- Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Using our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection and a fixed set of convective parameters
Convection occurs within most stars. Convection brings about the transport and exchange of energy and momentum, and the mixing of matter in the stellar interior. Therefore, it strongly influences the structure, evolution, and pulsational stability of stars. Unfortunately, up to now no perfect convection theory has been accepted by the community. The most popularly applied convection theory is still the mixing-length theory (MLT, Bohm-Vitense, 1958). The most obvious advantage of MLT is its straightforwardness in physical picture and simplicity of use. However, the MLT is not a dynamic theory following the hydrodynamic equations and turbulence theory, but is a phenomenological theory based on a simple analogy of turbulence with the kinetic theory of gas molecules. As such, it cannot give an exact description for turbulent convection, particularly for non-local and time-dependent convection. We developed a non-local and time-dependent theory of convection (Xiong et al., 1980; Xiong, 1981; Xiong, 1989; Xiong et al., 1997; Deng et al., 2006) based on hydrodynamic equations and turbulence theory in order to improve the treatment of overshooting in the calculation of stellar structure and evolution, and the treatment of coupling between convection and oscillations in the calculations of stellar oscillations. In Part Ⅰ of this article, a non-local and time-dependent theory of convection developed by us was briefly described, and its applications in theoretical calculations of the structure of the solar convection zone, of massive star evolution, and of the lithium depletion in the atmospheres of late-type dwarfs were presented. Here in Part Ⅱ, we illustrate its applications in the calculations of stellar oscillations. These applications are not only the primary motivation of our research on convective theory, but also the means for testing convection theory.
Stellar pulsation theory is being perfected thanks to the continuous work of generations of researchers for over 7 decades. Among others, we name four classical books by Ledoux and Walreven (1958), Cox (1980), Unno et al. (1989), and Aerts et al. (2011). They review the major research completed during that period of time. The remaining problems in stellar pulsation theory are almost all related to convection or non-linear theory. This paper is limited to the subjects of turbulent convection and the pulsational stability of stars.
Convection theory is still the most uncertain factor which prevents a clear understanding of oscillations in low-temperature stars. For low-temperature stars, dynamic coupling between convection and oscillations (through the exchange of momentum, i.e., turbulent pressure and turbulent viscosity) has at least as much, or possibly a larger effect than thermodynamic coupling (through the exchange of energy, i.e., convective enthalpy flux) on pulsational stability. The local description of convection has to be abandoned when turbulent pressure is taken into account in the equations of stellar structure, otherwise numerical calculations become unstable (Xiong, 1980). Our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection (Xiong, 1980; Xiong, 1981; Xiong, 1989; Xiong et al., 1997; Deng et al., 2006) is based on hydrodynamic equations and turbulence theory (Hinze, 1975); therefore, it has a more solid foundation in hydrodynamics, and provides a more precise description for the dynamic behavior of turbulent convection. Our formulation has the following advantages in the calculations of stellar oscillations:
(1) Our theory can be used for the treatment of both the thermodynamic (through the turbulent enthalpy flux) and dynamic coupling (through turbulent Reynolds stress, i.e., turbulent pressure and turbulent viscosity) between convection and oscillations in a self-consistent way.
(2) Our theory applies not only to radial oscillations but also to non-radial oscillations of stars in a self-consistent way, because our radiation-hydrodynamic equations are written in a general tensor format, which can deal not only with the exchange of energy and momentum in the radial direction, but also in the horizontal direction.
(3) In most calculations of non-adiabatic oscillations, the problematic rapidly oscillatory solutions are due to the local treatment method (Keeley, 1977; Baker and Gough, 1979; Gonczi and Osaki, 1980). Our time-dependent convection theory is non-local, so they have been effectively suppressed, and even completely removed (Xiong et al., 1998b; see also Figures 1–3 in the present paper).
