AUTHOR=Strauß Johannes , Moritz Leif , Rühr Peter T. TITLE=The Subgenual Organ Complex in Stick Insects: Functional Morphology and Mechanical Coupling of a Complex Mechanosensory Organ JOURNAL=Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fevo.2021.632493 ISSN=2296-701X ABSTRACT=
Leg chordotonal organs in insects show different adaptations to detect body movements, substrate vibrations, or airborne sound. In the proximal tibia of stick insects occur two chordotonal organs: the subgenual organ, a highly sensitive vibration receptor organ, and the distal organ, of which the function is yet unknown. The distal organ consists of a linear set of scolopidial sensilla extending in the tibia in distal direction toward the tarsus. Similar organs occur in the elaborate hearing organs in crickets and bushcrickets, where the auditory sensilla are closely associated with thin tympanal membranes and auditory trachea in the leg. Here, we document the position and attachment points for the distal organ in three species of stick insects without auditory adaptations (