- 1Department of Linguistics, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
- 2Department of English Education, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Wanna contraction refers to the reduction of want to to wanna. Interestingly, native English speakers contract want to in object extraction questions but not in subject extraction questions. The present study investigated whether language models such as bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) adhere to this grammatical subtlety. Wanna contraction involves two factors: subject–object asymmetry and contraction. Disentangling these two ensures that when language models accurately identify illicit instances of wanna contraction, the detection stems from their understanding of the contraction, rather than the intervention by subject–object asymmetry. For this objective, we conducted three independent experiments. We tested whether language models detect illicit cases of contraction by maintaining constant contraction (Experiment 1) and question types (Experiment 2). We predicted that higher surprisal values would be assigned to ungrammatical instances. The overall results of the two experiments were in line with our prediction (87.5 and 75%, respectively). In addition, the analysis of by-word surprisal also indicates that the models generate higher surprisal values for subject extraction questions in illicit wanna instances (Experiment 3). Thus, the models’ processing patterns of wanna contraction turn out to be close to those of native English speakers, suggesting their role as a research tool in linguistic experiments.
1 Introduction
Among the important features of natural languages is that they are linear and hierarchical, rather than simply a linear arrangement of lexical items. Some linguistic phenomena representing this non-linear aspect of natural languages involve linguistic dependencies (Chomsky, 1957; Ross, 1967). The recent advancement in deep neural language models has led both theoretical and computational linguists to examine how neural language models process such dependencies. For instance, whether neural language models can capture English subject–verb dependencies as first-language (L1) English speakers do is an interesting line of research. This is because when sentences without a present-tense verb (e.g., The keys to the cabinet ___) are presented, language models must decide whether the number of the vacant verb is singular or plural (in this case, the answer is the plural are). Interestingly, neural language models have been shown to be sensitive to subject–verb dependencies (Linzen et al., 2016; Goldberg, 2019; Jawahar et al., 2019). The results of such experimental studies are informative and valuable to the extent that they have shown that neural language models successfully detect hierarchical structures such as subject–verb dependencies.
Considering the testing of neural language models’ syntactic knowledge, researchers have suggested that this testing has implications for understanding human language acquisition (Linzen and Baroni, 2021). Neural language models differ cognitively from human learners as they are trained on large datasets. Nonetheless, their success in processing grammatical constraints may contribute to the debate on innate mechanisms in language acquisition. Although it would be inaccurate to claim that neural language models are entirely tabula rasa, their innate mechanisms appear to differ from those of humans. Consequently, if neural language models process a syntactic phenomenon in a way consistent with human syntactic competence, this may suggest that an innate principle for that phenomenon is not strictly necessary. In this regard, we believe that wanna contraction can be a phenomenon of interest. Wanna contraction is a grammatical phenomenon in which the verb want and the infinitival marker to are reduced to the form wanna, as in (1b). What makes wanna contraction interesting is that L1 English speakers do not contract want to in some cases, as in (2b).
(1) a. Who do you want to see tomorrow?
b. Who do you wanna see tomorrow?
(2) a. Who do you want to come tomorrow?
b. *Who do you wanna come tomorrow?
For cases such as (2b), many have tried to explain why contraction is not permitted (Lakoff, 1970; Lightfoot, 1976; Chomsky et al., 1977; Chomsky and Lasnik, 1977; Rotenberg, 1978; Postal and Pullum, 1982). Some have argued that this grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction must be innate as even children seem to be aware of when contraction is impermissible (Chomsky, 1980; Crain and Pietroski, 2001). Previous research on wanna contraction has also shown that second-language (L2) speakers are generally less conservative than L1 English speakers, considering illicit sentences such as (2b) acceptable (O’Grady et al., 2008; Rezaeian et al., 2017).
