AUTHOR=Grockowiak A. D. , Ahart M. , Helm T. , Coniglio W. A. , Kumar R. , Glazyrin K. , Garbarino G. , Meng Y. , Oliff M. , Williams V. , Ashcroft N. W. , Hemley R. J. , Somayazulu M. , Tozer S. W. TITLE=Hot Hydride Superconductivity Above 550 K JOURNAL=Frontiers in Electronic Materials VOLUME=2 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/femat.2022.837651 ISSN=2673-9895 ABSTRACT=
The search for room temperature superconductivity has accelerated in the last few years driven by experimentally accessible theoretical predictions that indicated alloying dense hydrogen with other elements could produce conventional superconductivity at high temperatures and pressures. These predictions helped inform the synthesis of simple binary hydrides that culminated in the discovery of the superhydride LaH10 with a superconducting transition temperature