Maternal and neonatal health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have improved over the last two decades. However, many pregnant women still deliver at home, which increases the health risks for both the mother and the child. Community health worker programs have been broadly employed in LMICs to connect women to antenatal care and delivery locations. More recently, employment of digital tools in maternal health programs have resulted in better care delivery and served as a routine mode of data collection. Despite the availability of rich, patient-level data within these digital tools, there has been limited utilization of this type of data to inform program delivery in LMICs.
We use program data from 38,787 women enrolled in Safer Deliveries
Our models correctly predicted the delivery location for 68%–77% of the women in the test set, with slightly higher accuracy when predicting facility delivery versus home delivery. A random forest model with a balanced training set created using undersampling of existing facility deliveries accurately identified 74.4% of women delivering at home.
This model can provide a “real-time” prediction of the delivery location for new maternal health program enrollees and may enable early provision of extra support for individuals at risk of not delivering in a health facility, which has potential to improve health outcomes for both mothers and their newborns. The framework presented here is applicable in other contexts and the selection of input features can easily be adapted to match data availability and other outcomes, both within and beyond maternal health.