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Front. Astron. Space Sci. , 09 December 2024

Sec. Space Physics

Volume 11 - 2024 |

Estimating quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for varying values of density ratio

  • 1Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM, United States
  • 2Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, United States
  • 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX, United States

This paper considers a method for estimating bounce-averaged quasi-linear diffusion coefficients due to whistler-mode waves for a specified ratio of plasma frequency to gyrofrequency, ωp/Ωe, using values precomputed for a different value of that ratio. This approach was recently introduced to facilitate calculations associated with the “POES technique,” generalized to infer both wave intensity and cold plasma density from measurements of particle fluxes near the loss cone. The original derivation was justified on the basis of parallel-propagating waves but applied to calculations with much more general models of the waves. Here, we justify the estimates, which are based on equating resonant frequencies for differing values of ωp/Ωe and energy, for wide ranges of wave normal angle, resonance number, energy, and equatorial pitch angle. Refinements of the original estimates are obtained and tested numerically against full calculations of the diffusion coefficients for representative wave models. The estimated diffusion coefficients can be calculated rapidly and generally give useful estimates for energies in the 30-keV–300-keV range, especially when both relevant values of the ratio ωp/Ωe are large.

1 Introduction

Cyclotron-resonant wave–particle interactions are a crucial aspect in magnetospheric dynamics, especially in radiation belts, and there is a vast tradition of simulating the process as quasi-linear diffusion of phase space density by a broad-band spectrum of small, incoherent waves, following the pioneering work of Kennel and Engelmann (1966) and Lerche (1968), with further development by Lyons et al. (1971) and Lyons (1974a). Modern formulations were given by Horne et al. (2005), Glauert and Horne (2005), and Albert (2005).

Known wave parameters can be used to calculate quasi-linear diffusion coefficients, which help determine decay lifetimes and levels of trapped and precipitating particle fluxes. Conversely, measurements of particle flux can be used to estimate the wave intensity, using a process often referred to as the “POES technique” (Li et al., 2013; Ni et al., 2014), which exploits the ability of low-altitude POES satellites to resolve the loss cone. Essentially, diffusion coefficients are calculated and used to estimate the ratio of trapped to precipitating flux, using assumed values for parameters including the wave amplitude, wave frequency, wave normal angle distributions, and cold plasma density; this is repeated for different wave amplitudes until an agreement with measurements is obtained. The wave amplitude is a specifically convenient, as well as important, parameter to vary because the diffusion coefficients simply scale with Bwave2.

Longley et al. (2022) recently generalized this procedure to treat cold plasma density as an additional free parameter, using the additional constraint that the wave amplitude calculated from two POES energy channels remains the same. In principle, this requires extensive, time-consuming recalculations of diffusion coefficients for different values of the ratio of electron plasma frequency to gyrofrequency, R=ωp/Ωe, referred to here as the density ratio. Repeated, rapid evaluation or approximation of diffusion coefficients is also required in many other settings, such as diffusion simulations using event-specific wave parameters (Watt et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2022) or when used to modify test particle trajectories to account for subscale wave–particle interactions in the evolving conditions of global MHD simulations (Chan et al., 2023; Michael et al., 2024).

One expedient for rapidly estimating diffusion coefficients is the “mean value approximation,” which replaces integration over the wave normal angle with evaluations at a few carefully chosen values (Albert, 2007b; 2008). Another approach, introduced by Longley et al. (2022), estimates diffusion coefficients for particle energy E and pitch angle α and a chosen value of R from a table of values at a reference density value R0, for which the calculations are already done. This was done by finding adjusted values Ẽ and α̃ that equate an approximate expression for the resonant frequency for the two sets of parameters, so that


In Section 2, we consider the approximations underlying Equation 1. Longley et al. (2022) only considered parallel-propagating waves (for which only the primary resonance contributes to diffusion) and characterized the validity of Equation 1 in terms of particle energy. In this study, constraints are developed in terms of wave frequency, justifying its use for a wide range of wave normal angle, particle energy, and resonant harmonic number. In Section 3, Equation 1 is used to estimate the diffusion coefficients, e.g.,


obtaining differing relativistic modifications for Dαα, Dαp, and Dpp and depending on whether n0 or n=0. Finally, in Section 4, we numerically compare calculated and estimated diffusion coefficients, using two very simple chorus wave models, for several representative combinations of R and R0.