(4) The pulsation stability is insensitive to convective parameters used. It is almost independent of the choice of convective parameters within a rather wide range (Xiong et al., 2015).
FIGURE 1. Cumulative work
FIGURE 2. The same as Figure 1, but for a high-luminosity red giant.
FIGURE 3. Gas pressure
Linearizing our system of radiation-hydrodynamic equations for the calculation of stellar structure and oscillations in Eqs. (2), (3′), (4′), (5) and Eqs. 18‐21 in Part I, we produce the non-adiabatic radial and non-radial pulsation equations. They are more complex than other theories, they are a system of differential equations of orders 10 and 16, respectively. For the adiabatic oscillation, the equations of energy conservation in Eq. (4′), and auto-correlation and cross-correlation for turbulent velocity and temperature in Eqs. 18‐21 can be removed, the adiabatic radial and non-radial pulsation equations will be simplified to orders 2 and 6. Therefore, the complexity and all the advantages mentioned above are due to our more accurate treatment of the convection problem. This should be the price for a more accurate convection theory, and it is worth it. The wave-scattering by inhomogeneous turbulent medium was neglected in the pulsation equations. Further investigation is needed.
In Theoretical Instability Strips, we present our theoretical instability strips in the H-R diagram. Recent progress in research of
Theoretical Instability Strips
By using our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection and a fixed set of convective parameters
Figure 4 shows the pulsationally unstable low-order non-radial
FIGURE 4. Pulsationally unstable (colored, filled circles) low-degree
FIGURE 5. Pulsationally unstable radial low-order modes (colored, filled circles as labeled in the figure) in the H-R diagram for evolutionary models of 1–20
FIGURE 6. Stable (small filled circles) and unstable (open circles) low-degree
FIGURE 7. (A) Pulsationally stable (small filled circles) and unstable (open circles) radial modes on the
Scuti and Doradus stars
Studies of
Luminous Variable Red Giants
Studies of luminous variable red giants have progressed significantly in the past 2 decades thanks to OGLE (Soszynski et al., 2004; Soszynski et al., 2005; Soszynski et al., 2007; Soszynski et al., 2009), MACHO (Wood, 2000), and similar projects. The existence of the red edge of the Cepheid instability strip is due to damping from thermodynamic coupling between convection and oscillations (through thermal energy exchange, namely convective enthalpy flux). Therefore, fora long time, convection was understood as a pure damping mechanism for the oscillations of stars. Why are there various red variables in the low-temperature area beyond the Cepheid instability strip? This is still an outstanding and disputed subject. Xiong et al. (1998a); Xiong and Deng, (2007) studied in detail the coupling between convection and oscillations, and showed that there is a Mira instability strip in the low-temperature and high-luminosity area of the H-R diagram. Turbulent pressure plays an important role in the excitation of luminous red variables. OGLE and MACHO observations not only greatly enhanced the database, but also offered the best opportunity for studies of the luminous variable stars. By using our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection and the same set of convection parameters
FIGURE 8. Period-luminosity diagram of low-order radial (panel a) and non-radial (panel b) modes for evolutionary models of RGs (black) and AGBs (red) with mass
The observed sequences A′, A, B, C′, and C of luminous red variables in the LMC are shown by magenta, blue, green, cyan, and red points in Figure 8A using data from the OGLE-Ⅲ catalog of LPVs in the LMC (Soszynski et al., 2004; Soszynski et al., 2005; Soszynski et al., 2009).
The sequences C-A′ are commonly interpreted as different pulsation modes. But there is disagreement on the modal assignment. Based on the period ratios, Takayama et al. (2013) suggested that they can be explained by radial and low-degree non-radial (
Studies for luminous red variables have greatly advanced our understanding, but there are still many outstanding problems:
(1) What kinds of variables are the OGLE small amplitude variable red giants (OSARGs)? Why are they so different from Miras and semi-regular variables located in the sequences of C and C’ (Soszynski et al., 2004)?
