AUTHOR=Syed Tabish A. , Youssef Mohammed , Schober Alexandra L. , Kubota Yoshiyuki , Murai Keith K. , Salmon Christopher K. TITLE=Beyond neurons: computer vision methods for analysis of morphologically complex astrocytes JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computer Science VOLUME=6 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcomp.2024.1156204 ISSN=2624-9898 ABSTRACT=

The study of the geometric organization of biological tissues has a rich history in the literature. However, the geometry and architecture of individual cells within tissues has traditionally relied upon manual or indirect measures of shape. Such rudimentary measures are largely a result of challenges associated with acquiring high resolution images of cells and cellular components, as well as a lack of computational approaches to analyze large volumes of high-resolution data. This is especially true with brain tissue, which is composed of a complex array of cells. Here we review computational tools that have been applied to unravel the cellular nanoarchitecture of astrocytes, a type of brain cell that is increasingly being shown to be essential for brain function. Astrocytes are among the most structurally complex and functionally diverse cells in the mammalian body and are essential partner cells of neurons. Light microscopy does not allow adequate resolution of astrocyte morphology, however, large-scale serial electron microscopy data, which provides nanometer resolution 3D models, is enabling the visualization of the fine, convoluted structure of astrocytes. Application of computer vision methods to the resulting nanoscale 3D models is helping reveal the geometry and organizing principles of astrocytes, but a complete understanding of astrocyte structure and its functional implications will require further adaptation of existing computational tools, as well as development of new approaches.