AUTHOR=Dockendorf Karl , Srinivasa Narayan
TITLE=Learning and prospective recall of noisy spike pattern episodes
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Spike patterns in vivo are often incomplete or corrupted with noise that makes inputs to neuronal networks appear to vary although they may, in fact, be samples of a single underlying pattern or repeated presentation. Here we present a recurrent spiking neural network (SNN) model that learns noisy pattern sequences through the use of homeostasis and spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). We find that the changes in the synaptic weight vector during learning of patterns of random ensembles are approximately orthogonal in a reduced dimension space when the patterns are constructed to minimize overlap in representations. Using this model, representations of sparse patterns maybe associated through co-activated firing and integrated into ensemble representations. While the model is tolerant to noise, prospective activity, and pattern completion differ in their ability to adapt in the presence of noise. One version of the model is able to demonstrate the recently discovered phenomena of preplay and replay reminiscent of hippocampal-like behaviors.