AUTHOR=Rutter Lindsay , Nadar Sreenivasan Rajamoni , Holroyd Tom , Carver Frederick W., Apud Jose , Weinberger Daniel R., Coppola Richard TITLE=Graph theoretical analysis of resting magnetoencephalographic functional connectivity networks JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience VOLUME=7 YEAR=2013 URL= DOI=10.3389/fncom.2013.00093 ISSN=1662-5188 ABSTRACT=
Complex networks have been observed to comprise small-world properties, believed to represent an optimal organization of local specialization and global integration of information processing at reduced wiring cost. Here, we applied magnitude squared coherence to resting magnetoencephalographic time series in reconstructed source space, acquired from controls and patients with schizophrenia, and generated frequency-dependent adjacency matrices modeling functional connectivity between virtual channels. After configuring undirected binary and weighted graphs, we found that all human networks demonstrated highly localized clustering and short characteristic path lengths. The most conservatively thresholded networks showed efficient wiring, with topographical distance between connected vertices amounting to one-third as observed in surrogate randomized topologies. Nodal degrees of the human networks conformed to a heavy-tailed exponentially truncated power-law, compatible with the existence of hubs, which included theta and alpha bilateral cerebellar tonsil, beta and gamma bilateral posterior cingulate, and bilateral thalamus across all frequencies. We conclude that all networks showed small-worldness, minimal physical connection distance, and skewed degree distributions characteristic of physically-embedded networks, and that these calculations derived from graph theoretical mathematics did not quantifiably distinguish between subject populations, independent of bandwidth. However,