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Front. Appl. Math. Stat. , 26 February 2025

Sec. Mathematical Physics

Volume 11 - 2025 |

Mellin convolutions of products and ratios

\r\nArak M. MathaiArak M. Mathai1Hans J. Haubold
Hans J. Haubold2*
  • 1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
  • 2Office for Outer Space Affairs, United Nations, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria

Usually, convolution refers to Laplace convolution in the literature, but Mellin convolutions can yield very ueful results. This aspect is illustrated in the coming sections. This study deals with Mellin convolutions of products and ratios. Functions belonging to the pathway family of functions are considered. Several types of integral representations, their equivalent representations in terms of G and H-functions, and their equivalent computable series representations are examined in this study.

Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 26A33, 44A10, 33C60, 35J10.

1 Introduction

Laplace convolutions involving products of two functions are widely known in the literature (see [1, 2]), but Mellin convolutions of products and ratios are not widely used in the literature. Here, we examine Mellin convolutions of products and ratios involving some functions belonging to the pathway family of functions. The pathway family of functions was introduced by Mathai [3] for real-valued scalar functions with the arguments being rectangular matrices in the real domain. These results were extended to the complex domain in Mathai and Provost [4]. Here, we consider the real scalar variable case first, and then, some generalizations are also considered. Let x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 be real positive scalar variables associated with the functions f1(x1) and f2(x2), respectively, and with the joint function f1(x1)f2(x2) the product. Then, the Mellin transforms of f1 and f2, with Mellin parameter s, and denoted by Mf1(s) and Mf2(s), are the following:

Mf1(s)=0x1s-1f1(x1)dx1and Mf2(s)=0x2s-1f2(x2)dx2    (1.1)

whenever the integrals are convergent. Let u = x1x2. Let g1(u) be the function associated with u. Then, the Mellin transform of g1(u) is the following:

Mg1(s)=0us-1g1(u)du=00(x1x2)s-1f1(x1)f2(x2)dx1dx2=Mf1(s)Mf2(s)    (1.2)

since the joint function of x1 and x2 is assumed to be the product f1(x1)f2(x2). Consider the transformation

u=x1x2,v=x2or v=x1dx1dx2=1vdudv

and the joint function of u and v is 1vf1(uv)f2(v) or 1vf1(v)f2(uv). Then, g1(u) is the following:

g1(u)=v1vf1(uv)f2(v)dv=v1vf1(v)f2(uv)dv.    (1.3)

But, from Equation 1.2, g1(u) is available as the inverse Mellin transform of Mf1(s)Mf2(s). That is,

g1(u)=12πic-ic+iMf1(s)Mf2(s)u-sds,i=(-1)    (1.4)

whenever the inverse Mellin transform exists. From Equations 1.3, 1.4, we have

g1(u)=v1vf1(uv)f2(v)dv=v1vf1(v)f2(uv)dv=12πic-ic+iMf1(s)Mf2(s)u-sds    (1.5)

This Equation 1.5 is the Mellin convolution of a product property.

When x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 are real scalar random variables with the densities f1(x1) and f2(x2), respectively, and when x1 and x2 are statistically independently distributed, then

Mf1(s)=E[x1s-1],Mf2(s)=E[x2s-1],E[(x1x2)s-1]=E[x1s-1]E[x2s-1]=Mf1(s)Mf2(s)    (1.6)

due to statistical independence of x1 and x2, where E[·] denotes the expected value of [·]. The density of u = x1x2, denoted by g1(u), is available as the first part of Equation 1.5 if we use transformation of variables and as the second part of Equation 1.5 if we use the result of arbitrary moments uniquely determining the corresponding density. Whenever f1(x1) and f2(x2) are statistical densities, we can also give a statistical interpretation of the Mellin convolution of a product as the unique density of the product of independently distributed real scalar positive random variables x1 and x2. Thus, the results in Equations 1.11.5 can be given statistical interpretations also whenever the functions f1 and f2 are statistical densities.

For the real scalar positive variables case, the pathway family consists of the generalized type-1 beta family given by

p1(x)=δaαδΓ(αδ+β)Γ(αδ)Γ(β)xα-1(1-axδ)β-1,0x1,a>0,   α>0,β>0,1-axδ>0    (1.7)

and zero elsewhere, with the standard form given by


and zero elsewhere; the generalized type-2 beta model is given by

p2(x)=δaαδΓ(αδ+β)Γ(αδ)Γ(β)xα-1(1+axδ)-(αδ+β),0x<    (1.8)

for a > 0, α>0, β > 0, δ>0 and zero elsewhere, with the standard form given by


and zero elsewhere; and the generalized gamma model is given by

p3(x)=δaαδΓ(αδ)xα-1e-axδ,0x<,a>0,δ>0,α>0    (1.9)

and zero elsewhere with the standard form given by


and zero elsewhere. In statistical densities, the parameters are usually real, and hence, the conditions are stated for the real parameters but the functions are available when the parameters are in the complex domain also. In that case, the same conditions hold on the real parts of the parameters. We will examine Mellin convolutions of products and ratios involving f1(x1) and f2(x2) belonging to the models (Equations 1.71.9) so that the results obtained will be readily applicable.

The concept of Mellin convolution of a ratio is coming from the following considerations. As before, let x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 be real scalar positive variables with their associated functions f1(x1) and f2(x2), respectively, and with the joint function f1(x1)f2(x2) the product. Let u=x2x1 the ratio and let g2(u) be the function corresponding to u. Then, proceeding as before we have

E[us-1]=E[(x2x1)s-1]=E[x2s-1]E[x1-s+1]=Mf2(s)Mf1(2-s).    (1.10)

Let u=x2x1,v=x2dx1dx2=-vu2dudv,x2=v,x1=vu. In addition, u=x2x1,v=x1dx1dx2=vdudv,x1=v,x2=uv. Then, the Mellin conovlution of a ratio property is the following:

g2(u)=vvu2f1(vu)f2(v)dv=vvf1(v)f2(uv)dv=12πic-ic+iMf1(2-s)Mf2(s)u-sds.    (1.11)

Again, we will examine Mellin convolution of a ratio involving functions belonging to the pathway family (Equations 1.71.9) for the real scalar variable case first.

