AUTHOR=Zhou Runzhou , Li Yan , Cavanaugh John M. , Zhang Liying TITLE=Investigate the Variations of the Head and Brain Response in a Rodent Head Impact Acceleration Model by Finite Element Modeling JOURNAL=Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology VOLUME=8 YEAR=2020 URL= DOI=10.3389/fbioe.2020.00172 ISSN=2296-4185 ABSTRACT=
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a severe form of traumatic brain injury and often induced by blunt trauma. The closed head impact acceleration (IA) model is the most widely used rodent DAI model. However, this model results in large variations of injury severity. Recently, the impact device/system was modified to improve the consistency of the impact energy, but variations of the head kinematics and subsequent brain injuries were still observed. This study was aimed to utilize a Finite Element (FE) model of a rat head/body and simulation to investigate the potential biomechanical factors influencing the impact energy transfer to the head. A detailed FE rat head model containing detailed skull and brain anatomy was developed based on the MRI, microCT and atlas data. The model consists of over 722,000 elements, of which 310,000 are in the brain. The white matter structures consisting of highly aligned axonal fibers were simulated with transversely isotropic material. The rat body was modeled to provide a realistic boundary at the spine-medulla junction. Rodent experiments including dynamic cortical deformation, brain-skull displacement, and IA kinematics were simulated to validate the FE model. The model was then applied to simulate the rat IA experiments. Parametric studies were conducted to investigate the effect of the helmet inclination angles (0°–5°) and skull stiffness (varied 20%) on the resulting head kinematics and maximum principal strain in the brain. The inclination angle of the helmet at 5° could vary head linear acceleration by 8–31%. The change in head rotational velocity was inversely related to the change in linear acceleration. Varying skull stiffness resulted in changes in head linear acceleration by 3% but with no effect on rotational velocity. The brain strain in the corpus callosum was only affected by head rotation while the strain in the brainstem was influenced by the combined head kinematics, local skull deformation, and head-neck position. Validated FE models of rat impact head injury can assist in exploring various biomechanical factors influencing the head impact response and internal brain response. Identification of these variables may help explain the variability of injury severity observed among experiments and across different labs.