(2) Are there true oscillation modes with period ratios ∼1 and ∼0 in the observed Petersen diagram, or are these spurious modes due to insufficient observations (Soszynski et al., 2004)?
(3) It can be seen from Figures 4A,B, 8A,B, 7A,B,, that all the non-radial modes are stable for low-mass
Cumulative Work Analysis for the Excitation and Damping Mechanism
Cumulative work is a convenient and efficient way to investigate the excitation and damping mechanism. Not only can the magnitude be estimated quantitatively for each component of excitation and damping, but also the location of these components can be identified. We give a simple derivation of cumulative work. Linearizing the average equation of momentum conservation in Eq. 3 in part I and neglecting the molecular viscous term (it is far smaller than any other terms in the equation), we have,
The value of
The first term in the brackets of Eq. 13 is the buoyancy work, that is, the conversion rate from thermal energy into turbulent kinetic energy, so its contribution for
Linearizing Eqs. (18) and (19) in Part Ⅰ and neglecting the third-order correlation terms, we have
Eqs. 4–16 are our expressions for cumulative work in the general case of non-radial oscillations. They will reduce to the radial expression for
Figure 9 shows the frequency dependences of the excitation and damping effects of turbulent pressure, viscosity, and convective enthalpy flux.
FIGURE 9. Frequency dependence of the excitation and damping effects of turbulent pressure (solid line), turbulent viscosity (dotted line), and convective enthalpy flux (dashed line) on stellar oscillations. The ordinate is used in any unit.
Excitation Mechanism for Variable Red Giants
There is a red edge for the Cepheid (and Cepheid-like) instability strip in the H-R diagram due to convective damping, as mentioned in the previous section. Therefore, convection for a long time was thought of as a purely damping mechanism for stellar oscillations. Convection is not, in fact, a pure damping effect for stellar oscillations, as described in Cumulative Work Analysis for the Excitation and Damping Mechanism. The relative contributions of turbulent pressure, turbulent viscosity, and convective enthalpy flux for excitation and damping of modes change with stellar parameters (mass, luminosity, and effective temperature) and the pulsation frequency (or, alternatively, the radial order and spherical harmonic degree) of the mode. Therefore, the net effect of convection is sometimes to dampen, and sometimes to excite an oscillation mode. Figure 7 shows the pulsationally stable and unstable modes in the
FIGURE 10. Comparison of our theoretical prediction of the maximally unstable mode based on pulsation calculations (abscissa) with the semi-empirical scaling relation (ordinate) for the p-mode peak of stochastically excited modes (Kjeldsen and Bedding, 1995).
In the cumulative work analysis (Cumulative Work Analysis for the Excitation and Damping Mechanism) and in our theoretical calculations of non-adiabatic oscillations (Theoretical Instability Strips,
Figure 1 shows the cumulative work
Therefore, it can be found from the above analysis that the variable red giants of high luminosity are self-exciting. The excitation and stabilization of the oscillations result from the combined effects of the radiative κ-mechanism and the coupling between convection and oscillations. Turbulent pressure plays a significant role in the excitation of variable red giants. This may also be true for the intermediate-luminosity red giants.