This study is organized as follows: Section 2 deals with Mellin convolution of a product involving functions in the standard form in Equations 1.71.9. One general form is illustrated at the end. Section 3 gives Mellin convolutions of a ratio involving the standard forms in Equations 1.71.9. Then, one illustration is given at the end for a general case. Section 4 examines some generalizations to the real matrix-variate case.

2 Mellin convolution of a product

Here, we consider only Mellin convolutions of products of two real-valued scalar functions of real scalar positive variables. The results can be extended to Mellin convolution of a product involving three or more real-valued scalar functions.

Problem 2.1. Type-2 beta vs. gamma

To start with, we consider

f1(x1)=Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)Γ(β)x1α(1+x1)-(α+1+β)   x10, f2(x2)=aρ+1Γ(ρ+1)x2ρe-ax2,x20,

for α > −1, ρ > −1, β > 0, a > 0 and let f1 and f2 be zero elsewhere. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and u = x1x2 with the corresponding function g1(u). Then, for c=Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)Γ(β)aρ+1Γ(ρ+1),

g1(u)=01vf1(uv)f2(v)dv   =c01v(uv)α(1+uv)-(α+1+β)vρe-avdv   =cuα0vρ+β(v+u)-(α+1+β)e-avdv,0u<    (2.1)
g1(u)=01vf1(v)f2(uv)dv   =cuρ0vα-ρ-1(1+v)-(α+1+β)e-auvdv,0u<.    (2.2)

Also, the Mellin transforms are the following:

Mf1(s)=Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)Γ(β)0x1α+s-1(1+x1)-(α+1+β)dx1   =Γ(α+s)Γ(α+1)Γ(β-s+1)Γ(β),(α+s)>0,(β-s+1)>0    (2.3)
Mf2(s)=aρ+1Γ(ρ+1)0x2ρ+s-1e-ax2dx2   =Γ(ρ+s)Γ(ρ+1)aas,(ρ+s)>0    (2.4)

where ℜ(·) denotes the real part of (·). Then,

g1(u)=1Γ(α+1)Γ(β)aΓ(ρ+1)   12πic-ic+iΓ(α+s)Γ(ρ+s)Γ(β+1-s)(au)-sds    (2.5)
=aΓ(α+1)Γ(β)Γ(ρ+1)G1,22,1[au|α.,ρ-β],0u<    (2.6)

where the G(·) is the G-function. For the theory and applications of the G-function, see for example, Mathai [5]. The inverse Mellin transform in Equation 2.5 can be evaluated by using residue calculus. For α − ρ ≠ ±ν, ν = 0, 1, ... the poles of the integrand are simple. Then, the function is available as the sum of the residues at the poles of Γ(α+s) and Γ(ρ+s). These produce two confluent hypergeometric series, and the sum of these residues is the explicit value of the G-function for 0 ≤ u < ∞. g1(u) above gives various representations of the density of u. Since the density is unique, we can compare the different representations of the unique density and obtain several results on the unique density or we can obtain several results on the G-function. Different types of results on the G-function are given as Theorem 2.1 below. Since the procedure is the same, we will not give the derivations in detail for the remaining theorems in Section 2; only the results will be listed as theorems. The proofs are parallel to the steps given above.

Theorem 2.1. For a > 0, u≥0, α > −1, ρ > 0, β > 0

G1,22,1[au|α,ρ-β]=Γ(α+1+β)aρuα     0vρ+β(v+u)-(α+1+β)e-avdv     =Γ(α+1+β)aρuρ     0vα-ρ-1(1+v)-(α+1+β)e-auvdv     =(au)αΓ(ρ-α)Γ(1+α+β)     F11(β+1+α;1+α-ρ:au)     +(au)ρΓ(1+β+ρ)Γ(α-ρ)     F11(β+1+ρ;1+ρ-α;au),

for 0 ≤ au < ∞, α − ρ ≠ ±ν, n = 0, 1, ....

Note that the integral can be evaluated at specific values of a and u such as u = 1; a = 1; a = 1, u = 1, giving rise to simpler integrals. The condition α−ρ≠±ν is needed only to write the G-function in terms of a confluent hypergeometric series. Each integral above multiplied by 1Γ(α+1)Γ(β)aΓ(ρ+1) produces a statistical density g1(u) for u also since our starting f1 and f2 are statistical densities. We have taken non-negative integrable functions with total integral unity for convenience. The results hold for other types of functions provided the Mellin transforms exist and the product of the Mellin transforms is invertible. A direct generalization of Problem 2.1 can be achieved by replacing 1+x1 in f1 by 1+a1x1δ1,a1>0,δ1>0 and replacing the exponent ax2 in f2 by ax2δ2,δ2>0. Then, instead of the G-function, one will end up with a H-function and then one will obtain results on this H-function. For the theory and applications of the H-function, see for example, Mathai et al. [6]. Since xj≥0 in Problem 2.1, we can obtain parallel results for δj < 0 also.