2 Resonant frequencies

The condition for resonance between a gyrating charged particle and a plane wave is


where the particle has parallel velocity v, relativistic factor γ, and gyrofrequency sΩc/γ (here, s=±1 is the sign of the particle charge, with all frequencies unsigned), and the wave has a frequency ω and parallel wave number k. The “harmonic number” n can be any integer; n=0 indicates Landau resonance. After squaring, Equation 3 becomes


The left-hand side is the inverse-squared index of refraction of the wave, and the particle pitch angle α and wave normal angle θ are given by cosα=v/v and cosθ=k/k, respectively. Albert (1999, 2004, 2005, 2007a) noted the usefulness of this form for both analysis and approximation.

2.1 Full cold plasma refractive index

For completeness, we formulate the full cold plasma refractive index for R-mode (whistler) waves as


where σPD is the sign of PD (typically negative), and the standard plasma quantities R, L, and P for a single-component plasma (Stix, 1992) can be written as


Here, ωp is the electron plasma frequency (4πne2/me)1/2, and the mass ratio M is me/mp1/1836.

To determine the resonant frequency ω as a function of θ, Horne et al. (2005) and Glauert and Horne (2005) expanded these expressions into a 10th order polynomial in ω (or 3rd order in ω2 if n=0) and retained only the valid real roots. Ions heavier than H+ are ignored here, although treated by Albert (2003) for electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. Albert (2005) and references therein developed criteria to isolate the roots of Equation 4 within restricted intervals of ω, allowing the efficient use of real-valued, one-dimensional root finding and frequently reducing or even eliminating the consideration of irrelevant ranges of θ and n. Figure 1 shows the quantities on both sides of Equation 4 as functions of ω at fixed θ, as well as various approximations of each, as discussed below.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Versions of expressions constituting the resonance condition, for the parameter values shown in the plot. The inverted-U-shaped curves are the inverse-squared refractive index, given by Equation 5 (black), 7 (green), 11 (red), or 12 (blue). The upward-sloping (or horizontal) cyan curves show the corresponding term of the resonance condition (right-hand side of Equation 4) for several values of the harmonic number n. The upward-sloping magenta curves approximate the cyan curves according to Equation 14.

2.2 Quasi-longitudinal approximation

From Equation 5, the quasi-longitudinal approximation neglects the terms proportional to M and sin2θ, and further considers ωpω and ωp2(Ωecosθω)ω(Ωe2ω2). The well-known result is


which is illustrated in Figure 1. With θ=0, Equation 7 is the same as Equation A13 of Longley et al. (2022). Using this in the resonance condition, Equation 4, gives a cubic equation in ω, namely,




With θ=0 (for which only n=1 contributes to diffusion), these coefficients reduce to Equation 17 of Longley et al. (2022), who noted that ωp/Ωe entered only in the expression for c1, which would be left unchanged by compensating changes in γ21. Indeed, changing γ also affects c2 and c3, but this effect was declared minor in the “weakly relativistic limit” such that 2nγ is approximately unchanged. By implication, γ21 is also approximately unchanged, and further justification is provided by small values of α. To this extent, the resonant value of ω depends on ωp mainly through the combination (ωp2/Ωe2)(γ21)cos2α, or the square of (p/mc)R, where R=ωp/Ωe.

With n=0, Equations 8, 9 reduce to the quadratic equation


If cosαcosθ1, the bracketed expression in Equation 10 is B(p/mc)2cos2αcos2θ, regardless of energy, which suggests holding (p/mc)R constant, as in the case n0. Alternatively, the approximation B(v/c)2cos2αcos2θ applies if either cosαcosθ is small or v/c is small (of course neither can exceed 1), which motivates considering (v/c)R constant. The two prescriptions coincide if both cosαcosθ1 and v/c are small (since then p/mc and v/c are approximately equal). Thus, holding (p/mc)R constant rather than (v/c)R constant is favored only if both cosαcosθ1 and v/c1. Since the resonance condition for n=0 is cosαcosθ=1/[(kc/ω)(v/c)], this case implies kc/ω1, which is an atypically low value, as illustrated in Figure 1.