Summary and Discussion
Convection is an important and outstanding problem in astrophysics. Collectively, we have studied this subject for over fifty years. Our goal is to develop a stellar convection theory that is exact enough and simple enough in order to improve the treatment of overshooting in the calculations of stellar structure and evolution as well as the treatment of coupling between convection and oscillations in the theoretical calculations of stellar oscillations. In the present papers (including Parts Ⅰ and Ⅱ), a brief description of a time-dependent theory of convection developed by us (in Part Ⅰ) was presented, and the progress of its application in the theoretical calculations of stellar structure and evolution (in Part Ⅰ) and of stellar oscillations (in Part Ⅱ) was reviewed. Our theoretical results achieve obvious improvements over the MLT formulation, which can be summarized as follows:
(1) Structure of the solar convection zone: Using our non-local convection theory, we calculated a model of the entire convective envelope of the Sun and studied the structure of both the upper and lower overshooting zones in detail (in Part Ⅰ; Unno et al., 1985;Xiong and Cheng, 1992;Xiong and Deng, 2001;Deng et al., 2006). The results show that turbulent velocity and temperature fluctuations penetrate deeply into the convectively stable zone and decrease exponentially with
(2) Overshooting mixing and the evolution of massive stars: By using our non-local convection theory in chemically inhomogeneous stars (Xiong, 1981), we calculated the evolution of massive stars through the hydrogen burning stage (Xiong, 1986). The so-called semi-convection contradiction (Schwarzchild and Harm, 1958) is removed automatically, as predicted by us. The convectively neutral stability follows neither the Schwarzschild criterion nor that of Ledoux.
(3) Lithium depletion in stellar atmospheres: By using our non-local convection theory in chemically inhomogeneous stars (Xiong, 1981), we calculated the lithium depletion in the atmosphere of the Sun and late-type dwarfs (in Part Ⅰ). The theoretical predictions agree well with observations of lithium abundances in the atmosphere of the Sun (Figures 9, 11 in Part Ⅰ; Xiong and Deng, 2002) and of member stars of Galactic open clusters of different ages (Figure 11 in Part Ⅰ; Xiong and Deng, 2009).
(4) Pulsational stability of stars: Linearizing the radiation-hydrodynamic equations for the calculation of stellar structure and oscillations in Eqs. (2), (3′), (4′), (5), and (18–21) in Part Ⅰ, we can obtain a set of linear equations for radial and non-radial non-adiabatic oscillations. The radiative κ-mechanism and the thermodynamic- (through the convective enthalpy flux) and dynamic- (through the turbulent Reynolds Stress, i.e., turbulent pressure and turbulent viscosity) coupling between convection and oscillations have been taken into account in a self-consistent way. With a slight modification, the ε-mechanism can be also included, if it is needed. Apart from damping due to the scattering and refraction of sound waves by inhomogeneous turbulent elements and stochastic excitation, they cover almost all the excitation and damping mechanisms for classical variables and variable red giants. By using our non-adiabatic oscillation equations and a fixed set of convective parameters
(5) Excitation and damping mechanisms of red giants were studied in detail: They are excited by the combined effects of the κ-mechanism and coupling between convection and oscillations. Convective flux and turbulent viscosity are found to always have a damping effect. The damping effect of the convective flux is inversely proportional to the mode frequency, so it plays an important role in stabilizing the low-order modes and in defining the red edge of the instability strip. The damping effect of turbulent viscosity reaches its maximum at the point in the star where
(6) The pulsation amplitude growth rates of high-frequency p-modes, which are high-order radial/non-radial modes trapped in the surface region of a star, are overestimated by our theory for low-luminosity low-temperature stars, because up to now we have had no reliable theory to treat and estimate the damping effect due to the scattering and refraction of sound waves by inhomogeneous turbulent elements and neglected it in our theoretical calculations of non-adiabatic oscillations. Our theoretical results for non-adiabatic oscillations are not as reliable for high-frequency p-modes of low-luminosity low-temperature stars, so we should be very cautious about interpreting them. However, our theoretical results for non-adiabatic oscillations are reliable for the classical variables and high-luminosity red giants, because these have low-order modes trapped in the deep interior of the stars that are only lightly influenced by this damping. This inference has been supported by the fact that our theoretical results of non-adiabatic oscillations are in good agreement with observed mode instability from classic variables to high-luminosity red giants (Figures 4–6, 8). This may be also true for intermediate-luminosity red giants. Our prediction that low-luminosity red giants might exhibit unstable intermediate-order modes still needs confirmation. It is also an uncertain prediction since we have not yet determined the range of stellar parameters for which our approach (neglecting the damping effects due to wave scattering and refraction by inhomogeneous turbulent elements) is valid. The ultimate solution to this problem depends on developing a theory for treating the damping effects due to the scattering and refraction of sound waves by inhomogeneous turbulent elements. This problem can be resolved in the not-too-distant future.
