Corrigendum: Longitudinal modulation of Marangoni wave patterns in thin film heated from below: instabilities and control
- 1Theoretical Physics Department, Perm State University, Perm, Russia
- 2Department of Mathematics, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Non-linear Marangoni waves, which are generated by the long-wave oscillatory instability of the conductive state in a thin liquid film heated from below in the case of a deformable free surface and a substrate of very low conductivity, are considered. Previously, the investigation of traveling Marangoni waves was restricted to the analysis of the bifurcation and stability with respect to disturbances with strongly different wave vectors. In the present article, for the first time, the modulational instability of traveling waves is investigated. We derive the amplitude equation for the modulated traveling wave, which describes non-linear interaction of the main convective pattern with the perturbations with slightly different wavenumbers. The amplitude equation differs from the conventional complex Ginzburg–Landau equation as it contains an additional term of the local liquid level rise. Linear stability analysis reveals two modulational instability modes: the amplitude modulational and the phase modulational (Benjamin–Feir) ones. It is shown that traveling rolls are stable against the longitudinal modulation for the uncontrolled convection. We also investigate the influence of the non-linear feedback control, which was applied previously to eliminate subcritical excitation of traveling rolls. Computations reveal both the modulational modes under the non-linear feedback control. The obtained results show that the modulational instabilities significantly influence the region of parameters where the non-linear feedback control is efficient for stabilization of waves.
Marangoni instability arises at the interface due to the dependence of the surface tension on temperature (the Marangoni effect). This instability results in spatially periodic convective motion that can be either steady or oscillatory. In the latter case, the Marangoni wave patterns emerge, of which the most widespread kind is the traveling rolls.
The pattern selection analysis is based on the investigation of the non-linear interaction of perturbations with a specific wavelength (critical perturbations) that forms the stable spatially periodic patterns. However, above the instability threshold, there is a continuum of unstable perturbations with wavelengths slightly different from the critical one. Non-linear interaction with those perturbations can distort periodic patterns, whereas the modulated patterns may undergo the modulational (sideband) instabilities.
Modulational instabilities of convective patterns are crucial for the pattern selection and the development of the spatiotemporal chaos. The investigations of those instabilities are presented in many article (see [1]) as a review. However, only few of them are devoted to the modulations of non-stationary patterns (see [2–5] for review).
Here, we explore the modulational instability of traveling rolls that are formed due to the novel mode of the oscillatory Marangoni instability.6 This instability arises in a thin liquid film rested at the heated substrate of small heat conductivity in comparison with that of the liquid. Non-stationary patterns can be observed in this system, when the heat transfer from the interface is small and the surface tension of the liquid is large.
The article is organized as follows. In Thin Film Dynamics Under Feedback Control, the reader is introduced to the results of the previous research of the thin film dynamics under feedback control. The system of partial differential equations is presented that governs large-scale evolution of film thickness and the liquid temperature. The multiple scale expansion is applied to this system in Longitudinal Modulation. Here, the partial differential equation for the envelope function is derived. The stability analysis of traveling rolls is provided within the envelope equation. The results are summarized in Discussions.
Thin Film Dynamics Under Feedback Control
Long-wave Marangoni instability in a thin liquid film heated from below is governed by the following system of partial differential equations (see [6, 7], a derivation can be found in Supplementary Appendix SA):
This system describes the joint large-scale evolution of the film thickness
The function
Dimensionless parameters are as follows:
Note that instability under consideration was previously studied in the full two-layer case. In the study in ref [11], the authors replaced the empirical law for the heat transfer from the free surface by the solution of adjoint problem in the ambient gas layer. In that case, the expression for the effective scaled Biot number is
Another key assumption is that a moderately large capillary number Ca and a finite Galileo number Ga allow deformational Marangoni instability due to the free surface deflections. For a water layer, scalings
Linear Stability Analysis
Eqs 1, 2 have the base state solution
The instability threshold can be changed by the linear feedback control [8] as it varies the heat transfer from the free surface,
Pattern Selection
In the study mentioned in ref [6], stable oscillatory Marangoni patterns were revealed within systems (1)–(2). Depending on the values of parameters Ga, С, β, and
where coefficients
Longitudinal Modulation
Amplitude Equation
Let us consider the oscillatory mode of instability near the convection threshold Mac with the wavenumber kc and frequency ωc = ω0(kc). The small parameter δ denotes the small deviation of actual Ma from its critical value:
It is known that the periodic solution of (1)–(2) emerges due to the Hopf bifurcation. In this case, the solution amplitude is proportional to the square root of the bifurcation parameter in the vicinity of the bifurcation point. Besides, near the threshold, the solution evolves slowly in time compared to the period of oscillations
As we aimed at investigating spatially periodic solution stability with respect to disturbances with slightly different wavenumbers, the spatial derivative should be expanded in a power series as well:
Next, we substitute expansions (7)–(9) into the non-linear system (1)–(2) and obtain the linear system in each order of a small parameter δ. At the first order, we arrive at the linear stability problem.
