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Front. Electron. Mater , 28 November 2023

Sec. Superconducting Materials

Volume 3 - 2023 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Celebrating 3 Years of Frontiers in Electronic Materials View all 4 articles

Pair density wave and superconductivity in a kinetically frustrated doped Emery model on a square lattice

  • 1Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA, United States
  • 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

The quest to understand the nature of superconductivity in the cuprates has spotlighted the pair density wave (PDW)–a superconducting state characterized by a spatially modulated order parameter. Despite significant advances in understanding PDW properties, conclusively demonstrating its presence in systems pertinent to cuprate superconductors remains elusive. In this study, we present a systematic density-matrix renormalization group study to investigate the Emery model (or the three-band Hubbard model) on two-leg square cylinders with negative electron hopping term tpp between adjacent oxygen sites. Kinetic frustration - introduced by changing the sign of oxygen-oxygen hopping - leads to a much reduced Cu-Cu antiferromagnetic exchange along with an enlarged charge transfer energy that changes the local properties of the model. At light doping levels, our findings reveal a ground state remarkably consistent with a PDW, exhibiting mutually commensurate superconducting (SC), charge, and spin density wave correlations. Intriguingly, the dominant SC pairing is observed between neighboring oxygen sites, diverging from the expected Cu sites in the positive tpp case. When the system incorporates moderate near-neighbor interactions, particularly an attractive Vpp between adjacent oxygen sites, the SC correlations become quasi-long-ranged, accompanied by a pronounced divergence in the PDW susceptibility. When the attractive Vpp increases further, the system gives way to an unconventional d-wave superconductivity.

1 Introduction

The Emery model, also known as the three-band Hubbard model, has long been proposed as one of the minimal models to understand the electronic properties of cuprate high-temperature superconductors Zaanen et al. (1985); Emery (1987); Scalettar (1989); Scalettar et al. (1991); White and Scalapino (2015); Huang et al. (2017); Jiang et al. (2023). In this model, a square lattice of copper (Cu) and oxygen (O) atoms in the CuO2 plane (see Figure 1) is considered, where the Copper sites are represented by a single 3dx2y2 orbital, while each oxygen site has one active 2p orbital (2px or 2py). In the hole representation, the model Hamiltonian is defined as



FIGURE 1. Emery model on the square lattice. (A) The squares represent Cu dx2y2 orbitals and circles represent Ox/y 2px/2py orbitals. Periodic (open) boundary condition is imposed in the direction specified by the lattice basis vector e2 = (0, 1) (e1 = (1, 0)). The dashed loops represent bonds a, b, d, d̄, h and u. (B) Signs of hopping matrix elements in an elementary plaquette in the CuO2 plane.

Here d̂iσ+ and p̂jσ+ create holes with spin-σ on the ith Cu and jth oxygen sites, and ⟨ij⟩ denotes NN sites. n̂iσd=d̂iσ+d̂iσ and n̂iσp=p̂iσ+p̂iσ are the number operators for spin-σ at the Cu and O sites, respectively, with the total number operators are defined as n̂id=σn̂iσd and n̂ip=σn̂iσp. Δpd is the energy difference between having a hole on the Cu and oxygen sites. tpdij and tppij are the hole hopping matrix elements between nearest-neighbor (NN) Cu and oxygen sites and the NN oxygen sites, respectively. Ud and Up are the on-site Cu and oxygen Coulomb repulsion, and Vpd and Vpp are the NN Cu-O and O-O Coulomb interactions, respectively.

