AUTHOR=Li ZhanDong , Huang FeiMing , Chen Lei , Huang Tao , Cai Yu-Dong TITLE=Identifying In Vitro Cultured Human Hepatocytes Markers with Machine Learning Methods Based on Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data JOURNAL=Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology VOLUME=10 YEAR=2022 URL= DOI=10.3389/fbioe.2022.916309 ISSN=2296-4185 ABSTRACT=

Cell transplantation is an effective method for compensating for the loss of liver function and improve patient survival. However, given that hepatocytes cultivated in vitro have diverse developmental processes and physiological features, obtaining hepatocytes that can properly function in vivo is difficult. In the present study, we present an advanced computational analysis on single-cell transcriptional profiling to resolve the heterogeneity of the hepatocyte differentiation process in vitro and to mine biomarkers at different periods of differentiation. We obtained a batch of compressed and effective classification features with the Boruta method and ranked them using the Max-Relevance and Min-Redundancy method. Some key genes were identified during the in vitro culture of hepatocytes, including CD147, which not only regulates terminally differentiated cells in the liver but also affects cell differentiation. PPIA, which encodes a CD147 ligand, also appeared in the identified gene list, and the combination of the two proteins mediated multiple biological pathways. Other genes, such as TMSB10, TMEM176B, and CD63, which are involved in the maturation and differentiation of hepatocytes and assist different hepatic cell types in performing their roles were also identified. Then, several classifiers were trained and evaluated to obtain optimal classifiers and optimal feature subsets, using three classification algorithms (random forest, k-nearest neighbor, and decision tree) and the incremental feature selection method. The best random forest classifier with a 0.940 Matthews correlation coefficient was constructed to distinguish different hepatic cell types. Finally, classification rules were created for quantitatively describing hepatic cell types. In summary, This study provided potential targets for cell transplantation associated liver disease treatment strategies by elucidating the process and mechanism of hepatocyte development at both qualitative and quantitative levels.