2.3 High-density approximation

Lyons (1974b) and Albert (1999) used “high-density approximation,” which amounts to neglecting the leading term 1 relative to the terms proportional to ωp2/Ωe2 in the definitions of R, L, and P. Then, Equation 5 reduces to


which is illustrated in Figure 1. A similar form applies to L-mode EMIC waves. Equation 11 should be accurate for a wider range of ω and θ than Equation 7, although for a narrower range of ωp/Ωe. Indeed, it was introduced by Lyons and Thorne (1970) to study the magnetospheric reflection of whistler waves, which involves θ passing through 90°. The full, quasi-longitudinal (QL), and high-density (HD) versions of the refractive index μ were compared for several combinations of ωp/Ωe and θ in Figure 4 of Albert (2005), where it was also shown analytically (in Appendix A) that μHD2<μfull2<μQL2. Combining μHD2 with the resonance condition gives a 6th order polynomial in ω, but Albert (1999) showed that it yields at most three roots in the whistler range.

Setting M=0 in Equation 11 (which requires ω to be large compared to the lower hybrid frequency, ωLHMΩe) yields


which was used by Albert (2017) in a treatment of highly oblique whistler waves. It can also be regarded as a simplified version of quasi-longitudinal approximation. Combining it with the resonance condition yields a cubic equation of the form of Equation 8 with


This set of coefficients agrees exactly with Equation 9 for c0 and c1, and approximately for c2 and c3 if cosαcosθ1. Changing ωp/Ωe and adjusting γ to maintain the value of c1 again modifies c2 and c3.

2.4 Approximate resonance condition

Lyons et al. (1972) and Albert (1994) considered ω|Ωn| in the resonance condition (Equation 4) for n0 to obtain


and further approximated the refractive index (Equation 12) as


Both of these approximations are illustrated in Figure 1. At the risk of discarding two potential “anomalous” resonances with ω>|n|Ωe/γ (Albert, 2005), they lead to the explicit expressions


However, combining Equation 14 with Equation 11, instead of the cruder approximation Equation 15, replaces Equation 16 with a quadratic equation for ω2 (for n0), whose coefficients still depend on R=ωp/Ωe only through the combination (p/mc)R. For n=0, Equation 11 combined with the full resonance condition (Equation 4) gives a quadratic equation for ω2 whose coefficients depend on R only through the combination R(v/c).

2.5 Compensating changes in R and energy

The various expressions in the preceding sections all suggest that the resonant frequency ω(E,α,R) can be approximated as ω(Ẽ,α̃,R0), without restrictions on (E,α,n), if Ẽ and α̃ are chosen such that


The scaling for n0 is consistent with Equations 23, 25 (although not the reversed notation in Equations 24, 26) of Longley et al. (2022).

Equation 17 might further suggest that both the local pitch angle α̃ and p̃ (or ṽ) be considered free variables that are chosen to satisfy Equation 1. However, this would introduce undesirable dependence on latitude λ in the relationship between the corresponding values of the equatorial pitch angle, αeq. For example, the choice p̃=p in Equation 17 gives cosα̃=(R/R0)cosα or, converting from the local pitch angle α to the equatorial pitch angle αeq,


The dependence on λ in Equation 18 is not compatible with the use of a table of bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients evaluated on a grid of (E,αeq) values, as intended by Longley et al. (2022). Similarly, the approach hinges on being able to choose p̃ or ṽ in a manner independent of θ and n, which are also integrated or summed over in the calculation of diffusion coefficients.

Thus, with α̃=α and using the relations γ=1/1v2/c2=1+(p/mc)2=1+E/Er, where Er is the rest energy mc2, Equation 17 yields


Longley et al. (2022) used this expression with n=1 to estimate


For n=0, the implicit restriction in Equation 19 that R/R0 cannot be too large for a given value of E just reflects the requirement in Equation 17 that ṽ<c. Figure 2 shows Ẽ as a function of E for two different choices of R and R0. It is evident that with R<R0, the value Ẽ is less than E and may require the table based on R0 to extend to lower energy than the actual range of interest. Similarly, if R>R0, the table may be required to extend to quite high energy, and, for n=0, Equation 19 for Ẽ may become singular.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Values of Ẽ, according to Equation 19, used to estimate diffusion coefficients for Eand R from values calculated for R0. Values for n0 are shown in black, and values for n=0 are shown in magenta, for two different choices of R and R0.

