AUTHOR=Mishin Evgeny V. TITLE=Artificial Aurora Experiments and Application to Natural Aurora JOURNAL=Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences VOLUME=6 YEAR=2019 URL= DOI=10.3389/fspas.2019.00014 ISSN=2296-987X ABSTRACT=

A review is given of the effects observed during injections of powerful electron beams from sounding rockets into the upper atmosphere. Data come from in situ particle and wave measurements near a beam-emitting rocket and ground-based optical, wideband radiowave, and radar observations. The overall data cannot be explained solely by collisional degradation of energetic electrons but require collisionless beam-plasma interactions (BPI) be taken into account. The beam-plasma discharge theory describes the features of the region near a beam-emitting rocket, where the beam-excited plasma waves energize plasma electrons, which then ignite the discharge. The observations far beneath the rocket reveal a double-peak structure of artificial auroral rays, which can be understood in terms of the beam-excited strong Langmuir turbulence being affected by collisions of ionospheric electrons. This leads to the enhanced energization of ionospheric electrons in a narrow layer termed the plasma turbulence layer (PTL), which explains the upper peak. Similar double-peak structures or a sharp upper boundary in rayed auroral arcs have been observed in the auroral ionosphere by optical, radar, and rocket observations, and called Enhanced Aurora. A striking resemblance between Enhanced and Artificial Aurora altitude profiles indicates that they are created by the above BPI process which results in the PTL.