Problem 2.2. Type-2 beta vs. type-2 beta



for 0 ≤ xj < ∞, αj > −1, βj > 0, j = 1, 2 and let fj be zero elsewhere for j = 1, 2. Let the joint function of x1 and x2 be f1(x1)f2(x2) and u = x1x2 with the corresponding function g1(u). Then, proceeding as in Problem 2.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 2.2. For αj > −1, βj > 0, j = 1, 2 and for c={j=12Γ(αj+1+βj)Γ(αj+1)Γ(βj)},

g1(u)=cuα10vβ1+α2(u+v)-(α1+1+β1)(1+v)-(α2+1+β2)dv,   0u<   =cuα20vα1+β2(1+v)-(α1+1+β1)(v+u)-(α2+1+β2)dv,   0u<   ={j=121Γ(αj+1)Γ(βj)}G2,22,2[u|α1,α2-β1,-β2],0u<
G2,22,2[u|α1,α2-β1,-β2]=Γ(α2-α1)Γ(β1+1+α1)Γ(β2+1+α1)uα1×2F1(β1+1+α1,β2+1+α1;1+α1-α2;u)+Γ(α1-α2)Γ(β1+1+α2)Γ(β2+1+α2)uα2×2F1(β1+1+α2,β2+1+α2;1+α2-α1;u)for 0u<1,α1-α2±ν,ν=0,1,...Γ(α1+1+β1)Γ(α2+β1+1)Γ(β2-β1)u-β1-1×2F1(α1+β1+1,α2+β1+1;1+β1-β2;1u)+Γ(α1+β2+1)Γ(α2+β2+1)Γ(β1-β2)u-β2-1×2F1(α1+β2+1,α2+β2+1;1+β2-β1;1u)for β1-β2±ν,ν=0,1,...,1u<

A direct generalization of Problem 2.2 is to replace 1+xj in fj by 1+ajxjδj,aj>0,δj>0,j=1,2. Then, we will end up with a H-function, instead of the G-function above, and then parallel results will be available on this H-function. Since xj≥0 in fj here, one can allow δj to be negative also. Parallel results will be available for j = 1, 2.

Problem 2.3. Type-1 beta vs. type-1 beta



and zero elsewhere for j = 1, 2. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u = x1x2 with the corresponding function denoted as g1(u). Then, proceeding as in Problem 2.1, one has the following results, for αj>-1,βj>0,j=1,2,c=j=12Γ(αj+1+βj)Γ(αj+1)Γ(βj):

Theorem 2.3. For αj > −1, βj > 0, j = 1, 2 and for 0 ≤ u ≤ 1

G2,22,0[u|α1,α2α1+β1,α2+β2]=1Γ(β1)Γ(β2)uα1v=u1vα2-α1-β1(v-u)β1-1(1-v)β2-1dv,0u1=1Γ(β1)Γ(β2)uα2v=u1vα1-β2-α2(v-u)β2-1(1-v)β1-1dv,0u1=Γ(α2-α1)Γ(β1)Γ(α2+β2-α1)uα1×2F1(1-β1,1+α1-α2-β2;1+α1-α2;u)+Γ(α1-α2)Γ(β2)Γ(α1+β1-α2)uα2×2F1(1-β2,1+α2-α1-β1;1+α2-α1;u),0u1for α1-α2±ν,ν=0,1,...,0u<1

This G-function multiplied by {j=12Γ(αj+1+βj)Γ(αj+1)} gives a statistical density g1(u) for u also. A direct generalization is available by replacing 1−xj in fj by 1-ajxjδj for aj > 0, δj > 0, with the condition 1-ajxjδj>0,j=1,2. Then, one will end up with a H-function, instead of the G-function above, and parallel results will be available for this H-function. It may be observed that a constant multiple of this H-function is a statistical density for u also.

Problem 2.4. Type-1 beta vs. gamma


f1(x1)=Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)Γ(β)x1α(1-x1)β-1,0x11,   f2(x2)=aγ+1Γ(γ+1)x2γe-ax2,x20

for α > −1, β > 0, γ > −1, a > 0 and let f1 and f2 be zero elsewhere and let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u = x1x2 with the corresponding function denoted as g1(u). Then, proceeding as in Problem 2.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 2.4. For α > −1, γ > −1, a > 0, β > 0

G1,22,0[au|α,γα+β]=aγΓ(β)uαv=uvγαβ(vu)β1eavdv,0u<=aγΓ(β)uγ01vαγ1(1v)β1eauvdv,0u<=Γ(γα)Γ(β)(au)αF11(1β;1+αγ:au)+Γ(αγ)Γ(α+βγ)(au)γF11(1+γαβ;1+γα;au),0u<for αγ±ν,ν=0,1,...,0u<

Note that this G-function multiplied by Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)aΓ(γ+1) produces a statistical density g1(u) for u also. A direct generalization is available by replacing 1−x1 in f1 by 1-a1x1δ1 with 1-a1x1δ1>0,a1>0,δ1>0 and replacing the exponent ax2 in f2 by ax2δ2 with δ2 > 0. Then, one can obtain parallel results on a H-function. Here, δ2 can be negative also so that the integrals and the corresponding H-function will exist. If δ1 is allowed to be negative, then it will create problems with the support there and the problem will be complicated.

Problem 2.5. Type-1 beta vs. type-2 beta



for 0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1, x2≥0, α > −1, γ > −1, δ>0, β > 0 and let f1 and f2 be zero elsewhere. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u = x1x2 with the corresponding function denoted as g1(u). Then, proceeding as in Problem 2.1, we will have the following results:

Theorem 2.5. For α > −1, γ > −1, β > 0, δ > 0

G2,22,1[u|α,γδ,α+β]=Γ(γ+1+δ)Γ(β)uα                         v=uvγαβ(vu)β1(1+v)(γ+1+δ)dv,                         0u<                        =Γ(γ+1+δ)Γ(β)uγ                         v=01vα+δ(1v)β1(v+u)(γ+1+δ)dv,                         0u<                      ={Γ(γα)Γ(1+δ+α)Γ(β)uαF12(1+δ+α,1β;1+αγ;u)+Γ(αγ)Γ(1+δ+γ)Γ(α+βγ)uγF12(1+δ+γ,1+γαβ;1+γα;u)for 0u<1,αγ±ν,ν=0,1,...Γ(α+1+δ)Γ(γ+1+δ)Γ(α+β+1+δ)u1δF12(α+1+δ,γ+1+δ;α+β+1+δ;1u)for 1u<.

