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Front. Appl. Math. Stat. , 08 December 2021

Sec. Dynamical Systems

Volume 7 - 2021 |

This article is part of the Research Topic Mathematical and Statistical Modelling of Infectious Diseases: from community-acquired infections to hospital-acquired infections View all 3 articles

Global Dynamics of a Delayed Fractional-Order Viral Infection Model With Latently Infected Cells

  • 1School of Applied Mathematics, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates

In this paper, we propose a fractional-order viral infection model, which includes latent infection, a Holling type II response function, and a time-delay representing viral production. Based on the characteristic equations for the model, certain sufficient conditions guarantee local asymptotic stability of infection-free and interior steady states. Whenever the time-delay crosses its critical value (threshold parameter), a Hopf bifurcation occurs. Furthermore, we use LaSalle’s invariance principle and Lyapunov functions to examine global stability for infection-free and interior steady states. Our results are illustrated by numerical simulations.

1 Introduction

Various mathematical models have been developed to describe, within-host, the dynamics of various viral infections, with a focus on virus-to-cell transmission, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [1], COVID-19 [2,3], hepatitis C virus (HCV) [4], hepatitis B virus (HBV) [5], and human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) [6]. Classical viral infection models are composed of the interactions between susceptible cells, infected target cells, and free viruses. Furthermore, some authors studied latent infection to describe the mechanism of latency. Wang et al. [7] investigated the HIV model with latent infection incorporating both modes of time-delays and transmissions between viral entry and viral production or integration and also discussed the basic reproductive number, showing existence of asymptotic stability of endemic equilibrium points. Wen et al. [8] studied the virus-to-cell and cell-to-cell HIV virus transmission dynamics with latently infected cells. Pan et al. [9] discussed the HCV infection model, which includes the routes of infection and spread, such as virus-to-cell and cell-to-cell transmission dynamics, and explained numerically the four different HCV models.

The infection persists when the virus weakens and suppresses the immune response. Immune system response refers to the process that when the virus enters the human body, the immune system receives the signal of virus attack and spreads it to the immune organs, which secrete lymphocytes to purge the virus. Moreover, the adaptive immune response plays a crucial role in the control of infection process. When the virus spreads in the human body, the human body produces double modes of immune responses: one is the B cell that makes humoral immune response and the other is the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) that makes cellular immune response. Previous studies have shown that the humoral immune response is more active than the cellular immune responses. Elaiw et al. [10] discussed the dynamical behaviors of viral infection models with latently infected cells, humoral immune response, and general non-linear incidence rate function. The authors in [11] investigated the global asymptotic stability of reaction–diffusion viral infection model with homogeneous environments and non-linear incidence in heterogeneous and humoral immunity. Wang et al. [12] discussed the global stability results of HIV viral infection model with latently infected cells, B-cell immune response, Beddington–DeAngelis functional response, and various time-delays. The authors in [13] reported the stability and bifurcation results of generalized viral infection system with humoral immunity and distributed delays in virus production and cell infection, and time lags described the time needed to activate the immune response.

The fractional-order modeling provides more reliable, accurate, and precise information about the dynamics of biological models. Description of memory and hereditary properties make it superior to the classical-order model. Additionally, non-integer–order models can easily demonstrate and explore the dynamics between two non-local points and are more comprehensive to discuss real-world problems for the global dynamics. In recent years, various ideas and theories about the fractional-order derivatives have been developed and introduced (see [1416]). Rakkiyappan et al. [17] discussed the fractional-order Zika viral infection model with different time-delays, such as the latency infection in the infected host and in a vector, and sufficient conditions for stability and bifurcation results with respect to time lags. The authors in [18] analyzed the local stability results of fractional-order Ebola viral infection model with time-delayed immune response (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte term) in heterogeneous complex networks. Rihan et al. [19] studied the fractional-order dynamics of hepatitis C virus (HCV) incorporating the intracellular delay between the initial infection of a cell by HCV and the release of new virions and the interferon-α (IFN-α) treatment. Tamilalagan et al. [20] reported the characteristic dynamics for the non-integer–order HIV infection model with CTL immune responses and antibody and also compared it with that of the integer-order model. The authors reported in [21] derived the sufficient conditions of stability and optimal control results for the fractional-order HIV model with transmission dynamics. Researchers investigated fractional-order viral infection models to understand how the immune system works and examined how immune cells eliminate virus [22,23].