It is necessary to emphasize the following two points:
(1) The successes mentioned above do not only apply to an individual problem, but our theory is successful for many important problems in a wide field of stellar structure, evolution, and oscillations.
(2) Our non-local and time-dependent theory of convection includes three adjustable parameters of convection
All the successes mentioned above show that our dynamic theory of convection is roughly correct. It describes the dynamic behavior of turbulent convection more accurately than the MLT calculations. However, there are some difficulties in the calculations of the structure of the convective envelope for yellow giants and supergiants with Te∼6000–7000 K and for high-luminosity red giants. The evolutionary calculations with our non-local convection theory have been successful only for the hydrogen-burning stage of massive stars with initial mass M >
(1) An inadequate numerical method for converging the calculations
(2) Inadequacies of the convection theory
In the derivation of our convection theory, it was assumed that the turbulence is quasi-isotropic and the relative fluctuations of temperature and density are much less than 1. So, our convection theory is applicable only for extensive (the scale of the convection zone is much larger than one pressure scale height) and subsonic convection. The convection zone becomes somewhat narrow in the surface convection zone of yellow giants and in the convective cores of intermediate-mass stars as well as at late evolutionary stages. In surface convection zones, the convective velocity increases with increasing stellar luminosity. Convection becomes nearly sonic or even locally supersonic for luminous red giants and supergiants. So, it is not difficult to understand why the convergence of numerical calculations would become difficult in the cases mentioned above, in which convection conditions deviate from quasi-isotropic or become locally supersonic.
In comparison with MLT, our theory has obvious advantages for the treatment of the dynamic problems of non-local and time-dependent convection. Its weaknesses are a lack of straightforwardness in the physical picture and the fact that the application becomes more complex in comparison with MLT. So, it is difficult to popularize. Up to now, it was only used by a small number of members within our own group and collaborators. There are many remaining problems to be addressed in the theory itself and its practicality. It is impossible to have a perfect convection theory until a better understanding of turbulence has been achieved. Our non-local and time-dependent theory is only one among numerous theoretical approaches for turbulent convection. The existence of different viewpoints and contention are very normal and helpful for the development of science. The applications of our theory in calculations of stellar convective envelope structure and oscillations have achieved some progress. However, more advances are necessary for the treatment of overshooting mixing in the late stages of stellar evolution using a completely non-local convection theory. We expect that more astronomers, hydrodynamicists, and applied mathematicians will join the collaborations for the research of convection theory and relevant problems.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Author Contributions
The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and has approved it for publication.
Conflict of Interest
The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) through Grant No. 1137069. We would like to thank L. Deng and Dr C. Zhang for their valuable discussion. We thank Guzik and reviewer 3 for their kind help in revising the paper. I dedicate this article to my mentor, Prof. Wasaburo Unno. I thank him very much for his attention and support for our work over the years.
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Keywords: variables, interior-stars, convection-stars, oscillations-stars, evolution-stars
Citation: Xiong D-r (2021) Convection Theory and Related Problems in Stellar Structure, Evolution, and Pulsational Stability II. Turbulent Convection and Pulsational Stability of Stars. Front. Astron. Space Sci. 7:438870. doi: 10.3389/fspas.2020.438870
Received: 26 November 2018; Accepted: 28 October 2020;
Published: 19 March 2021.
Edited by:
Joyce Ann Guzik, Los Alamos National Laboratory (DOE), United StatesReviewed by:
Marc-Antoine Dupret, University of Liège, BelgiumRegner Trampedach, Space Science Institute, United States
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*Correspondence: Da-run Xiong, eGlvbmdkckBwbW8uYWMuY24=