AUTHOR=Camporese Giuseppe , Bernardi Enrico , Venturin Andrea , Pellizzaro Alice , Schiavon Alessandra , Caneva Francesca , Strullato Alessandro , Toninato Daniele , Forcato Beatrice , Zuin Andrea , Squizzato Francesco , Piazza Michele , Stramare Roberto , Tonello Chiara , Di Micco Pierpaolo , Masiero Stefano , Rea Federico , Grego Franco , Simioni Paolo TITLE=Corrigendum: Diagnostic and therapeutic management of the thoracic outlet syndrome. Review of the literature and report of an Italian experience JOURNAL=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine VOLUME=Volume 10 - 2023 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcvm.2023.1273543 ISSN=2297-055X