- 1Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
- 2Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Introduction: In this study, we use 7 years (2012–2019) of pitch angle resolved electron flux measurements from Van Allen Probe-B spacecraft to study the variation of near-equatorial pitch angle distributions (PADs) of outer radiation belt (L
Methods: We calculate a pitch angle anisotropy index (PAI) to categorize the PADs into three types: pancake, PAI
Results and Discussion: Our statistical results show that L shells
1 Introduction
Earth’s radiation belt is a torus shaped region filled with energetic electrons and ions trapped by the geomagnetic field. The radiation belts occupy the space between
One effective way to indirectly determine what physical processes are occurring in the radiation belts is to examine the pitch angle distributions (PADs) of the trapped electrons and ions. This is because different physical processes in the radiation belt can generate different types of PADs. Apart from radiation belts, electron PADs have also been studied in the outer magnetosphere to provide useful information about the underlying physical processes (e.g., Li et al. (2020); Liu et al. (2020). In the outer radiation belt, the three most prevalent types of electron PADs are pancake, butterfly, and flattop. Pancake distributions have a peak flux at
Previous studies have tried to approximate observed PADs using several fitting functions. One of the most commonly used function is a sinusoidal function of the form
Previous studies have shown that electron PADs in the outer radiation belt are dependent on electron energy, L-shell, and MLT. For example, at tens of keV energies, the PADs are pancake at all L-shells and MLTs, while at higher energies, such as at hundreds of keV or several MeV, pancake PADs are observed on the dayside while butterfly PADs are observed on the nightside at larger L-shells (e.g., West et al. (1973), Gannon et al. (2007), Ni et al. (2015), Pandya et al. (2020), Chakraborty et al. (2022a), Killey et al. (2023); Killey et al. (2024)). The electron PADs also exhibit strong dependence on geomagnetic activity, with the anisotropy of the distributions increasing with enhanced activity level. Some studies have also reported the dependence of the evolution of electron PADs with different storm drivers (e.g., Pandya et al. (2020), Greeley et al. (2021), Chakraborty et al. (2022a)).
Although PADs in the Earth’s radiation belts have been extensively studied in the past, as mentioned before, most of them used fitting functions to examine the morphology of the electron PADs. One drawback of using fitting functions is that it requires examining the variation of a combination of multiple parameters. For example, while using Legendre polynomials, pancake PADs are categorized by large negative c2 (second order Legendre coefficient) and near-zero c4 (fourth order Legendre coefficient), butterfly PADs are categorized by large negative c4 and nearly negligible c2, and flattops are categorized by both negative c2 nd c4 (e.g., Zhao et al. (2018); Zhao et al. (2020); Zhao et al. (2021)). Similar is the case when using Fourier sine series expansion as used by Smirnov et al. (2022a), Smirnov et al. (2022b). This makes the interpretation of the results slightly complicated. To avoid such complications, in this study, instead of using the fitting methods described, the primary motivation was to use a simplified formula (Equation 1) to estimate an electron pitch angle anisotropy index purely from pitch angle resolved electron flux measurements, and then use that index to categorize the different electron PADs in the outer radiation belt to study their variation with geomagnetic activity. Towards that goal, we used pitch angle resolved electron flux measurements from Van Allen Probe-B spacecraft over its entire lifespan (2012–2019) to provide an extensive statistical survey of near-equatorial PADs of relativistic electrons, having energy
2 Data and methodology
In this study, we used
We used the near-equatorial normalized electron fluxes to calculate the pitch angle anisotropy index. For the rest of this article, we will refer to the pitch angle anisotropy index as PAI. Considering a symmetric pitch angle distribution around
We used this PAI to categorize the different PADs of relativistic electrons (E
Figure 1 shows the average shape of the three PADs and the temporal evolution of PAD and PAI of 1.8 MeV electrons from 0320 UT to 0620 UT on 17 March 2015. Here we have used 1.8 MeV as a representative energy, as the average shapes of the three PADs at other energies are identical. In Figure 1 panels a, b, and c, the local pitch angle (in degrees) is along the x-axis and the normalized flux is along the y-axis. The filled circles are the median flux values, and the error bars denote the interquartile ranges (IQRs) at the measured pitch angles. In panel 1d, time in UT is along the x-axis, pitch angle in degrees is along the y-axis, and the colorbar at the right denotes the electron flux. The black dashed horizontal line shows
Figure 1. Average shape of (A) Pancake, (B) Butterfly, and (C) Flattop pitch angle distribution (PAD) of 1.8 MeV electrons in the outer radiation belt (L
The large IQRs in all three PADs indicate high variability in the electron flux, as well as in the PAI. This motivated us to study any existing correlation between the PAI, and solar wind drivers and geomagnetic indices. We used the 5-min resolution OMNI data of the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind dynamic pressure, SYM-H, and AL indices for this purpose (Papitashvili and King, 2020). Further, to study the variation of electron PAI with the solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices, the OMNI data is interpolated to match the timestamp of the Van Allen Probe electron flux measurements. This processed combined dataset of the electron PAI, solar wind parameters, and geomagnetic indices is then used to examine the variation of electron PAI with geomagnetic activity.