While the Emery model has been proposed as one of the critical frameworks for studying the cuprates superconductors, which captures phenomena like superconductivity, charge, and spin density wave orders Zaanen et al. (1985); Emery (1987); Scalettar (1989); White and Scalapino (2015); Huang et al. (2017); Jiang et al. (2023), it has more recently been extended to investigate the emergence of novel pair density wave (PDW) states Jiang (2023). In a PDW state, the superconducting (SC) order parameter carries finite center-of-mass momentum and varies spatially so that its spatial average vanishes Fulde and Ferrell (1964); Larkin and Ovchinnikov (1965); Berg et al. (2009); Fradkin et al. (2015); Agterberg et al. (2020); Lee (2014); Jian et al. (2020); Lozano et al. (2022). The PDW state has been considered a promising candidate state to understand the physics of cuprates high-temperature superconductors and other strongly correlated systems, where it has been proposed that various phases, including the superconductivity, charge, and spin density wave orders, can emerge by partially melting the PDW state Lee (2014); Fradkin et al. (2015); Agterberg et al. (2020); Himeda et al. (2002). Recently, intense interest in the PDW state has emerged due to experimental observations in cuprate superconductors Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Hamidian et al. (2016); Ruan et al. (2018); Edkins et al. (2019); Liu et al. (2021) and La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 Agterberg and Tsunetsugu (2008); Li et al. (2007); Berg et al. (2007); Tranquada et al. (2008); Tranquada (2020), Tranquada (2021), kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 Chen H. et al. (2021) and iron-based superconductor Liu et al. (2023).

The realization of a PDW state in microscopic lattice models remains highly nontrivial and usually involves modifying or extending existing frameworks like the Hubbard models to include competing interactions or inhomogeneities that can give rise to spatial modulations Berg et al. (2010); Jaefari and Fradkin (2012); Venderley and Kim (2019); Xu et al. (2019); Peng et al. (2021a,b); Han et al. (2020); Huang et al. (2022); Wu et al. (2023); Jiang and Yao (2023). These include the Kondo-Heisenberg model Berg et al. (2010), the extended Hubbard-Heisenberg model Jaefari and Fradkin (2012), the strong coupling limit of the Holstein-Hubbard model Han et al. (2020); Huang et al. (2022) and generalized t-J and Hubbard models Xu et al. (2019); Venderley and Kim (2019); Peng et al. (2021a), Peng et al. (2021b). More recently, it has also been shown by one of the authors that the PDW ground state can also be realized in the three-band Hubbard model on a two-leg square cylinder Jiang (2023), where the SC correlations are dominant between neighboring Cu sites with dx2y2-wave pairing symmetry.

2 Model Hamiltonian and method

In the present work, we consider the Emery model on the square lattice as defined in Figure 1 and Eq. 2 to study whether the same PDW state or distinct SC state emerges upon doping as well as the associated pairing symmetry using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) White (1992), White (1993). The signs of the hopping matrix elements in the related orbital configuration, i.e., Cu 3dx2y2 orbital and Ox/y 2px/2py orbitals, of an elementary plaquette centered at a generic Cu site is shown in Figure 1B. It is noted that the sign of tpptppσtppπ is taken to be negative, opposite to that is usually chosen Eskes et al. (1990). The resulting increase in the delocalization energy involving ligand L oxygen orbitals raises the level of the effective charge transfer energy, alters the magnetic exchange among Cu and O, and affects the local symmetry of the ground state orbital configuration. This has a profound impact on the local physics and ground state properties of the system.

Following Ref. White and Scalapino (2015); Jiang (2023), we set tpd = 1 as the energy unit and take a canonical set of parameters Ud = 8, Up = 3, Δpd = 3 for cuprates White and Scalapino (2015); Armitage et al. (2010); Haule et al. (2014) but negative tpp = −0.5, and study the ground state properties of this system as a function of Vpd and Vpp. We focus on two-leg cylinders as shown in Figure 1 with width Ly = 2 and length up to Lx = 96, where Lx and Ly are the number of unit cells along the e1 and e2 directions, respectively. The total number of sites is N = 3LxLy + 2Ly = 3Nu + 2Ly, where Nu is the number of unit cells. The overall hole density of the system is defined as ρ = 1 + δ, where δ = Nh/Nu and Nh denote the hole doping concentration and number of doped holes away from half-filling, respectively. We consider δ = 1/12 and 1/8, and keep up to m = 20,000 states with a typical truncation error ϵ ∼ 10–10.

