AUTHOR=Posth Jan-Alexander , Kotlarz Piotr , Misheva Branka Hadji , Osterrieder Joerg , Schwendner Peter TITLE=The Applicability of Self-Play Algorithms to Trading and Forecasting Financial Markets JOURNAL=Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence VOLUME=4 YEAR=2021 URL= DOI=10.3389/frai.2021.668465 ISSN=2624-8212 ABSTRACT=
The central research question to answer in this study is whether the AI methodology of Self-Play can be applied to financial markets. In typical use-cases of Self-Play, two AI agents play against each other in a particular game, e.g., chess or Go. By repeatedly playing the game, they learn its rules as well as possible winning strategies. When considering financial markets, however, we usually have one player—the trader—that does not face one individual adversary but competes against a vast universe of other market participants. Furthermore, the optimal behaviour in financial markets is not described