AUTHOR=Lu Yongtao , Huo Yi , Yang Zhuoyue , Niu Yibiao , Zhao Ming , Bosiakov Sergei , Li Lei TITLE=Influence of the parameters of the convolutional neural network model in predicting the effective compressive modulus of porous structure JOURNAL=Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fbioe.2022.985688 ISSN=2296-4185 ABSTRACT=
In recent years, the convolutional neural network (CNN) technique has emerged as an efficient new method for designing porous structure, but a CNN model generally contains a large number of parameters, each of which could influence the predictive ability of the CNN model. Furthermore, there is no consensus on the setting of each parameter in the CNN model. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the sensitivity of the parameters in the CNN model for the prediction of the mechanical property of porous structures. 10,500 samples of porous structure were randomly generated, and their effective compressive moduli obtained from finite element analysis were used as the ground truths to construct and train a CNN model. 8,000 of the samples were used to train the CNN model, 2000 samples were used for the cross-validation of the CNN model and the remaining 500 new structures, which did not participate in the CNN training process, were used to test the predictive power of the CNN model. The sensitivity of the number of convolutional layers, the number of convolution kernels, the number of pooling layers, the number of fully connected layers and the optimizer in the CNN model were then investigated. The results showed that the optimizer has the largest influence on the training speed, while the fully connected layer has the least impact on the training speed. Additionally, the pooling layer has the largest impact on the predictive ability while the optimizer has the least impact on the predictive ability. In conclusion, the parameters of the CNN model play an important role in the performance of the CNN model and the parameter sensitivity analysis can help optimize the CNN model to increase the computational efficiency.