3 Statistical results
In this Section, we present statistical results of the spatial (L, MLT), energy, and geomagnetic activity dependence of the different electron PADs, and their associated PAI values.
3.1 Spatial (L, MLT) distribution of electron PADs
In Figure 2, we present the L-MLT distribution of the three types of electron PADs in the outer radiation belt for four specific energies: 0.5 MeV (panels a–c), 0.9 MeV (panels d–f), 1.8 MeV (panels g–i) and 3.4 MeV (panels j–l). The polar plots show the normalized occurrence of each type of PAD, where the occurrences are normalized by the maximum occurrences in a particular L-MLT bin. The distributions are plotted in bins of size 1 h in MLT
Figure 2. L-MLT distribution of the normalized occurrence (normalized by the maximum occurrence in a particular L-MLT bin) of pancake (column 1), butterfly (column 2), and flattop (column 3) pitch angle distributions (PADs) of (A–C) 0.5 MeV, (D–F) 0.9 MeV, (G–I) 1.8 MeV, and (J–L) 3.4 MeV electrons, denoted by the colorbar at the right. The distributions are plotted in bins of size 1 h in MLT
The important points to note from Figure 2 are: (1) pancake PADs (column 1) are observed across almost all MLTs, with the highest occurrence within the MLT range of
3.2 Energy dependence of electron PADs
Although the overall features of the spatial distribution of the three types of electron PADs are similar across the different energies, there are some noticeable differences between them. For example, butterfly PADs have a smaller spatial extent at the lowest energy, i.e., 0.5 MeV (Figure 2 panel b) compared to the highest energy, i.e., 3.4 MeV (Figure 2 panel k). This motivated us to extensively study the energy dependence of the spatial distribution of the electron PADs. Now the electron PADs are a function of three variables: L-shell, MLT, and energy, but on a 2d plot, we can accommodate only two variables. Therefore, to make the plots readable, we looked at the MLT-averaged distribution of the electron PADs as a function of L-shell and energy.
Figure 3 shows the MLT-averaged normalized occurrence of the three electron PADs as a function of L-shell and energy. The entire range of MLT is divided into four sectors, namely, dusk: 15–21 MLT (panels a–c), midnight: 21–3 MLT (panels d–f), dawn: 3 - 9 MLT (panels g–i), and noon: 9–15 MLT (panels j–l). In each panel, L is along the x-axis, and electron energy (in MeV) is along the y-axis. The colorbar at the right denotes the normalized occurrence such that the occurrences of the three types of electron PADs corresponding to a particular energy bin and L-shell range add up to unity.
Figure 3. Normalized occurrence of pancake (column 1), butterfly (column 2), and flattop (column 3) pitch angle distribution (PAD) as a function of electron energy and L averaged over four MLT sectors: (A–C) dusk, 15–21 MLT; (D–F) midnight, 21–3 MLT; (G–I) dawn, 3 – 9 MLT; and (J–L) noon, 9–15 MLT. Along the x-axis is L, and along the y-axis is the electron energy (in MeV). The colorbar at the right denotes the normalized occurrence such that the occurrence of the three PADs for a particular energy bin and L range adds up to unity.