Given the abovementioned characteristics of wanna contraction, we presume that testing language models’ processing of wanna contraction would be more interesting in two ways. First, the processing of wanna contraction involves the understanding of an invisible wh-trace that blocks contraction in certain conditions. The processing of wanna contraction is related to an understanding of the asymmetry between subjects and objects as the contraction is allowable only in object extraction questions (Schachter and Yip, 1990; Stromswold, 1995; Juffs and Harrington, 1995; Ito, 2018). Second, the processing of wanna contraction is interesting because L1 and L2 speakers exhibit a contrast: L1 speakers mostly adhere to the constraint, while L2 speakers do not. Previous research on wanna contraction examined how it was processed by L1 and L2 learners (Thornton, 1990; Kweon, 2000; Kweon and Bley-Vroman, 2011), and we aim to broaden the research scope by considering artificial learners. We do not exclusively argue for or against specific linguistic theories on wanna contraction. Rather, we recognize the situation that wanna contraction is disallowed in some cases and this constraint seems to be acknowledged by L1 English speakers. By testing how language models process the grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction, we investigate whether they show syntactic sensitivity to wanna contraction as L1 English speakers do.
In sum, the goal of the present study is to assess whether artificial learners, represented by neural language models, exhibit syntactic sensitivity to the grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction. In other words, we aim to observe the behavior of neural language models through the adoption of an experimental design from a psycholinguistic perspective. Specifically, our approach is grounded in the premise that wanna contraction is disallowed in subject extraction questions, a constraint to which L1 speakers strongly adhere.
Building upon this premise, we present the following research questions: First, can neural language models capture the grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction? Second, are there additional factors that might impact the processing of wanna contraction by neural language models? We aim to answer these two questions by conducting a series of experiments designed to test language models’ syntactic sensitivity to wanna contraction.
2 Background
For neural language models, we employed two types of language models specialized for natural language understanding. First, we utilized bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), a bidirectional variant of transformer networks that considers both the left and the right contexts of the masked word (Devlin et al., 2019). Second, we employed the robustly optimized BERT approach (RoBERTa), an enhanced replication of BERT that includes longer training, more data, and different masking patterns (Liu et al., 2019).
Masked language models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, are trained to predict intentionally masked words within a sentence. During training, certain words are replaced with a special [MASK] token, and the model learns to predict the original word based on its context. Rather than processing the sentence from left to right, as autoregressive models such as generative pretrained transformers (GPTs) do, masked language models predict the masked word by considering both the preceding and following words. This bidirectional approach allows them to leverage context from both sides, providing a richer understanding of sentence structure.
3 Experiment 1: controlling for contraction
3.1 Methods
3.1.1 Materials
Based on the experimental design by Zukowski and Larsen (2011), we use a two-by-two table design for the distribution of wanna contraction, as shown in Table 1.
As shown in Table 1, wanna contraction is disallowed in subject extraction questions. In other words, subject extraction questions present illicit conditions for wanna contraction, while object extraction questions present licit conditions. Regarding the types of wh-words (who, what, where, when, and why), all wh-words except for who and what were excluded. This exclusion is because where, when, and why only occur as object extraction questions and, therefore, cannot form a contrasting pair (Zukowski and Larsen, 2011).
Based on Table 1, each dataset comprises four conditions, as in Table 2.
Each dataset comprises four sentences, and the fourth one (4) represents an illicit condition for wanna contraction, as it involves a subject extraction question with a contraction [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction Question].
We constructed two distinct datasets: Datasets A and B. Each dataset comprises the four conditions outlined in Table 2. In Dataset A, verbs differ between the two question types. Intransitive and transitive verbs were utilized in subject extraction questions and object extraction questions, respectively. This choice is due to the differing extraction sites of wh-words in the two question types. In subject extraction questions, wh-words are originally positioned between the verb want and the infinitival marker to. By contrast, they are extracted from a canonical position behind embedded verbs in object extraction questions. We used word frequency data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (Davies, 2008) to mitigate unintended frequency effects, using the list of the top 60,000 lemmas. From this list, we selected pairs of intransitive and transitive verbs with similar frequencies. In Dataset B, we controlled for embedded verbs, distinguishing between the two question types based on the last token in each sentence. In subject extraction questions, the last token is an adverb, whereas it is a preposition in object extraction questions. We constructed Dataset B because only embedded verbs are masked in Dataset A. Therefore, to diversify our experimental design, we masked adverbs and prepositions in Dataset B. Table 3 provides samples of each dataset.