This G-function multiplied by Γ(α+1+β)Γ(α+1)1Γ(γ+1)Γ(δ) produces a statistical density g1(u) for u also. A direct generalization is available by replacing 1−x1 in f1 by 1-a1x1δ1 with a1>0,δ1>0,1-a1x1δ1>0 and replacing 1+x2 in f2 by 1+a2x2δ2 with a2 > 0, δ2 > 0. Then, one will obtain parallel results on a H-function. Also, note that in this Problem 2.5, if the type-2 beta density is replaced by a general density, then the first integral representation gives Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral of the second kind of order β and parameter α, see also Mathai and Haubold [7] and Fortin et al. [8, 9].

Problem 2.6. Gamma vs. gamma



and let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and u = x1x2 with the corresponding function denoted as g1(u). Then, proceeding as in Problem 2.1, we will have the following results:

Theorem 2.6. For aj > 0, αj > −1, j = 1, 2

G0,22,0[a1a2u|α1,α2]=a1α1a2α2uα1        v=0vα2-α1-1e-a1uv-a2vdv,0u<        =a1α1a2α2uα2        0vα1-α2-1e-a1v-a2uvdv,0u<        =(a1a2u)α1Γ(α2-α1)        F10(  ;1+α1-α2;a1a2u)        +(a1a1u)α2Γ(α1-α2)        F10(  ;1+α2-α1;a1a2u),0u<        for α1-α2±ν,ν=0,1,...

A direct generalization is available by replacing the exponent ajxj by ajxjδj,δj>0,j=1,2. Then, we will obtain parallel results on a H-function. Here, one can allow δj < 0, j = 1, 2 also, which will then produce parallel results on a H-function. Since we have started with statistical densities for f1 and f2, we may observe that a constant multiple of this G-function in Theorem 2.6 is a statistical density g1(u) for u also. When δ1 = 1 we have Krätzel integral and associated with it is the Krätzel transform, see Mathai and Haubold [10]. When δ1 = δ2 = 1, that is the case considered in Theorem 2.6, the integrand in the integral representations, normalized, gives inverse Gaussian density. The unconditional density in the Bayesian analysis when the prior density is gamma and when the scale parameter has a prior gamma distribution then the unconditional density has the structure in the general as well as in the particular case where δ1 = δ2 = 1. In this particular case, one has the Bessel integral given by the G-function representation in the simple poles cases also.

For the sake of illustration, one direct generalization of a Mellin convolution of a product will be derived here in detail. This will be listed as Problem 2.7.

Problem 2.7. Generalized type-2 beta vs. generalized type-2 beta



for xj≥0, aj > 0, δj > 0, αj > −1, j = 1, 2 and fj is zero otherwise for j = 1, 2. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u = x1x2 and let the function corresponding to u be denoted as g1(u). Then,

E[us-1]=E[x1s-1]E[x2s-1]E[xjs-1]=δjajαj+1δjΓ(αj+1δj+βj)Γ(αj+1δj)Γ(βj)   0xjαj+s-1(1+ajxjδj)-(αj+1δj+βj)dxj   =aj1δjajsδjΓ(αj+sδj)Γ(αj+1δj)Γ(βj-s-1δj)Γ(βj).    (2.7)

For convenience, let us consider the case δ1 = δ2 = δ. Then, for c1=j=12aj1δΓ(αj+1δ)Γ(βj) and from Equation 2.7 by taking the inverse Mellin transform, we have g1(u) as the following:

g1(u)=c112πic-ic+i[j=12Γ(αj+sδ)Γ(βj-s-1δ)][(a1a2)1δu]-sds   =c1H2,22,2[(a1a2)1δu|(αjδ,1δ),j=1,2(1-βj-1δ,1δ),j=1,2],0u<.    (2.8)

The inverse Mellin transform in Equation 2.8 will be evaluated by using residue calculus. Note that for α1−α2≠±ν, ν = 0, 1, ..., the poles of Γ(α1+sδ)Γ(α2+sδ) are simple. The poles of Γ(αj+sδ) are at αj+sδ=-ν,ν=0,1,...s=-αj-δν,ν=0,1,.... The residue at s = −α1−δν coming from Γ(α1+sδ) is lims-α1-δν(s+α1+δν)Γ(α1+sδ)=δ(-1)νν!. The rest of the steps are parallel to those in the derivations in Problem 2.1. For 0a1a2uδ<1, we will end up with two Gauss' hypergeometric series, and the continuation part for 1a1a1uδ< will give another two Gauss' hypergeometric series. If we consider the transformation of variables, then g1(u) has the following forms where c=j=12δajαj+1δΓ(αj+1δ+βj)Γ(αj+1δ)Γ(βj):

g1(u)=cv1v(uv)α1[1+a1(uv)δ]-(α1+1δ+β1)vα2   (1+a2v)-(α2+1δ+β2)dv   =cuα10vα2-α1-1[1+a1uδvδ]-(α1+1δ+β1)   (1+a2v)-(α2+1δ+β2)dv.    (2.9)

The second form is available by interchanging (α1, β1) and (α2, β2) in Equation 2.9. Note that

g1(u)=δ2{j=12ajαjδΓ(αj+1δ+βj)}×(the H-function)

where the H-function has the following explicit forms:

