AUTHOR=Crepaldi Maura , Colombo Vera , Mottura Stefano , Baldassini Davide , Sacco Marco , Cancer Alice , Antonietti Alessandro TITLE=The Use of a Serious Game to Assess Inhibition Mechanisms in Children JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computer Science VOLUME=2 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcomp.2020.00034 ISSN=2624-9898 ABSTRACT=
The design and implementation of a serious game (SG) concerning inhibition skills in children are presented. The SG consists of a set of activities, each eliciting the tendency to respond in an immediate and inappropriate (wrong) way. The SG is based on the Dual Pathway model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) proposed by Sonuga-Barke and on the Unity/Diversity model of executive functions proposed by Miyake. In the SG, children must block impulsive tendencies, reflect upon the situation, inhibit irrelevant thoughts, and find the non-immediate solution. A study was carried out by testing the SG on typically developing primary school children (30 children, 16 boys; age,