AUTHOR=van den Brink Willem , Bloem Robbert , Ananth Adithya , Kanagasabapathi Thiru , Amelink Arjen , Bouwman Jildau , Gelinck Gerwin , van Veen Sjaak , Boorsma Andre , Wopereis Suzan TITLE=Digital Resilience Biomarkers for Personalized Health Maintenance and Disease Prevention JOURNAL=Frontiers in Digital Health VOLUME=Volume 2 - 2020 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fdgth.2020.614670 ISSN=2673-253X ABSTRACT=

Health maintenance and disease prevention strategies become increasingly prioritized with increasing health and economic burden of chronic, lifestyle-related diseases. A key element in these strategies is the empowerment of individuals to control their health. Self-measurement plays an essential role in achieving such empowerment. Digital measurements have the advantage of being measured non-invasively, passively, continuously, and in a real-world context. An important question is whether such measurement can sensitively measure subtle disbalances in the progression toward disease, as well as the subtle effects of, for example, nutritional improvement. The concept of resilience biomarkers, defined as the dynamic evaluation of the biological response to an external challenge, has been identified as a viable strategy to measure these subtle effects. In this review, we explore the potential of integrating this concept with digital physiological measurements to come to digital resilience biomarkers. Additionally, we discuss the potential of wearable, non-invasive, and continuous measurement of molecular biomarkers. These types of innovative measurements may, in the future, also serve as a digital resilience biomarker to provide even more insight into the personal biological dynamics of an individual. Altogether, digital resilience biomarkers are envisioned to allow for the measurement of subtle effects of health maintenance and disease prevention strategies in a real-world context and thereby give personalized feedback to improve health.