3 Results

3.1 Phase diagram

Our main results are summarized in the ground state phase diagram in Figure 2. When Vpp between oxygen sites are not strongly attractive, we find that the ground state of the system is consistent with that of a PDW state with power-law and mutually commensurate SC, charge-density wave (CDW), and spin-density-wave (SDW) correlations. The SC correlations oscillate periodically in real space in such a way that its spatial average vanishes and the PDW ordering wavevector Q ≈ 2πδ is incommensurate. Contrary to the positive tpp case White and Scalapino (2015); Jiang (2023), our results show that the SC pairing is dominant between adjacent oxygen sites instead of Cu sites. Accordingly, the SC pairing symmetry is consistent with dxy rather than dx2y2 wave. Similar to the single-band Hubbard model on the square lattice Chen Z. et al. (2021); Qu et al. (2022); Peng et al. (2023), the finite electronic attractions Vpd and Vpp, especially Vpp between oxygen sites, can notably enhance the SC correlations while simultaneously suppress the CDW correlations. For modestly strong Vpp interaction, including both repulsion and attraction, the SC correlations become strong enough so that a quasi-long-range PDW order emerges with Ksc < 2 and divergent static PDW susceptibility. When further increasing the attractive Vpp, the system gives way to d-wave superconductivity where the PDW signatures are much suppressed. Interestingly, similar to the PDW phase, the Cooper pairing between adjacent oxygen sites also dominates in the pairing channel and the corresponding pairing symmetry is consistent with the dxy-wave. For even stronger attractive Vpp, the ground state of the system becomes phase separated.


FIGURE 2. Ground state phase diagram of the Emery model on two-leg square cylinders at δ = 1/8. The solid symbols are numerical data points and PS denotes phase separation. The shaded regions are guides for eyes.

3.2 Pair density wave phase

As shown in Figure 2, the majority of the ground state phase diagram is occupied by the PDW phase, where the SC correlations decay as a power-law at long distances and oscillate periodically in real space in such a way that its spatial average vanishes. We provide detailed examples in Figure 3 and Figure 4 for several characteristic sets of parameters. Our conclusions hold for all parameters in the PDW phase in Figure 2.


FIGURE 3. Superconducting correlations in the pair density wave phase at δ = 1/8. The magnitude of SC correlations are shown in (A) for Φ(r) at Vpd = Vpp = 0, and in (B) for Φdd(r) with different Vpd and Vpp. The dashed lines represent fits to a power-law function f(r)rKsc. Data points far from the envelope and those at short distances are discarded in gray color in the fitting process. (C) Luttinger exponent Ksc as a function of Vpd and Vpp. (D) The normalized functions ϕdd(r) = Φdd(r)/fdd(r) reflect the spatial oscillation of Φdd(r).


FIGURE 4. Charge density profile, spin-spin correlation and entanglement entropy in the pair density wave phase at δ = 1/8. (A) Charge density profiles nCu(x) on the Cu site and nOy(x) on the Oy site for Vpd = Vpp = 0. (B) The magnitude of the spin-spin correlation |F(r)| where the dashed lines represent power-law fits f(r)rKs. (C) The normalized function F(r)/f(r) reflects the spatial oscillation of F(r) in (B). (D) Von Neumann entanglement entropy S(x). Note that a few data points in gray color close to the open ends are excluded to minimize boundary effects.

3.2.1 Superconducting correlations

In order to explore the potential for superconductivity, we have calculated the equal-time spin-singlet SC pair-pair correlations defined as


Here, Δ̂α(x,y)=12[ĉ(x,y),ĉ(x,y)+α,ĉ(x,y),ĉ(x,y)+α,] is spin-singlet pair creation operator on the bond α = a, b, d, d̄, h and u defined in Figure 1A. (x0, y0) is a reference bond with x0Lx/4, r is the distance between two bonds in the e1 direction. We have comprehensively analyzed the various components of the SC correlations. This includes calculations of Φaa, Φab, Φbb, Φdd(r), Φdd̄(r), Φd̄d̄(r), Φhh, Φuu and Φuh. While the positive tpp case primarily showcases dominant correlations in Φhh and Φuu as discussed in Jiang (2023), our results differ significantly for the negative tpp case. As illustrated in Figure 3A, we observe that the strongest SC correlations are prominently exhibited in Φdd(r) and Φd̄d̄(r) (not shown). This suggests that the pairing is more dominant between neighboring oxygen sites, rather than Cu sites. Furthermore, even though the pairing symmetry aligns with the d-wave, our findings indicate a shift to the dxy-wave symmetry in this particular scenario, diverging from the previously understood dx2y2-wave. This distinction in dxy-wave symmetry is characterized by the relationship: Φdd(r)Φd̄d̄(r)Φdd̄(r).