Regarding the size of our dataset, each dataset comprises 100 sets of who question (400 sentences) and 100 sets of what question sets (400 sentences). Thus, each dataset includes 200 sets (800 sentences) and, combined, the two datasets total 400 sets (1,600 sentences).
3.1.2 Modeling procedure
As previously mentioned, we utilize both the BERT and RoBERTa models. Specifically, we used the following models: BERT-base-uncased, BERT-large-uncased, RoBERTa-base, and RoBERTa-large. Details of each model are provided in Table 4.
Both BERT-base-uncased and BERT-large-uncased models are case-insensitive. For instance, they do not distinguish between Word and word. Meanwhile, RoBERTa-base and RoBERTa-large are both case-sensitive, which means that they differentiate between Word and word. Because the wanna contraction is not affected by case, we utilized both case-sensitive and case-insensitive models.
We utilized surprisal values to assess the ability of language models to detect violations of wanna contraction. While the term ‘surprisal’ originally refers to the logarithm of the reciprocal of a probability (Tribus, 1961), it is also used to characterize the informational value of a given event. In this context, surprisal functions as a complexity metric, quantifying the difficulty of processing a given linguistic expression (Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008). Given the inverse relationship between probabilities and their reciprocals, as probabilities approach zero, their reciprocals increase. Essentially, this implies that surprisal values are higher for events with low probabilities.
We employed the cloze test method, in which an appropriate token is required for the masked part of a given sentence. Specifically, we calculated surprisal values for each masked part to identify any processing difficulties encountered by language models (Wilcox et al., 2018; Chaves and Richter, 2021). We masked one specific region of a sentence and provided two different items, as in Table 5.
Then, the language models were required to provide surprisal values for each item. In Dataset A, the probabilities of pairs of transitive verbs (e.g., meet) and intransitive verbs (e.g., wait) are calculated at [MASK]. The use of intransitive verbs leads to the formation of subject extraction questions. Consequently, when the contraction is applied, using intransitive verbs results in ungrammaticality (e.g., *Who do you wanna wait at the dorm?). In contrast, the use of transitive verbs leads to the formation of object extraction questions, which are grammatical regardless of the contraction (e.g., Who do you wanna meet at the dorm?). In Dataset B, the probabilities of pairs of prepositions (e.g., with) and adverbs (e.g., today) are calculated at [MASK]. Specifically, the use of adverbs results in the formation of subject extraction questions. Therefore, employing adverbs also leads to ungrammaticality when the contraction is applied (e.g., *Who do you wanna meet the students today?). In contrast, employing prepositions is grammatical as it leads to the formation of object extraction questions (e.g., Who do you wanna meet the students with?).
Based on the formats presented in Table 5, we propose the following hypotheses: The surprisal value of Condition [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction Question] will be higher than that of Condition [+ Contraction, Object Extraction Question]. This expectation arises from the fact that Condition [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction Question] is the only case in which wanna contraction is disallowed, making it more likely to be perceived as surprising, as in (3).
a. Who do you wanna meet at the dorm? [+ Contraction, Object Extraction]
b. *Who do you wanna wait at the dorm? [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction]
That is, we expect the mean difference in surprisal between the two question types to be statistically significant when the contraction is applied.
3.2 Results
In summary, we considered a total of 16 cases (8 cases per dataset) in Experiment 1, and 14 of them (87.5%) were consistent with our predictions. That is, the mean difference in surprisal between the two question types was not statistically significant only in two cases. The results of a paired t-test based on the surprisal values in Dataset A and Dataset B are provided in Tables 6, 7, respectively. Those consistent with our predictions are highlighted in boldface.
4 Experiment 2: controlling for question types
In Experiment 2, we conduct a comparison between Conditions [− Contraction, Subject Extraction Question] and [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction Question]. The comparison ensures control over question types (subject extraction vs. object extraction). Thus, what makes Experiment 2 different from Experiment 1 is that the key focus lies in the contraction (want to vs. wanna). By controlling for question types, Experiment 2 exclusively tests the effect of the presence or absence of contraction.