With motivation of the above-mentioned studies, in this paper, we extend the integer-order differential model into the fractional-order model for the virus-immune system with latently infected cell compartments. We incorporate fractional order and time-delay to represent long-run and short-run memory. As part of the Holling type II functional response, viral pathogens spread from virus to cell and from cell to cell. To avoid dimensional mismatches in the fractional equations, a parameter modification is used. We derive the positivity and boundedness of the solution for the considered model. We examine the local stability of existing equilibrium points and the bifurcation results of the considered model. We also discuss some necessary conditions for global stability using a novel suitable Lyapunov function combined with LaSalle’s invariance principle. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we formulate the viral infection model and also study the positivity and boundedness of the solution. Local and global stability results of such a model are derived in Section 3 and Section 4, respectively. The numerical simulations are provided in Section 5, to validate the obtained theoretical results. Section 6 contains conclusion.

2 Model Formulation

In the process of viral infection, the immune system plays a critical role. Viral dynamics can be modeled properly to provide insights into understanding the disease and the clinical treatments used to treat it. In adaptive immune responses, lymphocytes are responsible for specificity and memory. The two main types of lymphocytes are B cells and T cells. The function of T cells is to recognize and kill infected cells, while the function of B cells is to produce antibodies to neutralize the viruses. Researchers have studied the effects of immune responses such as CTL responses and antibody responses [2427]. Some other researchers have also taken into account the effect of CTL responses and intracellular delays [16,19,28]. The mathematical model that describes the effect of humoral immune response on virus dynamics is presented as [29]


where x(t), y(t), v(t), and w(t) represent the concentration of uninfected target cells, actively infected cells, free viruses, and antibodies/B cells at time t, respectively. The uninfected cells x(t) are assumed to produce/grow at a constant rate λ̂ and death rate d̂. β1̂ is the infection rate by free virus, and β2̂ is the rate at which uninfected cells are converted to productively infected ones per both cells. â,μ̂,ĥ are the death rate of infected cells, free virus particles, and antibodies/B cells, respectively. Free virus particles are produced from productively infected cells at the rate k̂, and ξ̂ is the rate of neutralization by antibodies. ĝ is the rate of antibodies activated against the virus.

Herein, we upgrade the model (1) to include the latent infection component. We assume that the uninfected cell x(t) becomes infected by free virus or by direct contact with an infected cell at the rate β1̂x(t)v(t)1+v(t)+β2̂x(t)y(t)1+y(t) with Holling type II functional response. We also assume that (1 − φ) and φ ∈ (0, 1) are the proportions of infection that lead to latency and productivity, respectively. A fractional order (0 < α ≤ 1) is also considered in the model to represent the long-run memory. The model takes the form


with initial values x(0) > 0, l(0) > 0, y(s) = χ(s) > 0, v(0) > 0, w(0) > 0, s ∈ [ − τ, 0] and χ(s) being the smooth function. Here, Dα is the Caputo fractional derivative of order α. l(t) denotes the concentrations of infected cells in the latent stage at t. We avoid dimensional mismatches for the fractional order model, define the parameter values λ=λ̂α,β1=β1̂α,β2=β2̂α,a=âα,k=k̂α,m1=m̂1α,μ=μ̂α,ξ=ξ̂α,g=ĝα,h=ĥα, and m=m̂α be the death rate of l(t) and latent infection become productively infected cells at the rate γ=γ̂α. τ is delay which defines the time it takes for the newly produced virus to be mature and then infectious. em1τ is the survival probability of immature virions.

Definition 1 [15]. The Caputo derivative of fractional order α for a function f(t) is described as


where n1<α<nZ+ and Γ(⋅) is the gamma function.

