- 1Department of Mathematics, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine
- 2Department of Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
- 3Department of Quantitative Analysis, College of Business Administration, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In the linear regression model, the multicollinearity effects on the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator performance make it inefficient. To solve this, several estimators are given. The Kibria-Lukman (KL) estimator is a recent estimator that has been proposed to solve the multicollinearity problem. In this paper, a generalized version of the KL estimator is proposed, along with the optimal biasing parameter of our proposed estimator derived by minimizing the scalar mean squared error. Theoretically, the performance of the proposed estimator is compared with the OLS, the generalized ridge, the generalized Liu, and the KL estimators by the matrix mean squared error. Furthermore, a simulation study and the numerical example were performed for comparing the performance of the proposed estimator with the OLS and the KL estimators. The results indicate that the proposed estimator is better than other estimators, especially in cases where the standard deviation of the errors was large and when the correlation between the explanatory variables is very high.
The statistical consequences of multicollinearity are well-known in statistics for a linear regression model. Multicollinearity is known as the approximately linear dependency among the columns of the matrix X in the following linear model
where y is an n × 1 vector of the given dependent variable, X is a known n × p matrix of the given explanatory variables, β is an p × 1 vector of given unknown regression parameters, and ε is described as an n × 1 vector of the disturbances. Then, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator of β for the model (1) is given as:
The multicollinearity problem effects on the behavior of the OLS estimator make it inefficient. Sometimes, it produces wrong signs [1, 2]. Many studies were conducted to handle this. For example, Hoerl and Kennard [2] proposed the ordinary ridge and the generalized ridge (GR) estimators, while Liu [3] introduced the popular Liu and the generalized Liu (GL), and very recently, Kibria and Lukman [1] proposed a ridge-type estimator called the Kibria–Lukman (KL) estimator which is defined by
This estimator has been extended for use in different generalized linear models, such as Lukman et al. [4, 5], Akram et al. [6], and Abonazel et al. [7].
According to recent papers [8–10], we can say that the efficiency of any bias estimator will increase if the estimator is modified or generalized using bias parameters that vary from observation to observation in the sample (ki and/or di) rather than in fixed bias parameters (k and/or d). Hence, the main purpose of this paper is to develop a general form of the KL estimator to combat the multicollinearity in the linear regression model.
The rest of the discussion in this paper is structured as follows: Section Statistical Methodology presents the statistical methodology. In Section Superiority of the Proposed GKL Estimator, we theoretically compare the proposed general form of the KL estimator with each of the mentioned estimators. In Section The Biasing Parameter Estimator of the GKL Estimator, we give the estimation of the biasing parameter of the proposed estimator. Different scenarios of the Monte Carlo simulation are done in Section A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. A real data is used in Section Empirical Application. Finally, Section Conclusion presents some conclusions.
Statistical Methodology
Canonical Form
The canonical form of the model in equation (1) is used as follows:
where Z = XR, α = R′β, and R is an orthogonal matrix such that Then, the OLS of α is as:
and the matrix mean squared error (MMSE) is given as,
Ridge Regression Estimators
The OR and the GR of αare, respectively, defined as follows [2]:
where , k > 0 and , with K = diag(k1, k2, ..., kp), ki > 0, and i = 1, 2, ..., p.
The MMSE of the OR and the GR are given respectively as:
Liu Regression Estimators
The Liu and the GL of αare respectively defined as follows [3]:
The MMSE of the Liu and the GL are, respectively, given as:
Kibria–Lukman Estimator
The KL estimator of α is given as Kibria and Lukman [1]:
where M1 = [G−kIp] and the MMSE of this estimator is given as:
The Proposed GKL Estimator
Now, by replacing W1 with W2 and M1 with M2 = [G−K] in the KL estimator, we obtain the general form of the GKL estimator as follows:
then, the MMSE of the proposed GKL estimator is computed by,
Superiority of the Proposed GKL Estimator
In this section, we make a comparison of the proposed GKL estimator with each of OLS, GR, GL, and KL estimators. First, we offer some useful lemmas for our comparisons of estimators.
Lemma 1: Wang et al. [11]: Suppose M and N are n × n positive definite matrices, then M > N if and only if (iff) λ − 1max, where λ − 1max is the maximum eigenvalue of NM−1 matrix.
Lemma 2: Farebrother [12]: Let S be an n × n positive definite matrix. That is, S > 0 and α be some vector. Then, S − αα′ > 0 iff α′S−1α < 1.
Lemma 3: Trenkler and Toutenburg [13]: Let αi = Uiw, i = 1, 2 be any two linear estimators of α. Suppose that , where be the covariance matrix of and . Then,
iff where
Theorem 1: is superior to iff
Proof: The covariance matrices difference is written as
where becomes positive definite iff or (gi + ki) − (gi − ki) > 0. It is clear that for ki > 0, i = 1, 2, ..., p, (gi + ki) − (gi − ki) = 2ki > 0. Therefore, this is done using Lemma 3.
Theorem 2: When λ − 1max, is superior to iff
where , , and .
For ki > 0, it is obvious that M > 0 and N > 0. Then, M − N > 0 iff λ − 1max, where λ − 1max is the maximum eigenvalue of NM−1. So, this is done by Lemma 1.
Theorem 3: is superior to iff
where .
Proof: The covariance matrices difference is written as
where becomes positive definite iff or (gi + ki)(gi + di) − (gi − ki)(gi + 1) > 0. So, if ki > 0 and 0 < di < 1, (gi + ki)(gi + di) − (gi − ki)(gi + 1) = ki(2gi + di + 1) + gi(di − 1) > 0. So, this is done by Lemma 3.