H=H2,22,2[(a1a2)1δu|(αjδ,1δ),j=1,2(1-βj-1δ,1δ),j=1,2]={δΓ(α2-α1δ)Γ(β1+α1+1δ)Γ(β2+α1+1δ)[(a1a2)1δu]α1×2F1(β1+α1+1δ,β2+α1+1δ;1+α1-α2δ;a1a1uδ)+δΓ(α1-α2δ)Γ(β1+α2+1δ)Γ(β2+α2+1δ)[(a1a2)1δu]α2×2F1(β1+α2+1δ,β2+α2+1δ;1+α2-α1δ;a1a2uδ),for 0a1a2uδ<1 and for α1-α2±ν,ν=0,1,...δΓ(β1+α1+1δ)Γ(β1+α2+1δ)Γ(β2-β1)[(a1a2)1δu]-(β1δ+1)×2F1(β1+α1+1δ,β1+α2+1δ;1+β1-β2;1a1a2uδ)+δΓ(β2+α1+1δ)Γ(β2+α2+1δ)Γ(β1-β2)[(a1a2)1δu]-(β2δ+1)×2F1(β2+α1+1δ,β2+α2+1δ;1+β2-β1;1a1a2uδ)for a1a2uδ1 and for β1-β2±ν,ν=0,1,...

This completes the calculations and the representations of g1(u) in two different integral representations and in terms of a H-function with explicit computable series form representations.

3 Mellin convolution of a ratio

Here, we examine a ratio. Let x1 > 0 and x2 > 0 be real scalar positive variables associated with the functions f1(x1) and f2(x2), respectively. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2). Let u=x2x1 the ratio. Let the Mellin transforms of f1 and f2 be Mf1(s) and Mf2(s), respectively with the Mellin parameter s. Let the function associated with the ratio u be denoted by g2(u). Then, the Mellin transform of g2(u) is available from the joint function as Mf2(s)Mf1(2−s) which can easily be seen if x1 and x2 are statistically independently distributed random variables with the densities f1(x1) and f2(x2), respectively. Then,

E[us-1]=E[(x2x1)s-1]=E[x2s-1]E[x1-s+1]=Mf2(s)Mf1(2-s)    (3.1)

whenever the Mellin transforms exist. Then, from the inverse Mellin transform, g2(u) is available as the following:

g2(u)=12πic-ic+iMf2(s)Mf1(2-s)u-sds,i=(-1)    (3.2)

whenever the integral is convergent. We can also reach g2(u) through transformation of variables. Let x2 = v and u=x2x1, then x1=vu and dx1dx2=-vu2dudv. If one takes x1 = v, then x2 = uv and dx1∧dx2 = vdu∧dv. Then, we have two different integral representations for g2(u), namely,

g2(u)=vvu2f1(vu)f2(v)dv    (3.3)
=vvf1(v)f2(uv)dv.    (3.4)

Then, Equations 3.23.4 give three different representations for the same function g2(u). We will consider various functions belonging to the pathway family of functions for convenience.

Problem 3.1. Gamma vs. gamma



and let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let c=j=12ajαj+1Γ(αj+1). Then, from Equation 3.3

g2(u)=cvu2(vu)α1e-a1vuvα2e-a2vdv=cΓ(α1+α2+2)uα2(a1+a2u)-(α1+α2+2)    (3.5)

and from Equation 3.4

g2(u)=cvvvα1e-a1v(uv)α2e-a2uvdv=cuα2Γ(α1+α2+2)(a1+a2u)-(α1+α2+2),    (3.6)

for 0 ≤ u < ∞, which is the same as the one in Equation 3.5. Also,

Mf2(s)=a2α2+1Γ(α2+1)0x2α2+s-1e-a2x2dx2=a2a2sΓ(α2+s)Γ(α2+1),(α2+s)>0    (3.7)


Mf1(2-s)=a1α1+1Γ(α1+1)0x1α1-s+1e-a1x1dx1=a1sΓ(α1+1)a1Γ(2+α1-s),(2+α1-s)>0.    (3.8)


g2(u)=a2a11Γ(α1+1)Γ(α2+1)12πi   c-ic+iΓ(α2+s)Γ(2+α1-s)(a2ua1)-sds   =a2a1Γ(α1+1)Γ(α2+1)G1,11,1[a2ua1|α2-1-α1],0u<.    (3.9)

This G-function can be evaluated as the sum of the residues at the poles of Γ(α2+s) for 0a2ua1<1 and as the sum of the residues at the poles of Γ(2+α1s) for 1a2ua1<. Thus, we have

g2(u)=Γ(α1+α2+2)Γ(α1+1)Γ(α2+1)×1u{(a2ua1)α2+1F01(2+α1+α2;  ;a2ua1),0a2ua1<1(a1a2u)α1+1F01(2+α1+α2;  ;a1a2u),1a2ua1<.    (3.10)

Then, from Equations 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, we have the following theorem:

Theorem 3.1. For aj>0,αj>-1,c={j=12ajαj+1Γ(α1+1)},

g2(u)=cΓ(α1+α2+2)uα2(a1+a2u)(α1+α2+2),0u<=Γ(α1+α2+2)Γ(α1+1)Γ(α2+1)×1u{(a2ua1)α2+1F01(2+α1+α2;  ;a2ua1),0a2ua1<1(a1a2u)α1+1F01(2+α1+α2;  ;a1a2u),1a2ua1<,

where g2(u) is a statistical density for u also.

Generalization is available by replacing ajxj in fj(xj) by ajxjδj,δj>0,j=1,2. In this case, one will end up with a H-function instead of the G-function above. Then, various integral and series representations of that H-function will be available. Here, we will be able to consider δj < 0, j = 1, 2 also giving rise to parallel results. Since the derivations of the results in Problem 3.1 are given in detail, the remaining results will be stated without the detailed derivations. The derivations will be parallel to those provided in Problem 3.1.