The Laplace transform of Caputo derivative is described as


where F(s)=L{f(t)}. In particular, when f(i)(0) = 0, i = 1, 2, , n − 1, then L{Dαf(t);s}=sαF(s).

Remark 1. The fractional derivative α ∈ (0, 1) is defined by Caputo sense [15], so introducing a convolution integral with a power-law memory kernel is a good way to describe memory effects in dynamical systems. The decaying rate of the memory kernel is determined by α. A lower value of α corresponds to slower-decaying time-correlation functions which result in long-run memory.

Theorem 1. For any initial values x(0) > 0, l(0) > 0, y(s) = χ(s) > 0, v(0) > 0, w(0) > 0, s ∈ [ − τ, 0], the model (2) has a unique solution in [0, + ). Moreover, this solution remains positive and bounded.

Proof 1. Assume that R+5={(x,l,y,v,w)R5:x0,l0,y0v0,w0} is positively invariant. The model (2) becomes


Here, Z(t) = (x(t),l(t),y(t),v(t),w(t))T, and


Z0=(x(0),l(0),y(s),v(0),w(0))TR+5. For that, we analyze the direction of K(Z(t)) on each coordinate space and see whether the vector field points to the interior of R+5. From Eq. 2, we get


From [30,31] and Eq. 3, we found K(Z(t)) is interior of R+5. The solution of Eq. 2 with Z0R+5 is Z(t) = Z(t, Z0), in such a way that Z(t)R+5.

Next, we prove the boundedness, adding the first three equations in Eq. 2:


Suppose that d ≤ min{m, a}, we get


If t, then we get x(t)+l(t)+y(t)λd. The fourth equation of Eq. 2 is


If t, then we get v(t)kem1τλμd. We can easily prove the boundedness of w(t).

The model (2) has the following equilibrium points:

• Infection-free equilibrium point E0(λd,0,0,0,0).

• Immune response–free equilibrium point E1(x*,l*,y*=μhkg,v*=hg,0) where x*=λd+β1hg+h+β2μhkg+μh, l*=(1φ)β1x*v*1+v*+β2x*y*1+y*m+γ.

• Endemic equilibrium point E2(x*,l*,y*,v*,w*) where l*=(1φ)(λdx*)m+γ, y*=(γ+φm)(λdx*)a(m+γ),v*=hg, w*=gk(γ+φm)(λdx*)μha(m+γ)aξh(m+γ). Since l*, y*, w* > 0, we must have x*<λd and x*(0,λd) satisfy the following quadratic equation:


Here, we derive the threshold quantity R0 and define the transmission matrix F and transition matrix V as follows:


Based on the method of next-generation matrix [3234], the threshold quantity R0 is the spectral radius of




Note that R0 is of dimension [time]α. Hence, it is not a dimensionless quantity as generally defined for the basic reproduction number in the integer-order setting. The above threshold quantity R0 is memory-dependent (see [32,33]).

3 Local Stability

In this section, we discussed the local stability and bifurcation results of equilibrium point by using the linearization technique and Jacobian matrix. The linearized system of Eq. 2 at any equilibrium point E(x*,l*,y*,v*,w*) is described as


Apply the Laplace transform of Eq. 4, so that X(s)=L{x(t)},L(s)=L{l(t)},Y(s)=L{y(t)},V(s)=L{v(t)}, and W(s)=L{w(t)}. Eq. 4 is described as






The characteristic equation becomes




Theorem 2. If R0<1, then the infection-free steady state E0 of (2) is locally asymptotically stable, and if R0>1, then E0 is unstable.

Proof 2. The characteristic equation of Eq. 2 at E0 is


Since some coefficients of the above equations are delay-dependent, we utilize the geometric method, discussed in [35], to explore the possible stability switch in a general delay differential system with delay-dependent parameters. For the underlying model, we prove the stability of equilibrium points by direct comparison of the modulus of Eq. 6. When R0<1, we can prove that the eigenvalue sα = x1 + iy1 is a solution of Eq. 6 and then the real part x1 < 0. But taking contradiction, suppose that x1 ≥ 0.

