AUTHOR=Lennon William , Hecht-Nielsen Robert , Yamazaki Tadashi TITLE=A spiking network model of cerebellar Purkinje cells and molecular layer interneurons exhibiting irregular firing JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience VOLUME=8 YEAR=2014 URL= DOI=10.3389/fncom.2014.00157 ISSN=1662-5188 ABSTRACT=

While the anatomy of the cerebellar microcircuit is well-studied, how it implements cerebellar function is not understood. A number of models have been proposed to describe this mechanism but few emphasize the role of the vast network Purkinje cells (PKJs) form with the molecular layer interneurons (MLIs)—the stellate and basket cells. We propose a model of the MLI-PKJ network composed of simple spiking neurons incorporating the major anatomical and physiological features. In computer simulations, the model reproduces the irregular firing patterns observed in PKJs and MLIs in vitro and a shift toward faster, more regular firing patterns when inhibitory synaptic currents are blocked. In the model, the time between PKJ spikes is shown to be proportional to the amount of feedforward inhibition from an MLI on average. The two key elements of the model are: (1) spontaneously active PKJs and MLIs due to an endogenous depolarizing current, and (2) adherence to known anatomical connectivity along a parasagittal strip of cerebellar cortex. We propose this model to extend previous spiking network models of the cerebellum and for further computational investigation into the role of irregular firing and MLIs in cerebellar learning and function.