AUTHOR=Ottolina Riccardo , Falomo Renato , Treves Aldo , Uslenghi Michela , Kotilainen Jari K. , Scarpa Riccardo , Farina Emanuele Paolo TITLE=Circum-Galactic Medium in the Halo of Quasars JOURNAL=Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences VOLUME=4 YEAR=2017 URL= DOI=10.3389/fspas.2017.00061 ISSN=2296-987X ABSTRACT=

The properties of circum-galactic gas in the halo of quasar host galaxies are investigated analyzing Mg II 2800 and C IV 1540 absorption-line systems along the line of sight close to quasars. We used optical spectroscopy of closely aligned pairs of quasars (projected distance ≤ 200 kpc, but at very different redshift) obtained at the VLT and Gran Telescopio Canarias to investigate the distribution of the absorbing gas for a sample of quasars at z ~1. Absorption systems of EW ≥0.3 associated with the foreground quasars are revealed up to 200 kpc from the centre of the host galaxy, showing that the structure of the absorbing gas is patchy with a covering fraction quickly decreasing beyond 100 kpc. In this contribution we use optical and near-IR images obtained at VLT to investigate the relations between the properties of the circum-galactic medium of the host galaxies and of the large scale galaxy environments of the foreground quasars.