AUTHOR=Herodotou Christothea , Scanlon Eileen , Sharples Mike TITLE=Methods of Promoting Learning and Data Quality in Citizen and Community Science JOURNAL=Frontiers in Climate VOLUME=3 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fclim.2021.614567 ISSN=2624-9553 ABSTRACT=
Citizen science or community science (CS) programmes are engaging volunteers in specific stages of the scientific research, mostly data collection and processing. They are less likely to have an explicit objective to support and promote volunteers' learning. In response to that, “citizen inquiry” emphases citizens' learning and community education, by viewing CS as an opportunity to educate the general public in thinking and acting scientifically. In citizen inquiry, citizens can take part in all the stages of the scientific research, from setting up an inquiry of personal interest, to deciding on the methods of data collection, analysis, and reporting. To ensure data quality when non-professionals design their own or take part in existing investigations, we have designed a bespoke online technological solution, the nQuire platform (