AUTHOR=Lele Subhash R. TITLE=How Should We Quantify Uncertainty in Statistical Inference? JOURNAL=Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution VOLUME=8 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fevo.2020.00035 ISSN=2296-701X ABSTRACT=

An inferential statement is any statement about the parameters, form of the underlying process or future outcomes. An inferential statement, that provides an approximation to the truth, becomes “statistical” only when there is a measure of uncertainty associated with it. The uncertainty of an inferential statement is generally quantified in terms of probability of the strength of approximation to the truth. This is what we term “inferential uncertainty.” Answer to this question has significant implications in statistical decision making where inferential uncertainty is combined with loss functions for predicted outcomes to compute the risk associated with the decision. The Classical and the Evidential paradigms use aleatory (frequency based) probability for quantifying uncertainty whereas the Bayesian approach utilizes epistemic (belief based) probability. To compute aleatory uncertainty, one needs to answer the question: which experiment is being repeated, hypothetically or otherwise? whereas computing epistemic uncertainty requires: What is the prior belief? Deciding which type of uncertainty is appropriate for scientific inference has been a contentious issue and without proper resolution because it has been commonly formulated in terms of statements about parameters, that are statistical constructs, not observables. Common to these approaches is the desire to understand the data generating mechanism. Whether one follows the Frequentist or the Bayesian approach inferential statements concerning prediction are aleatory in nature and are practically ascertainable. We consider the desirable characteristics for quantification of uncertainty as: (1) Parameterization and data transformation invariance, (2) correct predictive coverage, (3) uncertainty that depends only on the data at hand and the hypothesized data generating mechanism, and (4) diagnostics for model misspecification and guidance for correction. We examine the Classical, Bayesian and Evidential approaches in the light of these characteristics. Unfortunately, none of these inferential approaches possesses all of our desiderata although the Evidential approach seems to come closest. Choosing an inferential approach, thus, involves choosing between either specifying the hypothetical experiment that will be repeated or equivalently a sampling distribution of the estimator or a prior distribution on the model space or an evidence function.