We have closely examined the spatial distribution of SC correlations, specifically targeting Φdd(r). Our findings, based on three representative parameter choices, are depicted in Figure 3D. Here, Φdd(r) exhibits clear spatial oscillations as Φdd(r) ∼ f(r)ϕdd(r) over a vast region of r. In this context, f(r) acts as the envelope, while ϕdd(r) gives rise to the spatial oscillation. As we move to longer distances, the envelope function f(r) adheres to a power-law decay f(r)=ArKsc Kühner et al. (2000). For instance, we derived an exponent Ksc ≈ 2.4 at Vpd = 1.0 and Vpp = 0.75, and Ksc ≈ 1.9 at Vpd = 0 and Vpp = 0, and Ksc ≈ 1.7 at Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.2. Drawing connections with the established single-band Hubbard model Chen Z. et al. (2021); Qu et al. (2022); Peng et al. (2023) and the positive tpp Emery model Jiang (2023), we find that diminishing the NN repulsion or amplifying the NN attraction, especially Vpp, can notably enhance SC correlations. This observation is further validated by the Ksc values presented in Figure 3C. More comprehensive results of Ksc for Φdd at δ = 1/8 are shown in Figure 3C. These point towards the divergence of the static PDW susceptibility, characterized as χpdwT(2Ksc) when T → 0. We have also calculated the spin-triplet SC correlations, which are markedly weaker than their spin-singlet counterparts.

The spatial oscillation of the SC correlations Φ(r) is captured by the normalized function ϕ(r), as previously defined. Depictions of ϕdd(r) are presented in Figure 3D and align well with the fitting function ϕdd(r) ∼ sin(Qr + θ). This pattern resonates with characteristics observed in the PDW state with a vanishing spatial average of ϕ(r) Agterberg et al. (2020). The PDW ordering wavevector appears to be incommensurate as Q ≈ 2πδ with a corresponding wavelength λsc ≈ 1/δ. For instance, λsc ≈ 8 for δ = 1/8 as evidenced in Figure 3D, whereas λsc ≈ 12 for δ = 1/12.

3.2.2 Charge density wave

We have calculated the charge density profile nα(x,y)=n̂α(x,y) and its rung average n(x)=y=1Lyna(x,y)/Ly (e.g., Figure 4A) to describe the charge density properties of the system, where α = Cu/Ox/Oy site. Similar with the positive tpp case Jiang (2023), the spatial oscillation of nα(x) is also characterized by two ordering wavevectors at Q and 2Q, corresponding to wavelengths λQ ≈ 1/δ and λ2Q ≈ 1/2δ, respectively.

At long distance, the spatial decay of the CDW correlation is dominated by a power-law with an exponent Kc, which can be obtained by fitting the charge density oscillations induced by the cylinder boundaries White et al. (2002).


Here AQ and A2Q are amplitudes, ϕ1 and ϕ2 are phase shifts and n0 is the mean density. Examples of the extracted exponents for δ = 1/8 are Kc(Cu)1.6 and Kc(Oy)1.7 for Vpd = 1 and Vpp = 0.75, and Kc(Cu)1.7 and Kc(Oy) = 1.7 for Vpd = Vpp = 0.