Dividing by (sα + m + γ)(sα + μ)(sα + a) on both sides of Eq. 6, we get


This leads to contradiction because R0<1. So, all the eigenvalues sα have negative real parts, and then E0 is locally stable if R0<1. If R0>1, then Eq. 6 is written as




Clearly, H(0)=h3=μa(m+γ)(1R0)<0 and lim s∞H(sα) = + . Thus, there exists at least one non-negative real root such that H(sα) = 0, which implies that E0 is unstable if R0>1.

Next, we derive the local stability at the endemic equilibrium state E2 of Eq. 2.

Suppose the time-delay τ = 0, then the characteristic equation (5) is


where p1 = ρ1, p2 = ρ2 + ρ6, p3 = ρ3 + ρ7, p4 = ρ4 + ρ8, and p5 = ρ5 + ρ9. The endemic equilibrium point E2 is locally asymptotically stable if pi > 0, i = 1, 2, …, 5, and p1p2p3>p32+p12p4(p1p4p5)(p1p2p3p32p12p4)>p5(p1p2p3)2+p1p52.

Suppose τ > 0, then Eq. 5 becomes


We aim to prove that Eq. 7 has no pure imaginary roots for τ > 0. Let us assume that Eq. 7 has a pure imaginary and then substitute s = , ν > 0 in Eq. 7 to get


Separate the real and imaginary parts as


From Eq. 8,


Clearly, G12(ν)+G22(ν)=1.



The ν values get from U1, U2, V1, and V2.

This equation G12(ν)+G22(ν)=1 has at least one non-negative root. Define the bifurcation point as


Take the derivative of Eq. 7 with respect to τ for checking the transversality condition at τ = τ*, then






We arrive at the following result.

Theorem 3. For the model (2), the following results hold:

i) If τ = 0, then E2 is asymptotically stable if pi > 0, i = 1, 2, …, 5, and p1p2p3>p32+p12p4(p1p4p5)(p1p2p3p32p12p4)>p5(p1p2p3)2+p1p52.

ii) If τ > 0, then E2 is asymptotically stable for 0 < τ < τ* and the model (2) can undergo a Hopf bifurcation at τ = τ*.

The local asymptotic stability at the immune response–free equilibrium point E1 is similar to that at the endemic equilibrium point E2; hence, it is omitted.

4 Global Stability

Lemma 1 [36]. Let x(t)R+ be a continuous and derivative function. Then, for any time tt0,


Theorem 4. If x*<μemτβ1k,a1β2 and g<ξemτk, then the model (2) is globally stable at E0.

Proof 3. We define the non-negative definite function at E0 of Eq. 2 as


Applying the fractional-order derivatives and using Lemma 1, we get


Based on the assumptions λ=dx*,x*<μemτβ1k,a1β2, and g<ξemτk, we can get DαV1(t) < 0, and then the infection-free steady state E0 is globally asymptotically stable.

Theorem 5. Assume that g<ξ(β1x*v*+β2x*y*)emτky*, then the model (2) is globally stable at E2.

Proof 4. We define the non-negative definite function at E2 of Eq. 2 as


Applying the fractional derivative on both sides, using Lemma 1, and assuming λ=dx*+β1x*v*+β2x*y*,m+γ=β1x*v*+β2x*y*,a=β1x*v*y*+β2x*,γ=ky*emτv*, we get


Clearly, by using Lyapunov–LaSalle’s invariant principle and [37], DαV(t) < 0, the equilibrium point E2 is globally stable.

