In patients with chronic coronary syndromes, hyperventilation followed by apnea has been shown to unmask myocardium susceptible to inducible deoxygenation. The aim of this study was to assess whether such a provoked response is co-localized with myocardial dysfunction.
A group of twenty-six CAD patients with a defined stenosis (quantitative coronary angiography > 50%) underwent a cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) exam prior to revascularization. Healthy volunteers older than 50 years served as controls (
In healthy subjects, hyperventilation resulted in global myocardial deoxygenation (-10.2 ± 8.2%,
In myocardium of patients with chronic coronary syndromes and primarily intermediate coronary stenoses, cine oxygenation-sensitive CMR can identify an impaired vascular and functional response to a vasoactive breathing maneuver stimulus indicative of inducible ischemia.