In an effort of gaining a better understanding of the lens mechanics,
A total of 81 freshly enucleated porcine eyes were obtained and divided into six groups and preserved differently. In the first three groups, the lens within the intact eye was preserved for 24 h by: (i) freezing at −80°C (n = 12), (ii) freezing at −20°C (n = 12), and (iii) refrigeration at +8°C (n = 12). In the remaining groups, the lenses were immediately extracted and treated as follows: (iv) kept intact, no storage (n = 12), (v) decapsulated, no storage (n = 21), and (vi) immersed in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) at +8°C (n = 12) for 24 h. Frozen lenses were thawed at room temperature. Each lens was compressed between two glass lamella and subjected, first to a period of relaxation during which the compression force was recorded and second to an oscillating micro-compression while the deformation was recorded with a total of 256 subsequent B-scans via optical coherence tomography. The corresponding axial strain was retrieved via phase-sensitive image processing and subsequently used as input for an inverse finite element analysis (iFEA) to retrieve the visco-hyperelastic material properties of the lenses.
After freezing at temperatures of −80°C and −20°C, the cortical strains increased by 14% (
Combining iFEA with optical coherence elastography allowed us to identify important changes in the lens mechanics induced after different preserving