4.1 Methods
4.1.1 Materials
The materials used in Experiment 1 are also used in Experiment 2. We use Datasets A and B again. However, in Experiment 2, we used the whole sentences as an input for the cloze test instead of masking one specific part of the sentence, as illustrated in the following section.
4.1.2 Modeling procedure
We employ the same language models used in Experiment 1: BERT-base-uncased, BERT-large-uncased, RoBERTa-base, and RoBERTa-large. These models are used again for the implementation of the cloze test method. However, instead of masking one specific region of a sentence (embedded verbs and prepositions/adverbs), we measure the surprisal by using the whole sentences as an input. This is because the exact number of tokens in each sentence varies depending on the use of the contraction. When wanna contraction is applied, the number of tokens decreases by one compared to sentences without the contraction. Therefore, we measured the by-word surprisal values for each token and calculated the mean for each sentence to compare sentences with and without wanna contraction, as shown in Table 8.
In Dataset A, we use the sentences with intransitive verbs (e.g., wait) as an input. Using intransitive verbs leads to the formation of subject extraction questions. Consequently, when the contraction is applied, the use of intransitive verbs results in ungrammaticality (e.g., *Who do you wanna wait at the dorm?). In Dataset B, we use the sentences ending with adverbs (e.g., today) as an input, and this leads to the formation of subject extraction questions. Therefore, applying the contraction to sentences with adverbs also results in ungrammaticality (e.g., *Who do you wanna meet the students today?).
Based on this format, we propose the following hypotheses: The surprisal value for Condition [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction Question] will be higher than that for Condition [− Contraction, Subject Extraction Question]. This expectation arises from the fact that wanna contraction is not allowed in subject extraction questions and is therefore more likely to be perceived as surprising, as illustrated in (4).
a. Who do you want to wait at the dorm? [− Contraction, Subject Extraction]
b. *Who do you wanna wait at the dorm? [+ Contraction, Subject Extraction]
That is, we predict a statistically significant mean difference in surprisal between the two question types when contraction is applied in subject extraction questions.
4.2 Results
In summary, we considered a total of 16 cases (8 cases per dataset) in Experiment 2, and 12 of them (75%) were consistent with our predictions. That is, the mean difference in surprisal between the two question types was not statistically significant in four cases. Specifically, only the RoBERTa-base model deviated from our predictions. The results of a paired t-test based on the surprisal values in Dataset A and Dataset B are provided in Tables 9, 10, respectively. Those consistent with our predictions are highlighted in boldface.
5 Experiment 3: measuring by-word surprisal
In Experiment 3, we measure the by-word surprisal values for every sentence region, in addition to measuring the surprisal values for a specific sentence region. This expansion is required because the previous experiment designs are confined to either embedded verbs (Dataset A) or prepositions/adverbs (Dataset B), preventing the drawing of fully conclusive interpretations. Therefore, the purpose of Experiment 3 is to examine whether sentence regions other than embedded verbs and prepositions/adverbs exhibited noticeable differences.
5.1 Methods
5.1.1 Materials
From Dataset A, we selected 50 who questions with prepositional phrases (e.g., Who do you want to meet at the party?). The other half of Dataset A was excluded as it comprised who questions with either adverbs (e.g., Who do you want to help immediately?) or adverbial phrases (e.g., Who do you want to contact the most?). This exclusion was due to the non-ideal nature of comparing single-word adverbs (e.g., immediately) with multiple-word adverbial phrases (the most) for measuring by-word surprisal values. In addition, controlling for the first region of adverbs or adverbial phrases was not possible. The first region of adverbial phrases encompasses various parts of speech (e.g., right away vs. the most), unlike prepositional phrases, in which the first region is always a preposition.
5.1.2 Modeling procedure
We employ the same language models used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2: BERT-base-uncased, BERT-large-uncased, RoBERTa-base, and RoBERTa-large. These models are again used for the implementation of the cloze test method for each sentence region.
5.2 Results
Using the selected 50 sentences comprising prepositional phrases from Dataset A, each sentence region was masked to calculate the mean of the surprisal values for each region. Figure 1 visualizes the mean by-word surprisal values in each sentence region.