3.2.1 Pancake distributions
Pancake distributions are the most prevalent types of distribution in the noon sector (Figure 3 panel j), mostly observed at higher L-shell ranges. In the midnight sector (Figure 3 panel d), pancake distributions are observed mostly in L-shells less than 5, while in the dusk (Figure 3 panel a) and dawn (Figure 3 panel g) sectors, they are observed in almost all L-shell and energy bins.
Pancake distributions exhibit weak dependence on L-shell and energy in the dawn and dusk sectors, while they exhibit a strong dependence on both of them in the noon and midnight sectors, with the normalized occurrence at noon increasing with increasing L at a specific energy channel.
3.2.2 Butterfly distributions
Butterfly distributions across all MLTs are observed in two L-shell ranges: one outside L = 4.5, and another within L = 3–4. For radial distances outside L = 4.5, butterfly PADs are the most prevalent types of distribution in the midnight sector (Figure 3 panel e). In the dawn (Figure 3 panel h) and dusk sectors (Figure 3 panel b), the outer-L butterfly PADs are present with low occurrence rates, while in the noon sector (Figure 3 panel k), they are almost absent. The low-L butterfly PADs are observed in all MLTs with almost similar occurrence rates.
The outer-L butterfly PADs exhibit strong dependence on L-shell and energy, with the occurrence rate increasing with increasing energy. The outer-L butterfly PADs also exhibit an extension of the inward boundary in the midnight sector compared to the dusk/dawn sectors. The low-L butterfly PADs however do not exhibit any strong energy dependence. This is consistent with the findings of Killey et al. (2024) and may be related to other generation mechanisms, the investigation of which we leave for future studies.
3.2.3 Flattop distributions
Flattop distributions in the dusk (Figure 3 panel c) and dawn (Figure 3 panel i) sectors are observed mostly at lower energies in outer L-shell ranges and higher energies in inner L-shell ranges. Flattop distributions in the midnight sector (Figure 3 panel f) are observed mostly in the mid-L-shell ranges, while in the noon sector (Figure 3 panel l), they are observed mostly in the inner L-shell ranges. The normalized occurrence of flattop distributions in all the MLT sectors increases with decreasing L and increasing energy.
3.3 Variation of electron PAI with geomagnetic activity
The statistical results presented in the previous subsections are for the entire lifespan of the Van Allen Probes, which includes times of both low and high geomagnetic activity. Therefore, from Figures 2, 3, it is not possible to extract any direct correlation between the outer radiation belt electron pitch angle anisotropy and the level of geomagnetic activity. To comprehensively examine the same, in this subsection, we provide results after splitting the full duration of our study into different activity levels.
For this purpose, we used solar wind dynamic pressure (hereafter
3.3.1 Variation of PAI of pancake and butterfly PADs with geomagnetic activity within specific L-MLT ranges
Figure 4 shows two-dimensional (2d) histogram (left column) and probability distribution function (PDF, right column) between PAI of pancake PADs and
Figure 4. 2d histogram (left column) and probability distribution function (PDF, right column) between pitch angle anisotropy index for pancake distribution of 1.8 MeV electrons on the dayside sector (MLT range 9–15, and L
To study the variation of the PAI of pancake PADs (PAI
To study the variation of PAI of pancake PADs with the SYM-H index, we choose SYM-H to vary between −60 nT and 20 nT. Similar to
To study the variation of electron PAI with the AL index, we choose the AL index to vary between 0 and -400 nT. The 2d distribution (Figure 4 panel e) does not exhibit any clear correlation between the PAI and the AL index. The PDF (Figure 4 panel f), however, shows a weak correlation between the two parameters, with the PAI increasing with decreasing AL. As the AL index is a measure of the substorm intensity, this means that with more severe substorms, the anisotropy increases. However, the correlation of PAI with the AL index is not as strong as the other two parameters.
