AUTHOR=Clark Rosemary M. , Brizuela Mariana , Blizzard Catherine A. , Dickson Tracey C. TITLE=Reduced Excitability and Increased Neurite Complexity of Cortical Interneurons in a Familial Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis JOURNAL=Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience VOLUME=12 YEAR=2018 URL= DOI=10.3389/fncel.2018.00328 ISSN=1662-5102 ABSTRACT=
Cortical interneurons play a crucial role in regulating inhibitory-excitatory balance in brain circuits, filtering synaptic information and dictating the activity of pyramidal cells through the release of GABA. In the fatal motor neuron (MN) disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an imbalance between excitation and inhibition is an early event in the motor cortex, preceding the development of overt clinical symptoms. Patients with both sporadic and familial forms of the disease exhibit reduced cortical inhibition, including patients with mutations in the copper/zinc superoxide-dismutase-1 (SOD1) gene. In this study, we investigated the influence of the familial disease-causing hSOD1-G93A ALS mutation on cortical interneurons in neuronal networks. We performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and neurobiotin tracing from GFP positive interneurons in primary cortical cultures derived from Gad67-GFP::hSOD1G93A mouse embryos. Targeted recordings revealed no overt differences in the passive properties of Gad67-GFP::hSOD1G93A interneurons, however the peak outward current was significantly diminished and cells were less excitable compared to Gad67-GFP::WT controls.