AUTHOR=Ayesta Ana TITLE=Influence of Sex-Mismatch on Prognosis After Heart Transplantation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine VOLUME=8 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/fcvm.2021.617062 ISSN=2297-055X ABSTRACT=

The influence of donor and recipient sex on prognosis after heart transplantation has been analyzed in single, multi-center studies, and international registries. In most of them, sex-mismatch was identified as a risk factor for the worst prognosis, especially in men recipients of female heart. This could be attributed to physiological differences between women and men, differences in complications rates after heart transplantation (rejection, cardiovascular allograft vasculopathy, and primary graft failure), and pulmonary hypertension of the recipient. Confounding variables as age, urgent transplantation, and size-mismatch should also be considered. When allocating a graft, sex-mismatch should be considered but its influence in long-term survival should be further explored.