Figure 5 shows the 2d distribution (left column) and the PDF (right column) of butterfly PADs of 1.8 MeV electrons in the MLT sector 21–3 and L
Figure 5. Same as in Figure 4 but for butterfly distribution of 1.8 MeV electrons on the nightside sector (MLT range 21–3, and L
3.3.2 MLT-averaged variation of electron PAI with geomagnetic activity as a function of L and energy
In the previous subsection, Figures 4, 5 showed the overall variation of the anisotropy of 1.8 MeV electrons in two specific spatial ranges. To obtain a more general picture, in this subsection, we extend our analyses to present an MLT-averaged variation of the electron PAI as a function of L, energy, and the level of geomagnetic activity. To do so, we define a low geomagnetic activity level by
Figure 6 shows the MLT-averaged variation of electron PAI as a function of L and energy during different levels of geomagnetic activity. The left column corresponds to low activity levels defined by
Figure 6. Median pitch angle anisotropy index as a function of electron energy and L averaged over four MLT sectors: (A–C) dusk (MLT = 15–21), (D–F) midnight (MLT = 21–3), (G–I) dawn (MLT = 3–9), and (J–L) noon (MLT = 9–15) for low geomagnetic activity (first column) and high geomagnetic activity (second column), and the percentage of difference in the median anisotropy index between the two activity levels (third column). For each panel, L is along the x-axis, and electron energy (in MeV) is along the y-axis. A low level of geomagnetic activity corresponds to values less than the 25th percentile of solar wind dynamic pressure (Pdyn) and a high level of geomagnetic activity corresponds to values greater than the 75th percentile of Pdyn, as indicated on the top of the panels (A) and (B) respectively.
From Figure 6, we can see that in the dusk sector (MLT = 15–21), during low activity levels (panel a), pancake PADs (PAI
In the midnight sector (MLT = 21–3), during levels of low geomagnetic activity (Figure 6 panel d), in the L-shell range of 5.5–6, the distributions are butterfly (PAI
In the dawn sector (MLT = 3–9), during levels of low geomagnetic activity (Figure 6 panel g), the distributions are mostly pancake in all L-shell bins and at all energies. During levels of high geomagnetic activity (Figure 6 panel h), the pancake distributions become more anisotropic with an increase in anisotropy by
In the noon sector (MLT = 9–15), during levels of low geomagnetic activity (Figure 6 panel j), the distributions in the outer L-shell range (
4 Discussion and conclusion
In this study, we used 7 years (2012–2019) of Van Allen Probe-B pitch angle resolved electron flux measurements to examine the spatial distribution and energy dependence of different types of relativistic (
As the first step, we applied Equation 1 to calculate a pitch angle anisotropy index (PAI) which we used to categorize the electron PADs into three types, namely, pancake: PAI
The major findings from this study can be summarized as follows:
1. In the dawn and dusk sectors, the L range of 5 - 6 is dominated by butterfly and pancake PADs at higher energies (
2. In the midnight sector, the L range of 5.5–6 is dominated by butterfly PADs across almost all energies. The L range of 4.5–5.5 is dominated by butterfly PADs at higher energies (
3. In the noon sector, the L range of 4.5–6 is dominated by pancake PADs across all energies. In the L range of 4–4.5, pancake PADs are dominant at higher energies (
4. In the L range of 3–4, we found a second population of butterfly distributions at low energies, mostly at energies less than 1 MeV at almost all MLTs.
