AUTHOR=Vincent-Dospital Tom , Steyer Alain , Renard François , Toussaint Renaud TITLE=Frictional Anisotropy of 3D-Printed Fault Surfaces JOURNAL=Frontiers in Earth Science VOLUME=9 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/feart.2021.627823 ISSN=2296-6463 ABSTRACT=

The surface morphology of faults controls the spatial anisotropy of their frictional properties and hence their mechanical stability. Such anisotropy is only rarely studied in seismology models of fault slip, although it might be paramount to understand the seismic rupture in particular areas, notably where slip occurs in a direction different from that of the main striations of the fault. To quantify how the anisotropy of fault surfaces affects the friction coefficient during sliding, we sheared synthetic fault planes made of plaster of Paris. These fault planes were produced by 3D-printing real striated fault surfaces whose 3D roughness was measured in the field at spatial scales from millimeters to meters. Here, we show how the 3D-printing technology can help for the study of frictional slip. The results show that fault anisotropy controls the coefficient of static friction, with μS//, the friction coefficient along the striations being three to four times smaller than μS, the friction coefficient along the orientation perpendicular to the striations. This is true both at the meter and the millimeter scales. The anisotropy in friction and the average coefficient of static friction are also shown to decrease with the normal stress applied to the faults, as a result of the increased surface wear under increased loading.