3.2.3 Spin-spin correlations

To elucidate the magnetic properties of the ground state, we examine the spin-spin correlation functions Fα(r)=Sx0,y0Sx0+r,y0 where α = Cu/Ox/Oy site. Figure 4C illustrates examples of F(r), based on two representative parameter choices at δ = 1/8. Unlike the dominant spin-spin correlations between Cu sites Jiang (2023), our findings highlight a dominant correlation between oxygen sites in the kinetically frustrated case. Notably, this decays as a power-law, described by F(r)rKs over extended distances. The associated Luttinger exponent is Ks(Oy)1.1 for Vpd = Vpp = 0 and Ks(Oy) ≈ 1.3 for Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.2. In line with the characteristics of a PDW state, F(r) exhibits pronounced spatial oscillations (as seen in the inset of Figure 4C) with a characteristic wavelength, λs = 1/δ. This aligns closely with λsc, yielding an ordering wavevector Q ≈ 2πδ akin to the SC correlation.

3.2.4 Entanglement entropy

Our findings indicate the presence of multiple gapless modes, encompassing both charge and spin degrees of freedom. These can be characterized by the central charge, c. This charge is derivable from the von Neumann entropy, formulated as: S(x) = −Trρxlnρx where ρx represents the reduced density matrix for a subsystem of length x. For critical systems in 1 + 1 dimensions, described through a conformal field theory, it has been established Calabrese and Cardy (2004); Fagotti and Calabrese (2011) that for an open system of length Lx,


where à and S̃ are model dependent fitting parameters, and kF is the Fermi momentum. Our findings reveal a central charge approximately given by c ≈ 2, with illustrative examples provided in Figure 4D. Specifically, we observed c ≈ 1.95 at Vpd = Vpp = 0 and c ≈ 2.0 at Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.2 at δ = 1/8. These results point to the presence of both a gapless charge mode and a gapless spin mode.

3.3 d-wave superconductivity

When further increasing the attractive Vpp, the system evolves into a d-wave SC phase. Similar to the PDW phase, we find that Φdd(r) in Figure 5A and Φd̄d̄(r) (not shown) exhibit the strongest SC correlations, i.e., the pairing is dominant between neighboring oxygen sites instead of Cu sites. The pairing symmetry is also consistent with the dxy-wave symmetry characterized by the fact Φdd(r)Φd̄d̄(r)Φdd̄(r).


FIGURE 5. Superconducting correlations and entanglement entropy in the d-wave SC phase at δ = 1/8. (A) SC correlations for Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.8. Dashed lines represent fits to a power-law function f(r)rKsc. (B) Von Neumann entanglement entropy S(x). Note that a few data points in gray color close to open ends are excluded to minimize the boundary effect.

While there are similarities, several significant distinctions can be drawn between the PDW phase and the d-wave SC phase: (1) in the d-wave SC phase, the SC correlations Φαβ(r) maintain a consistent sign in real space, as depicted in Figure 5A, and the SC order parameter does not possess finite momentum, (2) the spin-spin correlation functions in this phase are short-ranged and undergo exponential decay, (3) a singular gapless mode with c ≈ 1 is evident, as illustrated in Figure 5B. For instance, the extracted central charge c ≈ 1.04 for Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.8, and c ≈ 1.2 for Vpd = −0.8 and Vpp = −0.4. Given these observations, our results affirm that the ground state of the d-wave SC phase aligns with the characteristics of a Luther-Emery liquid Emery (1987). This is reminiscent of the single-band Hubbard model on four-leg square cylinders as discussed in prior studies Jiang et al. (2018); Jiang and Devereaux (2019); Jiang Y.-F. et al. (2020); Chung et al. (2020); Jiang H.-C. et al. (2020); Gong et al. (2021); Peng et al. (2023).

