AUTHOR=Metzner Claus , Schilling Achim , Maier Andreas , Krauss Patrick TITLE=Recurrence resonance - noise-enhanced dynamics in recurrent neural networks JOURNAL=Frontiers in Complex Systems VOLUME=2 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcpxs.2024.1479417 ISSN=2813-6187 ABSTRACT=

Understanding how neural networks process information is a fundamental challenge in neuroscience and artificial intelligence. A pivotal question in this context is how external stimuli, particularly noise, influence the dynamics and information flow within these networks. Traditionally, noise is perceived as a hindrance to information processing, introducing randomness and diminishing the fidelity of neural signals. However, distinguishing noise from structured input uncovers a paradoxical insight: under specific conditions, noise can actually enhance information processing. This intriguing possibility prompts a deeper investigation into the nuanced role of noise within neural networks. In specific motifs of three recurrently connected neurons with probabilistic response, the spontaneous information flux, defined as the mutual information between subsequent states, has been shown to increase by adding ongoing white noise of some optimal strength to each of the neurons. However, the precise conditions for and mechanisms of this phenomenon called ‘recurrence resonance’ (RR) remain largely unexplored. Using Boltzmann machines of different sizes and with various types of weight matrices, we show that RR can generally occur when a system has multiple dynamical attractors, but is trapped in one or a few of them. In probabilistic networks, the phenomenon is bound to a suitable observation time scale, as the system could autonomously access its entire attractor landscape even without the help of external noise, given enough time. Yet, even in large systems, where time scales for observing RR in the full network become too long, the resonance can still be detected in small subsets of neurons. Finally, we show that short noise pulses can be used to transfer recurrent neural networks, both probabilistic and deterministic, between their dynamical attractors. Our results are relevant to the fields of reservoir computing and neuroscience, where controlled noise may turn out a key factor for efficient information processing leading to more robust and adaptable systems.