5. The anisotropy of the entire outer radiation belt increases during periods of high geomagnetic activity. In the outer L-shell range, butterfly and pancake PADs which were already present in the midnight and noon sector during low activity times, respectively, become highly anisotropic and extend to lower L-shell and wider MLT ranges at all the relativistic energies. In the inner L-shell range, the anisotropy increases too, with either flattops turning into pancakes or pancakes becoming more anisotropic (narrowly peaked at
6. The correlation between outer radiation belt pitch angle anisotropy and the solar wind drivers is found to be strongest for
The statistical results related to the spatial distribution of the different electron PADs (findings 1, 2, and 3) are consistent with previous findings, both using fitting methods or machine learning techniques (e.g., Chen et al. (2014), Zhao et al. (2018), Pandya et al. (2020), Greeley et al. (2021), Zhao et al. (2021), Chakraborty et al. (2022a); Killey et al. (2023); Killey et al. (2024), etc.). However, in most of the past studies, butterfly PADs are usually reported to be present on the nightside in outer L-shell ranges,
The results related to the variation of outer radiation belt pitch angle anisotropy with solar wind forcing (finding 5) are consistent with Killey et al. (2024) who showed the storm time evolution of the relativistic electron PADs in the outer radiation belt using machine learning techniques (Figure 3 of Killey et al. (2024)). However, in Killey et al. (2024), the storm phases are defined based on the SYM-H index. In our study, we found that
Physically, this implies that when a pressure impulse hits the Earth’s magnetosphere, it globally compresses the entire system. As a result of this global compression, some of the electrons are lost through magnetopause shadowing, while others get pushed radially inwards. As the electrons transport radially inwards, they move from a region of weaker to a stronger magnetic field. In the course of this motion, to preserve the first and second adiabatic invariants, they gain energy in the perpendicular direction more than that in the parallel direction through a process similar to betatron acceleration, leading to an enhanced anisotropy. This causes the pancake distributions to become more narrow. On the other hand, the
Figure 7. A schematic to show the outer radiation belt electron pitch angle distributions (PADs) during (A) quiet time and (B) disturbed time magnetospheric conditions. The table at the top right shows the ranges of pitch angle anisotropy index (PAI) for the three PAD types. Three possible changes in the PADs can be observed in the outer radiation belt during enhanced geomagnetic activity, such as, Case I: flattop PADs turning into pancake/butterfly distributions, Case II: pancake PADs turning into narrow pancakes, and Case III: butterfly PADs turning into deep butterflies.
To summarize, our results show that a simplified formula (Equation 1) could capture the overall spatial and energy dependence of the outer radiation belt relativistic electron PADs. The results also confirm that
Data availability statement
All Van Allen Probe ECT data used for this study are publicly available at the website https://rbsp-ect.newmexicoconsortium.org/rbsp_ect.php. The solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices data used in this study are publicly available at the website https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/form/omni_min.html, and also in Papitashvili and King (2020).
Author contributions
SC: Conceptualization, Data curation, Methodology, Data analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Validation, Writing - original draft. IR: Conceptualization, Supervision, Investigation, Visualization, Validation, Writing - Review and Editing. SK: Data curation, Visualization, Validation, Writing - Review and Editing. BO: Visualization, Writing - Review and Editing. CW: Writing - Review and Editing. CP: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. EI: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. GE: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. KJ: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. NM: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. TG: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. TS: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. XL: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing. YC: Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing.
The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. SC, IJR and CEJW are all supported in part by STFC Grants ST/V006320/1, ST/X001008/1 and ST/W000369/1, and NERC Grants NE/V002554/2, NE/P017185/2 and NE/V0002759/2. SK is funded by Northumbria University and STFC Grant 2597922 for PhD support. BO is supported by STFC Grant ST/W000369/1.
We thank the MagEIS and REPT teams for the Van Allen Probe data. We also acknowledge use of NASA/GSFC’s Space Physics Data Facility’s OMNIWeb service, and OMNI data. Some of the preliminary analyses for this study were conducted as part of an outreach program named ORBYTS at the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. We thank the school to allow us to conduct the project.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2024.1474503/full#supplementary-material
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Keywords: outer radiation belt, relativistic electrons, pitch angle distribution, pitch angle anisotropy, anisotropy index, solar wind parameters, geomagnetic indices, van allen probes
Citation: Chakraborty S, Rae IJ, Killey S, Ojha B, Watt CEJ, Potts C, Irving E, Elliott G, Johnson K, Mohammed N, Gupta T, Slater T, Liu X and Cheng Y (2024) Statistical survey of pitch angle anisotropy of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt and its variation with solar wind/geomagnetic activity. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 11:1474503. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1474503
Received: 01 August 2024; Accepted: 21 November 2024;
Published: 19 December 2024.
Edited by:
Chaoling Tang, Shandong University, ChinaCopyright © 2024 Chakraborty, Rae, Killey, Ojha, Watt, Potts, Irving, Elliott, Johnson, Mohammed, Gupta, Slater, Liu and Cheng. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
*Correspondence: Suman Chakraborty, c3VtYW4uY2hha3JhYm9ydHlAbm9ydGh1bWJyaWEuYWMudWs=