Figure 1 illustrates the contrast between subject extraction questions and object extraction questions, particularly concerning the regions Who, wanna, and VERB. The regions Who and VERB consistently show that by-word surprisal values are higher in subject extraction questions regardless of contraction. However, the region wanna indicates that both the BERT and RoBERTa models managed to produce higher surprisal values for subject extraction questions. Focusing on the regions want to and wanna, the results of a paired t-test are presented, as in Table 11.
Table 11 demonstrates that the mean difference in surprisal between the two question types at the region wanna is statistically significant in every model. However, in contrast to the region wanna, the means of the surprisal values for the regions want and to show no statistically significant difference except for one case.
6 Discussion
We now address our research questions. First, do language models capture the grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction? Second, are there additional factors influencing language models’ processing of wanna contraction? Here are our answers to these two questions.
Our answer to the first question is as follows: The BERT and RoBERTa models do identify illicit cases of wanna contraction. Given that wanna contraction is not allowed in subject extraction questions, we hypothesized that the surprisal values for subject extraction questions would be higher than those for object extraction questions when the contraction was employed. Thus, the mean difference in surprisal between the two question types was expected to be statistically significant when contraction was present. The results reveal that a substantial portion of Experiment 1 (87.5%) was in line with our predictions. Then, in Experiment 2, we solely considered the existence of contraction (want to vs. wanna) to prevent the effect of question types (subject vs. object). By using only subject extraction questions, we expected the surprisal values for the questions with contractions to be higher than those without contractions. The results show that a substantial portion of Experiment 2 (75%) was in line with our expectations.
Our answer to the second question is that factors such as subject–object asymmetry and statistical sparsity may play a role. Subject–object asymmetry is inherently related to wanna contraction as question types (subject vs. object) decide whether the contraction is permitted or not. Statistical sparsity also needs to be considered as the form wanna is less common in corpus data than the form want to. Nonetheless, in the following two sections, we argue that the present study reveals the language models’ syntactic sensitivity to wanna contraction despite these intervening factors.
6.1 Subject–object asymmetry
The findings from Experiment 3 unmistakably indicate that, when processing sentences with wanna contraction, neural language models are markedly influenced by the extraction site of wh-words, specifically subject–object asymmetry in wh-movement. The surprisal values for subject extraction questions were generally higher than those for object extraction questions. Given that the distinction between subject extraction questions and object extraction questions involves subject–object asymmetry, it is possible that this asymmetry influenced our results. It is worth noting that a consistent preference for object extraction over subject extraction has been observed in both L1 and L2 speakers (Schachter and Yip, 1990). Furthermore, research has shown that English L1 children tend to favor object extraction over subject extraction (Stromswold, 1995). For instance, in the experiment, all 11 participating children produced object extraction questions such as (5a), whereas only one out of the 11 produced subject extraction questions such as (5b).
a. Who do you think Mary invited ____ to the party? [Object Extraction]
b. Who do you think ____ invited Bill to the party? [Subject Extraction]
(Stromswold, 1995:40)
Processing subject extraction questions is also challenging for L2 learners. For instance, both L1 English speakers and Chinese EFL learners experienced greater difficulty in processing (6a) as compared to (6b), requiring additional reaction time for the former during judgment tasks (Juffs and Harrington, 1995).
a. Who does Tom expect ____ to fire the manager? [Subject Extraction]
b. Who does Tom expect to fire ____? [Object Extraction]
(Juffs and Harrington, 1995:496)
This contrast between the two types of gaps is relevant to wanna contraction because the contraction is not permitted when subjects are extracted. Subject–object asymmetry has been suggested to influence L2 learners’ processing of wanna contraction (Ito, 2018).
Our datasets also distinguish between subject and object extractions, as illustrated in (7).
a. *Who do you wanna wait at the dorm? [Subject Extraction]
b. Who do you wanna meet at the dorm? [Object Extraction]
In (7a), who is extracted from the subject position, whereas in (7b), who is extracted from the object position within the infinitival phrase. The findings consistently demonstrate that both the BERT and the RoBERTa models generated higher surprisal values for subject extraction questions such as (7a), regardless of the contraction. Higher surprisal values indicate increased difficulty in processing unexpected sentences, suggesting that subject extraction questions were indeed unexpected and posed greater challenges for both models.
