AUTHOR=Zhao Xinglong , Huang Bingxiang , Grasselli Giovanni TITLE=Numerical Investigation of the Fracturing Effect Induced by Disturbing Stress of Hydrofracturing JOURNAL=Frontiers in Earth Science VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/feart.2021.751626 ISSN=2296-6463 ABSTRACT=
Fracturing induced by disturbing stress of hydraulic fracturing is the frontier common core scientific problem of reservoir stimulation of coal bed methane and shale gas. The finite-discrete element method, numerical calculation method, is used to analyze the basic law of shear failure and tension failure of natural fractures induced by the disturbing stress of the hydraulic fracture. The simulation results show that when natural fractures and other weak structures exist on the front or both sides of hydraulic fracture, the shear stress acting on the surface of natural fracture will increase until the natural fracture failure, which is caused by the disturbing stress of hydraulic fracturing. The seepage area on the front and both sides of the hydraulic fracture did not extend to the natural fracture while the natural fracture failure occurred. It indicates that the shear failure of natural fractures is induced by the disturbing stress of hydraulic fracturing. When the hydraulic fracture propagates to the natural fracture, the hydraulic tension fracture and disturbed shear fractures are connected and penetrated. As the fluid pressure within the natural fracture surface increases, the hydraulic fracture will continue to propagate through the natural fracture. Meanwhile, due to the action of fluid pressure, a tensile stress concentration will occur at the tip of the natural fracture, which will induce the airfoil tension failure of the natural fracture. With the increase of the principal stress difference, the range of the disturbing stress area and the peak value of the disturbing stress at the front of the hydraulic fracture tip increase, as well as the shear stress acting on the natural fracture surface. During the process of hydraulic fracture approaching natural fracture, the disturbing stress is easier to induce shear failure of natural fracture. With the increase of the cohesive force of natural fracture, the ability of natural fractures to resist shear failure increases. As the hydraulic fracture approaches natural fractures, the disturbing stress is more difficult to induce shear failure of natural fracture. This study will help to reveal the formation mechanism of the fracture network during hydraulic fracturing in the natural fractures developed reservoir.