AUTHOR=Quan Wenjing , Ren Feng , Xu Datao , Gusztav Fekete , Baker Julien S , Gu Yaodong
TITLE=Effects of Fatigue Running on Joint Mechanics in Female Runners: A Prediction Study Based on a Partial Least Squares Algorithm
JOURNAL=Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Background: Joint mechanics are permanently changed using different intensities and running durations. These variations in intensity and duration also influence fatigue during prolonged running. Little is known about the potential interactions between fatigue and joint mechanics in female recreational runners. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe and examine kinematic and joint mechanical parameters when female recreational runners are subject to fatigue as a result of running.
Method: Fifty female recreational runners maintained running on a treadmill to induce fatigue conditions. Joint mechanics, sagittal joint angle, moment, and power were recorded pre- and immediately post fatigue treadmill running.
Result: Moderate reductions in absolute positive ankle power, total ankle energy dissipation, dorsiflexion at initial contact, max dorsiflexion angle, and range of motion of the joint ankle were collected after fatigue following prolonged fatigue running. Knee joint mechanics, joint angle, and joint power remained unchanged after prolonged fatigue running. Nevertheless, with the decreased ankle joint work, negative knee power increased. At the hip joint, the extension angle was significantly decreased. The range motion of the hip joint, hip positive work and hip positive power were increased during the post-prolonged fatigue running.
Conclusion: This study found no proximal shift in knee joint mechanics in amateur female runners following prolonged fatigue running. The joint work redistribution was associated with running fatigue changes. As for long-distance running, runners should include muscle strength training to avoid the occurrence of running-related injuries.