Problem 3.2. Gamma vs. type-2 beta



for αj > −1, 0 ≤ xj < ∞, j = 1, 2, a1 > 0, β2 > 0 and let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2). Let u=x2x1 with the corresponding function denoted as g2(u). Then, following through the derivations parallel to those in Problem 3.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 3.2. For αj > −1, j = 1, 2, β2 > 0, a1 > 0

G2,11,2[ua1|α2-β2,-1-α1]=a1α1+2Γ(α2+β2+1)u-α1-20vα1+α2+1(1+v)-(1+α2+β2)e-a1vudv,0u<=a1α1+2Γ(α2+β2+1)uα20vα1+α2+1(1+uv)-(1+α2+β2)e-a1vdv,0u<=Γ(α2+β2+1)Γ(1+α1-β2)(a1u)1+β2F11(1+α2+β2;β2-α1;a1u)+Γ(2+α1+α2)Γ(β2-α1-1)(a1u)2+α1F11(2+α1+α2;2+α1-β2;a1u),0u<for β2-α1-1±ν,ν=0,1,...

Generalizations are possible by replacing the exponent a1x1 in f1 by a1x1δ1,δ1>0 and replacing 1+x2 in f2 by 1+a2x2δ2,a2>0,δ2>0. Then, one will end up with a H-function, and results will be available for this H-function. In this case, δj < 0, j = 1, 2 will also work and parallel results will be available.

Problem 3.3. Type-2 beta vs. gamma



for γ > −1, α > −1, a > 0, δ>0, 0 ≤ xj < ∞, j = 1, 2 and let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2). Let u=x2x1. Then, proceeding as in the derivations in Problem 3.1, we will have the following results:

Theorem 3.3. For α > −1, γ > −1, δ>0, a > 0

G1,22,1[au|α,δ-1-1-γ]=Γ(γ+1+δ)aαuδ-1      0vα+γ+1(u+v)-(γ+1+δ)e-avdv,0u<      =Γ(γ+1+δ)aαuα      0vα+γ+1(1+v)-(γ+1+δ)e-auvdv,0u<      =Γ(δ-1-α)Γ(2+γ+α)(au)α      F11(2+γ+α;2+α-δ;au)      +Γ(1+γ+δ)Γ(1+α-δ)(au)δ-1      F11(1+γ+δ;δ-α;au),0u<      for δ-1-α±ν,ν=0,1,...

Generalizations are possible by replacing 1+x1 in f1 by 1+b1x1δ1,b1>0,δ1>0 and by replacing the exponent in f2 by ax2δ2,δ2>0. This will produce a H-function and several results on this H-function. In this case, δj < 0, j = 1, 2 will also work, resulting in parallel results.

Problem 3.4. Gamma vs. type-1 beta



for a > 0, β > 0, γ > −1, α > −1, x1≥0, 0 ≤ x2 ≤ 1, and f1 and f2 are zero otherwise. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u=x2x1. Then, proceeding as in the derivations for Problem 3.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 3.4. For a > 0, β > 0, α > −1, γ > −1

G2,11,1[ua|α-1-γ,α+β]=aγ+2Γ(β)u-γ-2        01vα+γ+1(1-v)β-1e-avudv,0<u<        =aγ+2Γ(β)uα        01uvα+γ+1(1-uv)β-1e-avdv,0u<        =Γ(2+α+γ)Γ(2+α+γ+β)(ua)-γ-2        F11(2+α+γ;2+α+γ+β;-au),

for 0 ≤ u < ∞. Generalization can be achieved by replacing the exponent ax1 in f1 by ax1δ1,δ1>0 and replacing 1−x2 in f2 by 1-a2x2δ2,a2>0,δ2>0,1-a2x2δ2>0. Then, one will end up with a H-function and several results on this H-function.

Problem 3.5. Type-1 beta vs. gamma



for α > −1, γ > −1, a > 0, β > 0, x2≥0, 0 ≤ x1 ≤ 1, and f1 and f2 are zero otherwise. Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u=x2x1. Then, proceeding as in the derivations in Problem 3.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 3.5. For α > −1, γ > −1, a > 0, β > 0

G1,21,1[au|γ,-1-α-β-1-α]=aγΓ(β)u-β-α-1        v=0uvα+γ+1(u-v)β-1e-avdv,0<u<        =aγΓ(β)uγ01vα+γ+1(1-v)β-1e-auvdv,        0<u<        =aγΓ(2+α+γ)Γ(2+α+γ+β)uγ        F11(2+α+γ;2+α+γ+β;-au),0u<.

A direct generalization is achieved by replacing 1−x1 in f1 by 1-a1x1δ1,a1>0,δ1>0,1-a1x1δ1>0 and by replacing the exponent ax2 in f2 by ax2δ2,δ2>0. Then, one will end up with a H-function, and several results will be available on this H-function. It may be observed that if in f1, α is replaced by α−1, and if f2 is a general function, then the first integral representation in Theorem 3.5 is also Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral of the first kind of order β and parameter α, see also Mathai and Haubold [7].

Problem 3.6. Type-1 beta vs. type-1 beta


fj(xj)=Γ(αj+1+βj)Γ(αj+1)Γ(βj)xjαj(1-xj)βj-1,   0xj1,αj>-1,βj>0,j=1,2.

Let the joint function be f1(x1)f2(x2) and let u=x2x1. Then, proceeding as in the derivation of Problem 3.1, we have the following results:

Theorem 3.6. For αj > −1, βj > 0, j = 1, 2

G=G2,21,1[u|α2,1α1β11α1,α2+β2]   ={1Γ(β1)Γ(β2)uα201uvα1+α2+1(1v)β11(1uv)β21dv,0u<11Γ(β1)Γ(β2)uα1β1101vα1+α2+1(uv)β11(1v)β21dv,1u<     G={Γ(2+α1+α2)Γ(2+α1+α2+β1)Γ(β2)uα2F12(1β2,2+α1+α2;2+α1+α2+β1;u),0u<1Γ(2+α1+α2)Γ(2+α1+α2+β2)Γ(β1)u2α1F12(1β1,2+α1+α2;2+α1+α2+β2;1u),for 1u<.

