Diazoxide is a powerful cardioprotective agent that activates mitochondrial ATP-dependent K-channels and stimulates mitochondrial respiration. Diazoxide reduced infarct size in isolated rodent heart preparations and upon pretreatment in juvenile pigs with coronary occlusion/reperfusion. We aimed to study the use of diazoxide in a more realistic adult pig model of reperfused acute myocardial infarction when diazoxide was administered just before reperfusion.
In a first approach, we pretreated anaesthetised adult Göttingen minipigs with 7 mg kg−1 diazoxide (
Cardioprotection by diazoxide pretreatment was confirmed in adult pigs with reperfused acute myocardial infarction but is not feasible when diazoxide is administered in a more realistic scenario before reperfusion and causes hypotension.