AUTHOR=Liu Haojie , Zhu Chang , Zhou Zude , Dong Yunfei , Meng Wei , Liu Quan TITLE=Synergetic gait prediction and compliant control of SEA-driven knee exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation JOURNAL=Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology VOLUME=12 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/fbioe.2024.1358022 ISSN=2296-4185 ABSTRACT=

In recent years, lower limb exoskeletons have achieved satisfactory clinical curative effects in rehabilitating stroke patients. Furthermore, generating individualized trajectories for each patient and avoiding secondary injury in rehabilitation training are important issues. This paper explores the utilization of series elastic actuator (SEA) to deliver compliant force and enhance impact resistance in human-robot interaction, and we present the design of novel knee exoskeleton driven by SEA. Subsequently, the novel gait trajectory prediction method and compliant control method are proposed. The attention-based CNN-LSTM model is established to generate personalized gait trajectories for affected limbs, in which the spatial-temporal attention mechanism is adopted to improve the prediction accuracy. The compliant control strategy is proposed to nonlinearly and adaptively tune impedance parameters based on artificial potential field (APF) method, and active rehabilitation training is carried out in the coordination space to guarantee patient safety. The experimental results based on four healthy subjects demonstrated that synergetic gait prediction model could satisfactorily characterize the coordination movement with higher accuracy. The compliant control could limit the patient’s movement in the safe coordination tunnel while considering personalization and flexibility.