A direct generalization will be available by replacing 1−xj by 1-ajxjδj,aj>0,δj>0,1-ajxjδj>0,j=1,2. Then, we will end up with a H-function, and several results will be available on this H-function. One general case of the ratio u=x2x1 will be discussed here for the sake of illustration. This will be listed here as Problem 3.7.

Problem 3.7. Generalized type-2 beta vs. generalized gamma



for α > −1, γ > −1, δ>0, ρ>0, a > 0, b > 0, β > 0, and f1 and f2 are zero elsewhere. Let u=x2x1 with the associated function g2(u). The Mellin transforms of f1 and f2 are the following:




for ℜ(2+α−s)>0, ℜ(βδ−1+s)>0. Then




Then, from the inverse Mellin transform we have

g2(u)=12πic-ic+iMf1(2-s)Mf2(s)u-sds   =c112πic-ic+iΓ(γρ+sρ)Γ(β-1δ+sδ)   Γ(2+αδ-sδ)[b1ρua1δ]-sds   =c1H1,22,1[b1ρua1δ|(γρ,1ρ),(β-1δ,1δ)(1-2+αδ,1δ)],0u<.

From the integral representations of g2(u), we have the following forms and for δ = ρ and for γ+ρν≠βδ+δλ, v = 0, 1, ..., λ = 0, 1, ... the poles of the integrand are simple, and then, we have the following series representations for the H-function for δ = ρ. We will state this as a theorem.

Theorem 3.7. For the conditions, c, c1 stated above, we have

g2(u)=cu-α-20vα+γ+1[1+a(vu)δ]-(α+1δ+β)e-bvρdv   =cu-γ0vα+γ+1[1+avδ]-(α+1δ+β)e-b(uv)ρdv   =c1H-function above

where for ρ = δ,

H=H1,22,1[(ba)1δu|(γδ,1δ),(β1δ,1δ)(12+αδ,1δ)]=δ{Γ(βγ+1δ)Γ(2+α+γδ)[(ba)1δu]γF11(2+α+γδ;1+γ+1δβ;buδa)+Γ(γ+1δβ)Γ(α+1δ+β)[(ba)1δu]βδ1F11(α+1δ+β;1+βα+1δ;bauδ),for 0u<,γδβ+1±ν,ν=0,1,...

4 Generalization to matrix-variate cases

Here, all the matrices appearing are p×p real symmetric positive definite when in the real domain or p×p Hermitian positive definite when in the complex domain. Let X1>O and X2>O be p×p real symmetric positive definite matrices with the associated functions f1(X1) and f2(X2), respectively, and with the joint function f1(X1)f2(X2), capital letters representing matrices and lower case letters denoting scalar variables where fj(Xj) is a real-valued scalar function of Xj, j = 1, 2. When fj(Xj)≥0 for all Xj, in the domain of Xj, with Xjfj(Xj)dXj=1, then fj(Xj) is a statistical density also. Since we are dealing with symmetric matrices, we will be defining symmetric product corresponding to the scalar case x1x2 as X212X1X212 where X212 is the symmetric positive definite square root of X2, and symmetric ratio corresponding to x2x1 as X212X1-1X212 where X1-1 is the regular inverse of X1. We can also define symmetric product corresponding to x1x2 as X112X2X112 and symmetric ratio corresponding to x2x1 as X1-12X2X1-12 also.

4.1 Symmetric product in the real matrix-variate case

Let U=X212X1X212 with V = X2 so that X1=V-12UV-12. We can show that

dX1dX2=|V|-p+12dUdV    (4.1)

see, for example, Mathai [11], where |(·)| denotes the determinant of (·). Let Xj = (xjik) with the (i, k)-th element xjik for i = 1, ..., p, k = 1, ..., p. Since Xj=Xj, a prime denoting the transpose, there are only p(p+1)/2 distinct elements in Xj and only p(p+1)/2 differentials dxjik, ik or ik. Then, dXj = ∧ikdxjik. Note that the wedge product in Equation 4.1 remains the same if we take V = X1 instead of X2. For illustrative purposes, we will discuss one problem involving M-convolution of a product. For M-convolutions and M-transforms, see Mathai [11].

Problem 4.1. Real p×p matrix-variate gamma vs. real p×p matrix-variate gamma



where Xj=Xj>O is a real matrix of a p(p+1)/2 distinct (functionally independent) real scalar variables xjik as elements, Bj=Bj>O is a p×p constant positive definite matrix, tr(·) means the trace of (·), and Γpj) is a real matrix-variate gamma defined as

Γp(α)=πp(p-1)4Γ(α)Γ(α-12)...Γ(α-p-12),(α)>p-12    (4.2)
=Y>O|Y|α-p+12e-tr(Y)dY,Y>O,(α)>p-12    (4.3)

and thus, the real matrix-variate gamma Γp(α) is associated with the real matrix-variate gamma integral in Equation 4.3. Hence, Γp(α) is called as the real matrix-variate gamma. Let g2(U) be the real-valued scalar function associated with the matrix U=X212X1X212. Then, from the joint function f1(X1)f2(X2), we have for c=j=12|Bj|αjΓp(αj),

g2(U)=cV>O|V|-p+12|V-12UV-12|α1-p+12|V|α2-p+12   e-tr(B1V-12UV-12)-tr(B2V)dV   =c|U|α1-p+12V>O|V|α2-α1-p+12e-tr(B1V-12UV-12)-tr(B2V)dV    (4.4)
=c|U|α2-p+12V>O|V|α1-α2-p+12e-tr(B1V)-tr(B2V-12UV-12)dV.    (4.5)

Note that Equations 4.4, 4.5 can be taken as real matrix-variate generalization of Bessel integrals, Krätzel integral, Bayesian structures, etc. The integrand, normalized can also be taken as a real matrix-variate inverse Gaussian density when fj(Xj), j = 1, 2 are densities. In this case, g2(U) is the unique density of the symmetric product U also. All the pairs of functions that we considered in Section 2 can be generalized to the corresponding matrix-variate cases except Problem 2.7. In Problem 2.7, generalization to the matrix-variate case is possible for some specific values of δ1 and δ2.