4 Summary and discussion

In conclusion, we have extensively investigated the ground state properties of the lightly doped three-band Hubbard model on two-leg square cylinders, specifically focusing on near-neighbor Cu-O and O-O interactions. Our results strongly suggest that the system’s ground state is aligned with the characteristics of a PDW state, showcasing quasi-long-range PDW order and pronounced susceptibility. Several aspects of our findings are unexpected. Within the doped negative tpp Emery model, Cooper pairing prominently emerges between adjacent oxygen sites rather than between neighboring Cu sites. This stands in stark contrast to the prevailing understanding, where Cooper pairing is believed to be dominant between neighboring Cu sites. It has been postulated that cuprate physics can be encapsulated by a single-band effective Hamiltonian, exclusively encompassing the Cu d holes Zhang and Rice (1988). While the pairing symmetry aligns with the d-wave symmetry, it manifests as dxy rather than dx2y2. This diverges from the dx2y2 pairing symmetry characteristic of cuprates Lee et al. (2006); Fradkin et al. (2015).

To understand these results, we return to cluster calculations that determine the relevant parameters t and J of an effective single band model Eskes et al. (1989), Eskes et al. (1990). Specifically, we consider Cu2O7 clusters with the same parameters used for DMRG, and compare the results for positive and negative tpp. Our results are summarized in Table 1. Determining the singlet-triplet energy difference for two holes on the cluster yields an exchange energy J = 0.0179 for tpp = −0.5, compared to 0.165 if the sign of tpp is reversed. Largely interpreted as due to an increase in the effective charge transfer energy when ligand delocalization is considered, the effective spin exchange between Cu spins is greatly reduced for negative tpp. While the dependence on Vpp is negligible, a negative Vpd increases the magnetic exchange for the two-hole ground state configuration. The increase of J for negative Vpd may help to favor stronger hole singlet bonding, promoting stronger SC susceptibilities in Figure 3.


TABLE 1. Effective single band exchange parameter J and NN hopping t determined from Cu2O7 clusters for different values of tpp as indicated. All other parameters are the same as used in the main text.

Calculations for three holes on the same cluster yield the hopping parameter t, defined as the energy difference between the ground and first excited state. For Vpp = Vpd = 0, 2t = −0.673 for tpp = 0.5 while 2t = −8 × 10−4 for tpp = −0.5. These numbers increase slightly for Vpp < 0, but overall a reversed sign of tpp dramatically affects the magnitude of the NN hopping.

Lastly, the binding of the holes can be examined for the ground state of four holes on the same cluster (see Figure 6). For both tpp positive and negative, the ground state is a spin-singlet, with Cu spins and O spins both forming singlets. However, the spatial orientation of bound holes on O is different: for tpp = 0.5, O holes primarily bind to Cu at the ends of the cluster, without substantial hole occupation on the central, bridging oxygen, while for tpp = −0.5, O holes primarily bind to the central oxygen in a local dxy configuration with neighboring oxygens. As this might be expected when antiferromagnetic exchange among oxygen becomes dominant over Cu, the predominance of dxy pairing observed in the phase diagram of Figure 2 may be related to this tendency to bind neighboring O holes.


FIGURE 6. Predominant hole distributions for tpp positive or negative, as indicated. Solid red spheres denote approximately a full hole charge, while shaded red spheres denote an approximate quarter charge.

Data availability statement

The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Author contributions

H-CJ: Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. TD: Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences, and Engineering Division, under Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.


We are grateful to Steven Kivelson for insightful discussions and invaluable suggestions.

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The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The author(s) declared that they were an editorial board member of Frontiers, at the time of submission. This had no impact on the peer review process and the final decision.

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Keywords: pair density wave, superconductivity, Emery model, Hubbard model, density-matrix renormalization group

Citation: Jiang H-C and Devereaux TP (2023) Pair density wave and superconductivity in a kinetically frustrated doped Emery model on a square lattice. Front. Electron. Mater. 3:1323404. doi: 10.3389/femat.2023.1323404

Received: 17 October 2023; Accepted: 14 November 2023;
Published: 28 November 2023.

Edited by:

Ctirad Uher, University of Michigan, United States

Reviewed by:

Eduardo Fradkin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
Jan Zaanen, Leiden University, Netherlands
John Tranquada, Brookhaven National Laboratory (DOE), United States

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*Correspondence: Hong-Chen Jiang, aGNqaWFuZ0BzdGFuZm9yZC5lZHU=; Thomas Peter Devereaux, dHBkQHN0YW5mb3JkLmVkdQ==

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