3 Diffusion coefficients

Even when E can be adjusted to yield the same resonant frequency for two different values of R=ωp/Ωe, it does not follow that the quasi-linear coefficients are the same since they are not functions of ω alone. However, approximate values of the corresponding values of D can be related simply, as explained herein.

Using the expressions and notation of Albert (2005) and Albert (2007b) (which are exactly equivalent to those in Glauert and Horne (2005)), the local pitch angle diffusion coefficient is


where Dαα/p2 has dimensions of 1/t, and


Furthermore, from Lyons (1974a),


Note that G1 in Equation 22 does not depend on R, E, or α, but G2 depends on R through Γ. Using Equation 12 gives Γ=(ωΩecosθ/2ωp2)μ5 (Albert, 2017), so G21/ΓR2/μ51/R3 in this approximation.

To characterize Δn, substituting Equation 12 in Equation 6 of Albert (2005) yields


so the factor of Δn involving (ω/k)θ is typically 1. Similarly,


The factor Φn2 is given in Equation 9 of Lyons (1974b). Using Equation 12, the only dependence on ωp is through the argument of the Bessel functions, expressed by Albert (1999) as tanαtanθ(sωγ/Ωen). This is zero for parallel-propagating waves, and the dependence on γ is otherwise neglected for both n0 and n=0. Thus, Δn1/(γ2v3)γ/p3 for n0, and Δnsin4α/v3 for n=0.

The overall scaling of Equation 21 is therefore,


Thus, if Ẽ and α̃ are chosen in accordance with Equation 17, the corresponding values of Dαα will be approximately related by


which refines Equation 20. Similarly, using Equations 23, 25, taking α̃=α, converting from local pitch angle α to equatorial pitch angle α0, and bounce averaging (which does not change any of the scaling) extend Equation 27 to


Mourenas and Ripoll (2012) and Artemyev et al. (2013), relying on the refractive index of Equation 15 and approximations of Φn2, also obtained detailed analytical estimates for the total bounce-averaged pitch angle diffusion coefficient. With Ẽ determined by Equation 19 and with ωΩe/γ, the scalings are consistent with those obtained here.

4 Numerical tests

Bounce-averaged quasi-linear diffusion coefficients were calculated using the simple chorus wave models of Glauert and Horne (2005) and Horne et al. (2005), namely,


The parameter values used in Equation 29 are {ωm,δω,ωLC,ωUC} ={0.35,0.15,0.125,0.575}×Ωeq and {θm,θw,θmin,θmax} = {0,30°,0,45°} at L=5.25. The “equatorial” model restricts the latitude to 0λ15°, while the “mid-latitude” model differs only in taking 15°λ30°. Cold plasma density was taken as a constant along dipole magnetic field lines, with chosen representative values of R=ωp/Ωeq. For these comparisons, only the range n=5 to 5 was included and, for concreteness, the wave amplitude was set to Bwave=100 pT. For each wave model and R value, diffusion coefficients were calculated for 80 (logarithmically spaced) values of E between 100 eV and 10 MeV and 89 values of α0 between 1° and 89°.

The top panel of Figure 3 shows values of Dα0α0 vs. energy, at a fixed equatorial pitch angle α0=5°, for the equatorial model. Values calculated for R0=5.0 are shown by dashed curves, values calculated for R=1.5 are shown by solid curves, and symbols show values for R estimated using the values calculated for R0. Results for n0 and n=0 are shown separately, in black and magenta, respectively. Estimates based on Equation 20, denoted D(R;R0), are indicated by asterisks, while estimates based on Equation 28, denoted D(R;R0), are marked by diamonds. It is seen that the estimates are qualitatively close to the calculated values for much of the energy range, although less so for n=0 than for n0, and that the factors of γ̃/γ in Equation 28 noticeably improve the agreement above a few hundred keV. Note that, from Figure 2 (left), E below 1 keV would require Ẽ below 100 eV, outside the range of the calculated table (100 eV–10 MeV).

