AUTHOR=Zhou Fu-Wen , Puche Adam C. TITLE=Short-Term Plasticity in Cortical GABAergic Synapses on Olfactory Bulb Granule Cells Is Modulated by Endocannabinoids JOURNAL=Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience VOLUME=15 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fncel.2021.629052 ISSN=1662-5102 ABSTRACT=

Olfactory bulb and higher processing areas are synaptically interconnected, providing rapid regulation of olfactory bulb circuit dynamics and sensory processing. Short-term plasticity changes at any of these synapses could modulate sensory processing and potentially short-term sensory memory. A key olfactory bulb circuit for mediating cortical feedback modulation is granule cells, which are targeted by multiple cortical regions including both glutamatergic excitatory inputs and GABAergic inhibitory inputs. There is robust endocannabinoid modulation of excitatory inputs to granule cells and here we explored whether there was also endocannabinoid modulation of the inhibitory cortical inputs to granule cells. We expressed light-gated cation channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in GABAergic neurons in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca (HDB) and their projections to granule cells in olfactory bulb. Selective optical activation of ChR2 positive axons/terminals generated strong, frequency-dependent short-term depression of GABAA-mediated-IPSC in granule cells. As cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor is heavily expressed in olfactory bulb granule cell layer (GCL) and there is endogenous endocannabinoid release in GCL, we investigated whether activation of CB1 receptor modulated the HDB IPSC and short-term depression at the HDB→granule cell synapse. Activation of the CB1 receptor by the exogenous agonist Win 55,212-2 significantly decreased the peak amplitude of individual IPSC and decreased short-term depression, while blockade of the CB1 receptor by AM 251 slightly increased individual IPSCs and increased short-term depression. Thus, we conclude that there is tonic endocannabinoid activation of the GABAergic projections of the HDB to granule cells, similar to the modulation observed with glutamatergic projections to granule cells. Modulation of inhibitory synaptic currents and frequency-dependent short-term depression could regulate the precise balance of cortical feedback excitation and inhibition of granule cells leading to changes in granule cell mediated inhibition of olfactory bulb output to higher processing areas.