AUTHOR=Spencer Martin J. , Meffin Hamish , Burkitt Anthony N. , Grayden David B. TITLE=Compensation for Traveling Wave Delay Through Selection of Dendritic Delays Using Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity in a Model of the Auditory Brainstem JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience VOLUME=12 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fncom.2018.00036 ISSN=1662-5188 ABSTRACT=

Asynchrony among synaptic inputs may prevent a neuron from responding to behaviorally relevant sensory stimuli. For example, “octopus cells” are monaural neurons in the auditory brainstem of mammals that receive input from auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) representing a broad band of sound frequencies. Octopus cells are known to respond with finely timed action potentials at the onset of sounds despite the fact that due to the traveling wave delay in the cochlea, synaptic input from the auditory nerve is temporally diffuse. This paper provides a proof of principle that the octopus cells' dendritic delay may provide compensation for this input asynchrony, and that synaptic weights may be adjusted by a spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) learning rule. This paper used a leaky integrate and fire model of an octopus cell modified to include a “rate threshold,” a property that is known to create the appropriate onset response in octopus cells. Repeated audio click stimuli were passed to a realistic auditory nerve model which provided the synaptic input to the octopus cell model. A genetic algorithm was used to find the parameters of the STDP learning rule that reproduced the microscopically observed synaptic connectivity. With these selected parameter values it was shown that the STDP learning rule was capable of adjusting the values of a large number of input synaptic weights, creating a configuration that compensated the traveling wave delay of the cochlea.