Figure 3

Figure 3. Calculated and estimated values of Dα0α0 vs. energy, at a fixed equatorial pitch angle, for a simple model of near-equatorial chorus waves. Black represents n0, and magenta represents n=0. Top: calculated values for R0=5.0 and R=1.5 are shown by dashed and solid curves, respectively, and estimated values for R using R0 are shown by symbols. Factors of γ̃/γ are included for D(R;R0) but omitted for D(R;R0). Bottom: ratio of the estimated and calculated values. The crosses at the bottom (top) of the plot indicate that the estimated value is zero, but the calculated value is nonzero (or the reverse).

The comparison is made clearer in the bottom panel of Figure 3, which shows the ratios of estimated to calculated values. For n0, especially with the factors of γ included, the agreement is quite good between 30 keV and 300 keV, which is the range covered by the POES satellite and considered by Longley et al. (2022). However, the estimates are much less reliable for energy outside that range, giving underestimates at low and very high energy and overestimates in a broad range at approximately 1 MeV. Cases for which estimated values are zero (due to lack of resonances) but calculated values are nonzero are shown by crosses at the bottom of the panel, and crosses at the top of the panel indicate nonzero estimates where calculations result in zero.

The results of conversely using values calculated for R0=1.5 to estimate values for R=5.0 are shown in Figure 4. For this combination of R and R0, the estimated values of D are within a factor of approximately 10 for energy below approximately 2 MeV, with underestimates below 1 MeV and overestimates above 1 MeV. From Figure 2 (right), values of Ẽ are outside the range of the calculated table for approximately E>2.7 MeV for n0 and E>24 keV for n=0.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Calculated and estimated values of Dα0α0 vs. energy for a simple model of near-equatorial chorus waves, in the same format as Figure 3, showing values for R=5.0 calculated and estimated from values for R0=1.5.

Figures 5, 6 repeat Figures 3, 4 using the mid-latitude chorus model. With R=1.5 and R0=5, the estimates for n0 are within a factor of 10 in the range 100 keV to 2 MeV (if the relativistic factors are included), but they are lower at lower energy and higher at higher energy. For n=0, the estimates are with a factor of 10 between 20 keV and roughly 150 keV but predict nonzero values up to approximately 600 keV, while the full calculations indicate they should be zero. With R=5 and R0=1.5, the estimates for n0 are fairly reliable between 10 keV and 2 MeV but fail above 2 MeV because (as shown in Figure 2) they require values beyond the computed table. For n=0, the estimates are fairly good between 2 keV and 10 keV but fail above 10 keV because, again, Equation 19 requires values of Ẽ beyond the calculated table.

Figure 5

Figure 5. Calculated and estimated values of Dα0α0 vs. energy for a simple model of mid-latitude chorus waves, in the same format as Figure 3, showing values for R=1.5 calculated and estimated from values for R0=5.0.

Figure 6

Figure 6. Calculated and estimated values of Dα0α0 vs. energy for a simple model of mid-latitude chorus waves, in the same format as Figure 3, showing values for R=5.0 calculated and estimated from values for R0=1.5.

Figure 7 shows equatorial pitch angle diffusion coefficients for the equatorial chorus model as a function of both energy and pitch angle. Calculated values of D(R), for R={1.2,1.5,2.5,5.0,7.5}, as shown in the plots along the main diagonal of the figure, while the ratios of estimated-to-calculated values, D(R;R0)/D(R), are shown otherwise. For the values of R and R0 used, it can be seen that the ratios often fall between 0.10 and 10 but frequently exceed that range. Naturally, D(R;R0) and D(R0) are closest when R and R0 are closest. The estimates are closer when R and R0 are both larger than when they are both small. Generally, D(R;R0) is more likely to be an underestimate of D(R) (blue regions) when R>R0 and an overestimate (red regions) when R<R0. The best agreement occurs roughly at approximately 100 keV at a low pitch angle and a few hundred keV for a larger pitch angle, with deteriorating agreement for energy above or below those values. Finally, similar trends are seen in Figure 8 for the mid-latitude chorus model.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Calculated and estimated values of Dα0α0 vs. energy and equatorial pitch angle, for a simple model of near-equatorial chorus waves. The plots on the main diagonal (top left to bottom right) show calculated values of D(R). The remaining plots show the ratio of D(R) estimated using R0 to calculated values of D(R). Fully saturated blue indicates values at or below the given limit of the appropriate color bar, while fully saturated red indicates values at or above the given limit; for the ratio plots, this includes a zero denominator but a nonzero numerator. Gray is used where D=0 for both calculated and estimated values.

