AUTHOR=Rudd Christopher E. TITLE=How the Discovery of the CD4/CD8-p56lck Complexes Changed Immunology and Immunotherapy JOURNAL=Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology VOLUME=Volume 9 - 2021 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcell.2021.626095 ISSN=2296-634X ABSTRACT=
The past 25 years have seen enormous progress in uncovering the receptors and signaling mechanisms on T-cells that activate their various effecter functions. Until the late 1980s, most studies on T-cells had focused on the influx of calcium and the levels of cAMP/GMP in T-cells. My laboratory then uncovered the interaction of CD4 and CD8 co-receptors with the protein-tyrosine kinase p56lck which are now widely accepted as the initiators of the tyrosine phosphorylation cascade leading to T-cell activation. The finding explained how immune recognition receptors expressed by many immune cells, which lack intrinsic catalytic activity, can transduce activation signals via non-covalent association with non-receptor tyrosine kinases. The discovery also established the concept that a protein tyrosine phosphorylation cascade operated in T-cells. In this vein, we and others then showed that the CD4- and CD8-p56lck complexes phosphorylate the TCR complexes which led to the identification of other protein-tyrosine kinases such as ZAP-70 and an array of substrates that are now central to studies in T-cell immunity. Other receptors such as B-cell receptor, Fc receptors and others were also subsequently found to use