4 Conclusion

In this work, we presented a novel energy-efficient analog domain aggregator circuit designed for RRAM-based neural network accelerators. An Aggregator system is needed when the weights of a neural network layer exceed the capacity of the RRAM crossbar. The proposed aggregator is designed to accumulate the digital outputs of the subarrays within the hardware NN accelerators via charge distribution and sharing techniques in analog flow. We implemented and verified the proposed circuit using Cadence circuit tools. The functionality and performance of the system were evaluated through post-layout simulations using a commercially available 180 nm CMOS technology and compared with the digital approach used in the state-of-the-art. The proposed system offers a more flexible design, higher precision (at 5 bits), and improved power consumption compared to the digital approach. While the proposed aggregator design aims to enhance the performance of pipelining in RRAM-based accelerators, the design itself neither incorporates RRAM technology nor is directly influenced by RRAM devices, as the system’s inputs and outputs are in digital format. In fact, the aggregator can be adapted for use with any compute-in-memory technology, such as SRAM-based or DRAM-based CIM.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

KH: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. YP: Software, Validation, Writing–review and editing. SW: Supervision, Writing–review and editing. AS: Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing–review and editing. TP: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Programme Grant EP/R024642/2 “Functional Oxide Reconfigurable Technologies (FORTE)” and the RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies (CiET1819/2/93).


The authors would like to thank Shady Agwa and Grahame Reynolds for their valuable discussion and support.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Generative AI statement

The author(s) declare that no Generative AI was used in the creation of this manuscript.

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Keywords: in-memory-computing, ANN, accelerators, analog-computing, aggregator, accumulator

Citation: Humood K, Pan Y, Wang S, Serb A and Prodromakis T (2025) Energy-efficient analog-domain aggregator circuit for RRAM-based neural network accelerators. Front. Electron. 6:1513127. doi: 10.3389/felec.2025.1513127

Received: 17 October 2024; Accepted: 16 January 2025;
Published: 04 February 2025.

Edited by:

Kyeong-Sik Min, Kookmin University, Republic of Korea

Reviewed by:

Esteban Garzón, University of Calabria, Italy
Chengning Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

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*Correspondence: Khaled Humood, ay5tLm0uaHVtb29kQHNtcy5lZC5hYy51aw==

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