However, despite the effect of subject–object asymmetry, the findings from Experiment 3 reveal that the language models do distinguish licit cases of wanna contraction from illicit ones. The mean difference in surprisal between the two question types was always statistically significant in the region wanna but not in the regions want to. In other words, both language models exhibited a meaningful degree of syntactic sensitivity to wanna contraction when we measured mean by-word surprisal values, effectively mitigating the impact of subject–object asymmetry in embedded verb positions.
6.2 Statistical sparsity
Despite English-speaking children’s processing of wanna contraction, it seems to be less common in speech data compared to the want to counterpart. For instance, utterances with wanna contraction were less common in adult speech from the CHILDES database compared to those without wanna contraction (Zukowski and Larsen, 2011). It is also worth noting that wanna contraction is not frequently found in the corpus data. For instance, there is a stark contrast between the two forms want to and wanna in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA, Davies, 2008). While the form want to is found 628,967 times throughout the corpus, the form wanna is found only 78,858 times in total. A similar contrast is also found in the Wikipedia Corpus (Davies, 2015), on which both BERT and RoBERTa models were pretrained. Even though the form want to appears 63,434 times throughout the corpus, the form wanna appears only 4 times. Given this contrast, we can conclude that the language models show syntactic sensitivity to the illicit cases of wanna contraction despite the statistical sparsity of the phenomenon.
7 Conclusion
The primary contribution of this study lies in our assessment of whether the BERT and RoBERTa models accurately capture the grammatical constraint underlying wanna contraction. Considering that wanna contraction involves complex linguistic properties such as wh-movement, subject/object extractions, and contraction, examining the neural language models’ capability to manage this phenomenon can provide insights into how effectively they process natural languages, similar to human speakers. In Experiments 1 and 2, both the BERT and the RoBERTa models were largely in line with our initial predictions (87.5% in Experiment 1 and 75% in Experiment 2). The measurement of by-word surprisal values in Experiment 3 reveals that both language models yielded higher surprisal values in subject extraction questions for the sentence region wanna but not for want to. This contrast leads us to argue that the BERT and RoBERTa models demonstrate syntactic sensitivity to wanna contraction despite the impact of subject–object asymmetry and statistical sparsity of this phenomenon.
One potential limitation of our study pertains to the influence of our datasets on the results. Our dataset design primarily focuses on comparing surprisal values between subject extraction questions and object extraction questions. Consequently, wh-questions containing wanna contraction within these datasets might be infrequently used by L1 English speakers, making them challenging to locate in corpus data. Therefore, the scarcity of question forms featuring wanna contraction may have had an impact. In addition, there is a need to test artificial learners other than BERT or any other state-of-the-art language models. Specifically, it would be interesting to explore whether the constraint underlying wanna contraction can be captured by language models that are equipped with a moderate amount of data. The BERT model was trained with a massive amount of input data (approximately 3.3. billion words), making it difficult to directly compare it with human learners. In other words, we need to employ language models that are comparable to human counterparts in terms of the amount of input data.
Despite the abovementioned limitations, we believe that the present study has demonstrated that neural language models, such as BERT, can serve as useful tools for both theoretical and computational linguists to simulate how natural language is processed. In addition, we hope to contribute a valuable empirical investigation into wanna contraction, a research focus that has targeted L1 and L2 speakers, offering novel experimental data produced by artificial learners.
Data availability statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author contributions
KN: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. EO: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. SS: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This study was supported by the National Research Foundation (NRF), Korea, under the project BK21 FOUR (4299990414427).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2024.1442093/full#supplementary-material
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Keywords: wanna contraction, wh-trace, language model, surprisal, subject–object asymmetry
Citation: Noh K, Oh E and Song S (2024) Testing language models’ syntactic sensitivity to grammatical constraints: a case study of wanna contraction. Front. Commun. 9:1442093. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1442093
Edited by:
Luca Campanelli, University of Alabama, United StatesReviewed by:
William Schuler, The Ohio State University, United StatesByung-Doh Oh, New York University, United States
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*Correspondence: Eunjeong Oh, ZW9oQHNtdS5hYy5rcg==