5 Concluding remarks

In Sections 2 and 3, elementary functions belonging to the pathway family are considered so that the results in Sections 2 and 3 will be readily applicable to various practical problems. Immediate generalizations of all pairs in Sections 2 and 3 are also useful in situations in real scalar variable cases. All problems in Sections 2 and 3, except Problems 2.7 and 3.7, can be generalized to the corresponding matrix-variate cases in the real and complex domains. In all those cases, when fj(Xj), j = 1, 2 are statistical densities, then g1(U) and g2(U) will be unique densities corresponding to symmetric product and symmetric, ratios respectively. There are not many results in the literature on Mellin convolutions of products and ratios involving more than two real scalar variables. Let u = x1x2...xk with the joint function f1(x1) Then, the integral representations and series representations of g1(u) can be obtained in many different ways which will produce various results. When it comes to the ratio, then ratios can be defined in many different ways when more than two real scalar variables are involved. Then, the corresponding g2(u) can take different forms and shapes.

“Convolution” in mathematical literature often means Laplace convolution. Mellin convolutions of products and ratios used to appear very rarely in mathematical literature. In the area of special functions, when the functions are defined through Mellin-Barnes representations, Mellin transforms and Mellin convolutions appear automatically. The class of hypergeometric functions appears in very many practical problems as models and as series solutions of differential equations. Hypergeometric function pFq(·) has a Mellin-Barnes representation. Mittag-Leffler function is considered as the queen function in the area of fractional calculus. These functions also have Mellin-Barnes representations. Wright's function is another prominent function in the literature having Mellin-Barnes representation. Generalized scalar variable special functions such as G and H-functions have Mellin-Barnes representations. In all these cases, Mellin convolutions of products and ratios appear. Products and ratios of random variables appear in many real-life situations. In industrial production processes, the money value of the output has the structure of the product of two real scalar positive random variables, namely, quantity of output and price per unit. In a series of papers, starting from 2009, Mathai has shown that all types fractional integrals introduced by various authors from time to time are nothing but Mellin convolutions of products and ratios of real scalar variables. In the overview paper Mathai [12], it is shown that the whole area of fractional calculus, including fractional integrals and fractional derivatives etc., can be studied by using Mellin convolutions of products and ratios. It is shown that the approach through Mellin convolutions enable us to go to the Mellin transforms thereby to the corresponding inverse Mellin transforms which provide explicit evaluations of fractional integrals. It is also shown that when the arbitrary functions in fractional integrals belong to some general classes, then the inverse Mellin transform will end up in G and H-functions. Then, one could make use of the G-function differential equation to construct differential equations for fractional integrals. It is also shown in Mathai [12] that the approach through statistical distribution theory or Mellin convolutions enables us to extend fractional integrals to functions of matrix arguments and to the complex domains.

Explicit computable series representations for various categories of G-functions, including the general G-function, are given in Mathai [5] book. The same techniques work in obtaining explicit computable series forms for the H-function also. With the help of these computable representations, computer packages are also produced. Programs are available in MAPLE and MATHEMATICA for analytical and numerical computations of G and H-functions Hence, numerical computations and graphs are not attempted in the present study.

In the case of Mellin convolutions of products involving two functions, it is shown that when these two functions belong to generalized gamma densities, then one can obtain Krätzel integrals and Krätzel transforms, reaction-rate probability integrals in nuclear reaction-rate theory, and inverse Gaussian density in stochastic processes. The large contributions of Mathai and Haubold in astrophysics area started with the evaluation of a reaction-rate probability integral by using the density of product of real scalar positive random variables, which is nothing but the Mellin convolution of a product involving generalized gamma densities. A summary of the study in this area of astrophysics is available in the monograph Mathai and Haubold [13], and an updated version of this book is scheduled to appear in early 2025 from Springer.

In the matrix-variate case, Mathai [11] defined M-convolutions and M-transforms, corresponding to Mellin convolutions and Mellin transforms in the real scalar case. Jacobians of matrix transformations and functions of matrix arguments in the real and complex domains are given there, along with the necessary conditions for the existence of various items. Detailed existence conditions for G-functions are given in Mathai [5]. These M-convolutions are shown to be densities of symmetric product and symmetric ratios of matrices when the basic functions involved are matrix-variate statistical densities in the real or complex domain. Distributions of symmetric products and symmetric ratios of real positive definite or Hermitian positive definite matrix-variate random variables appear in a large number of practical situations such as in neutrino problems [8], matrix-variate fractional calculus [12], the analysis of multiple and multi-look data in radar, and sonar [14]. Matrix-variate statistical distributions including singular distributions in the real and complex domains and their applications in various areas are given in Mathai et al. [15]. In this book, detailed existence conditions of the various results in the real and complex domains are also given.

Data availability statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author contributions

HH: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. AM: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft.


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Keywords: special functions, Mellin convolutions, H-function, G-function, integral transform, Laplace transform, Krätzel integrals, matrix-variate cases

Citation: Mathai AM and Haubold HJ (2025) Mellin convolutions of products and ratios. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 11:1526541. doi: 10.3389/fams.2025.1526541

Received: 12 November 2024; Accepted: 07 February 2025;
Published: 26 February 2025.

Edited by:

Igor Kondrashuk, University of Bío Bío, Chile

Reviewed by:

Naim Braha, University of Pristina, Albania
Ahmad Qazza, Zarqa University, Jordan

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*Correspondence: Hans J. Haubold, aGFucy5oYXVib2xkQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==

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