Figure 8

Figure 8. Same as Figure 7 but for mid-latitude chorus waves.

5 Summary

This paper explored a method for quickly and easily estimating bounce-averaged quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for one value of “density ratio” R=ωp/Ωe using an existing set of values computed for a different value of R. It was introduced by Longley et al. (2022) for the specific application of generalizing the “POES technique” to infer both wave intensity and cold plasma density from measurements of particle flux near the loss cone. In principle, that the procedure could be done without such approximations, although it would require repeated, time-consuming calculation of diffusion coefficients.

Although the original derivation was justified on the basis of parallel-propagating waves (wave normal angle θ=0), for which only resonances with n=1 contribute, the results were applied to diffusion coefficient calculations with much more general models of the waves. Here, we have justified the estimate of D(E,R) by D(E,R0), (Equation 2), based on equating the resonant frequency ω (Equation 1), for wide ranges of θ,n, E, and the equatorial pitch angle αeq, drawing on both the quasi-longitudinal and high-density approximations of the whistler-mode refractive index. Modifications accounting for dependence of D on energy beyond that captured by the dependence on ω were obtained (Equation 28) and found to improve the agreement of the estimates with full calculations using two simple, idealized wave models.

The resulting agreement is far from perfect, however, especially when R and R0 differ greatly. For the tests done, the estimates were typically within a factor of 10 for energy between 10s of keV and 1 MeV for resonances with n0 but frequently worse for greater energy. For diffusion driven by Landau resonance, n=0, the estimates for α0=5° were reliable only over limited ranges of energy below 100 keV. These results depend on the wave models: Landau resonance typically occurs near the particle mirror point, so it might be expected that values for the “equatorial” wave model, restricted to below 15° latitude, are difficult to estimate.

We note that all parameters specifying the wave frequency and wave normal angle distributions have been held fixed throughout. Sensitivity to these parameters was considered by Albert (2012). Furthermore, the quasi-linear diffusion paradigm itself has well-known caveats and limitations, e.g., Allanson et al. (2024). For use with the POES technique, which has additional sources of inaccuracy and uncertainty, the estimates here are probably acceptable. If nothing else, the wave amplitude and density values obtained can be used in more refined calculations. More generally, the tradeoff of accuracy for computational convenience should be carefully assessed for each intended application. One possible avenue toward improvement is to precompute several tables of diffusion coefficients, with different values of R, and use the approach described here to scale from the nearest match to required R values. This is identical to the interpolation in R but in a manner that respects the (approximate) analytical form of the underlying expressions.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

JA: conceptualization, formal analysis, methodology, software, and writing–original draft. WL: conceptualization, formal analysis, and writing–review and editing. AC: conceptualization and writing–review and editing.


The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. JA was supported by the AFOSR grant 2021RVCOR002 and the Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory. WL and AC acknowledge the NASA grant 80NSSC21K1323.


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Keywords: wave–particle interactions, radiation belts, quasi-linear, diffusion, POES technique

Citation: Albert JM, Longley WJ and Chan AA (2024) Estimating quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for varying values of density ratio. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 11:1470742. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1470742

Received: 26 July 2024; Accepted: 23 October 2024;
Published: 09 December 2024.

Edited by:

Xiao-Jia Zhang, The University of Texas at Dallas, United States

Reviewed by:

Adnane Osmane, University of Helsinki, Finland
Murong Qin, Boston University, United States

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*Correspondence: Jay M. Albert, amF5LmFsYmVydEBzcGFjZWZvcmNlLm1pbA==

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