5 Numerical Simulation

The numerical results of fractional-order delay differential system (2) are discussed, using implicit Euler’s scheme in [38]. The parameter values are as follows: λ = 8, d = 1, β1 = 5, β2 = 5, φ = 0.5, m = 2, γ = 100, a = 10, k = 10, μ = 10, ξ = 1, g = 1, and h = 1

Figure 1 shows the stable behaviors of the model (2) which converge to the infection-free steady state E0 and R0=0.93<1, with different fractional orders α = 1, 0.9 and initial conditions x(t) = 2.3, l(t) = 2.3, y(t) = 2.3, v(t) = 2.3, and w(t) = 2.3. The immune response–free steady state E1 is unstable when τ = 14 > τ* = 13.5 and fractional orders α = 0.9, 0.8, which is displayed in Figure 2, while the immune response–free steady state E1 is stable when τ = 13 < τ* = 13.5, which is shown in Figure 3. The fractional derivatives are a useful tool for reducing the infection.


FIGURE 1. Time trajectories for uninfected cells x(t), latently infected cells l(t), infected cells y(t), viruses v(t), and antibodies w(t) of Eq. 2 with α = 1 (left banner) and α = 0.9 (right banner) and R0=0.93<1.


FIGURE 2. Time trajectories for uninfected cells x(t), latently infected cells l(t), infected cells y(t), and viruses v(t) of Eq. 2 with τ = 14 > τ* = 13.5, α = 0.9 (left banner) and α = 0.8 (right banner).


FIGURE 3. Time and space plane trajectories for uninfected cells x(t), latently infected cells l(t), infected cells y(t), and viruses v(t) of Eq. 2 with τ = 13 < τ* = 13.5 and α = 0.9.

Figure 4 displays the time trajectories of the considered model (2), which converge to the endemic equilibrium point E2, and stable behavior, when τ = 13 < τ* = 13.5. By increasing the fractional-order values, the curves get more flat and have significant effects on the cell dynamics.


FIGURE 4. Time trajectories for uninfected cells x(t), latently infected cells l(t), infected cells y(t), viruses v(t), and antibodies w(t) of Eq. 2 with τ = 13 < τ* = 13.5, α = 0.9 (left banner) and α = 0.8 (right banner).

Remark 2. These are the results from the fractional-order viral infection model with latent infection and delay, which are different, complement, and expand upon those in [7,9,12]. The fractional-order stability regions in Figures 14 are larger than the corresponding integer-order stability regions in [7,12]. In a fractional-order model, the unstable equilibrium of an integer-order model may be a stable model. Furthermore, time-delays enhance the dynamics of the model and increase its complexity.

6 Concluding Remarks

Although the classical integer-order differential models can be useful for the study of disease dynamics, the fractional-order models are more useful for exploring disease dynamics. Several factors contribute to this, including data fitting, memory effects, and crossover effects. The fractional calculus is a powerful tool to describe physical and biological systems that have long-term memory and long-range spatial interactions. This paper examines the global dynamics of a fractional-order viral infection model with latent infection. We studied the positivity and boundedness of the solutions. Based on this formula, we derived the basic reproductive number R0, which acts as a threshold parameter in the viral infection disease status. For such a model, we examined the existence of equilibrium points and their corresponding asymptotic stability. Hopf bifurcation occurs at the critical values of the time-delay τ*. The Lyapunov–LaSalle method is used to determine the global stability of the model. A numerical solution for the proposed fractional-order viral infection model is obtained by employing Euler’s implicit scheme. Fractional order and time-delays increase the complexity and enrich the dynamics of the model.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Materials, and further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

FR was involved in project conceptualization and supervision, writing the original draft, and reviewing and editing the paper. CR was responsible for data visualization and validation, running the software, and performing the methodology.


This research was funded by UAE University, fund # 12S005-UPAR 2020.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: bifurcation, fractional order, viral infection model, stability, time-delay

Citation: Rajivganthi C and Rihan FA (2021) Global Dynamics of a Delayed Fractional-Order Viral Infection Model With Latently Infected Cells. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 7:771662. doi: 10.3389/fams.2021.771662

Received: 06 September 2021; Accepted: 10 November 2021;
Published: 08 December 2021.

Edited by:

Axel Hutt, Inria Nancy—Grand-Est Research Centre, France

Reviewed by:

Dibakar Ghosh, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Tomás Lázaro, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

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*Correspondence: F. A. Rihan, ZnJpaGFuQHVhZXUuYWMuYWU=

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