Theorem 4: is superior to iff
where .
Proof: The covariance matrices difference is written as
where becomes positive definite iff or (gi + ki)(gi − k) − (gi − ki)(gi + k) > 0. So, if ki > 0 and ki > k, (gi + ki)(gi − k) − (gi − ki)(gi + k) = 2gi(ki − k) > 0. So, this is done by Lemma 3.
The Biasing Parameter Estimator of the GKL Estimator
The performance of any estimator depends on its biasing parameter. Therefore, the determination of the biasing parameter of an estimator is an important issue. Different studies analyzed this issue (e.g., [2, 3, 8–10, 14–24]).
Kibria and Lukman [1] proposed the biasing parameter estimator of the KL estimator as follows:
Here, we find the estimation of the optimal values of ki for the proposed GKL estimator. The optimal values of ki are obtained by minimizing
Differentiating m(k1, k2, ..., kp) with respect to ki and setting [, the optimal values of ki after replacing σ2 and by their unbiased estimators become as follows:
A Monte Carlo Simulation Study
The explanatory variables are generated as follows [25–27]:
where aji are the independent pseudo-random numbers that have the standard normal distribution and ρ is known that the correlation between two given explanatory variables. The dependent variable y are given by:
where εj are the i.i.dN(0, σ2). The values of β are given such that β′β = 1 as discussed in Dawoud and Abonazel [28], Algamal and Abonazel [29], Abonazel et al. [7, 30], and Awwad et al. [31]. Also, all factors that used in the simulation are given in Table 1.
In order to see the performance of the OLS, KL, and the proposed GKL estimators with their biasing parameters estimators presented in Section Statistical Methodology, the estimated mean squared error (EMSE) are calculated for each replicate with different values of σ, ρ, n, and p using the following formula:
where is the estimated vector of α at the lth experiment of the simulation.
The EMSE values of the OLS, KL, and GKL estimators are presented in Tables 2, 3. We can conclude the following based on the simulation results:
1. When the standard deviation (σ), the degree of multicollinearity (ρ), and the explanatory variables number (p) get an increase, the EMSE values of estimators get an increase.
2. The EMSE values of estimators get a decrease in case of the sample size gets an increase.
3. The GKL is better than the OLS estimator in all different values of factors except when σ = 1 and ρ = 0.80, 0.90 with the considered values of p and n.
4. The GKL is better than the KL estimator in all different values of factors except the following cases: (i) for n = 50 when σ = 1 and ρ = 0.80, 0.90 with p = 3 or 7, (ii) for n = 100, 150 when σ = 1 in all presented values of ρ with p = 3 or when σ = 5 and ρ = 0.80 with p = 3, and (iii) for n = 100, 150 when σ = 1 and ρ = 0.80, 0.90 with p = 7.
5. Finally, we see that the proposed GKL estimator is obviously efficient in case of the standard deviation getting large and when the correlation among the explanatory variables are very high.
Empirical Application
For clarifying the performance of the proposed GKL estimator, the dataset of the Portland cement that was originally due to Woods et al. [32], which was considered in Kibria and Lukman [1], where the dependent variable is the heat evolved after 180 days of curing and measured in calories per gram of cement. In this study, the first explanatory variable is tricalcium aluminate, the second explanatory variable is tricalcium silicate, the third explanatory variable is tetracalcium aluminoferrite, and the fourth explanatory variable is β-dicalcium silicate. The eigenvalues of X′X matrix are 44,676.21, 5,965.42, 809.95, and 105.42. Then, the condition number is 20.58. Therefore, multicollinearity exists among the predictors. The estimated error variance is , which shows high noise in the data. The estimated values of the optimal parameters in the GKL estimator are calculated as derived in Section Statistical Methodology. Also, the equation proposed by Kibria and Lukman [1] for estimating the biasing parameter of the KL estimator is used. Consequently, the mean square error (MSE) of the OLS, KL, and GKL estimators are presented in Table 4. From Table 4, we can note that the KL estimator is better than the OLS estimator, and the GKL estimator is better than the OLS and KL estimators.
In this paper, we proposed the GKL estimator. The performance of the proposed GKL estimator is theoretically compared with the OLS, GR, GL, and KL estimators in terms of known matrix mean squared error. Moreover, the optimal shrinkage parameter of the proposed GKL estimator is presented. A simulation study and the numerical example were performed for comparing the performance of the proposed GKL estimator with the OLS and KL estimators based on the estimated mean squared error criterion. The results indicate that the proposed estimator is better than other estimators, in particular, in the case the standard deviation of the errors was large and when the correlation between the explanatory variables is very high.
Data Availability Statement
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.
Author Contributions
ID, MA, and FA contributed to conception and structural design of the manuscript. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher's Note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University, represented by the Research Center, at CBA for supporting this research financially.
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Keywords: generalized liu estimator, multicollinearity, generalized ridge estimator, biasing parameter, ridge-type estimator
Citation: Dawoud I, Abonazel MR and Awwad FA (2022) Generalized Kibria-Lukman Estimator: Method, Simulation, and Application. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 8:880086. doi: 10.3389/fams.2022.880086
Received: 21 February 2022; Accepted: 14 March 2022;
Published: 20 April 2022.
Edited by:
Min Wang, University of Texas at San Antonio, United StatesReviewed by:
Muhammad Suhail, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, PakistanZakariya Yahya Algamal, University of Mosul, Iraq
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*Correspondence: Mohamed R. Abonazel, bWFib25hemVsQGN1LmVkdS5lZw==