We consider the solution of this system in the form of the modulated traveling wave as follows:
Dynamics of the envelope function
At the second order in small δ, the solvability condition (13) results in a wave equation for the envelope function:
where the subscript
Within the moving frame of reference
The coefficients
The term
The solvability condition of the equations at the third order in
The coefficient
To determine
For a traveling wave
Because of the conservation of the liquid’s volume, the value of
Thus, Eq. 19 reads as
As one can see, Eq. 24 is very much like the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation (CGLE), which usually describes modulational instabilities of patterns [13]. However, unlike numerous physical problems leading to the CGLE, the problem under consideration has an additional “soft” (stable but slowly evolving) mode corresponding to the large-scale modulation of the layer thickness. The existence of that mode is the consequence of the conservation of the liquid volume. The modulation of the wave amplitude
By rescaling
The rescaling (25) is justified because
It can be convenient to present complex amplitude as
Stability of Traveling Wave
Here, we investigate the stability of the particular solution of (26) that corresponds to the traveling wave with
Linearizing (28) and (29) around (30), we obtain the following eigenvalue problem for small disturbances
For the solution in the form
one obtains the dispersion relation as follows:
For small
i) the amplitude mode with
ii) the phase mode with the asymptotic
In Figure 1, the growth rate
FIGURE 1. Growth rate of modulational instabilities as the function of wavenumber
Here, we present the results of calculation of coefficient combinations that correspond to the modulational instabilities (i), (ii) depending on the problem parameters—Galileo number, Biot number, capillary number, and non-linear control gain. Recall that the oscillatory Marangoni instability is critical when
FIGURE 2. Domains of stability for traveling rolls against the longitudinal modulations for (A) uncontrolled convection; (B), (C) negative nonlinear feedback control gain
It is known that traveling rolls can be unstable due to the subcritical excitation of instability, when disturbances grow without saturation. The boundary between domains of subcritical excitation and stability of traveling rolls is depicted in Figure 2 as a solid black line. Our analysis is valid only outside the domain of subcritical excitation that is marked “subTR” in Figure 2.
In view of these restrictions, we have calculated coefficients
Influence of the Feedback Control
It was mentioned earlier that the influence of the linear part of feedback control
The non-linear part of feedback control
Previously, it was shown that one can eliminate subcritical instability by applying non-linear feedback control with negative control gain [7]. For
We investigated the modulation instability of Marangoni wave patterns that emerge at the interface of a thin liquid film heated from below. Applying the multiple scale expansion to the system of PDEs for the film thickness and liquid temperature, we derive complex PDEs for the envelope function of the longitudinal modulated roll pattern. The equation for the envelope function is very much like the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation, except for the additional non-linear term proportional to the surface deformation. Previously, a similar additional term was obtained in the study given in ref [14], and it was connected to the interaction of two monotonic Marangoni instability modes: the short wave and the long wave. In our case, the additional term arises due to the non-linear interaction between the slowly growing mode with the critical wavelength and the slowly decaying large-scale mode. Note that the term with
The stability analysis of the traveling wave is provided within the CGLE-like equation for the envelope function. Two modes of instability were revealed: one caused by the amplitude modulation and the other caused by the phase modulation. The latter is similar to the Benjamin–Feir instability first discovered for the Stokes wave [16]. Note that the modulational instability was formerly studied in the framework of the CGLE, and only phase modulation instability was found. Thus, amplitude modulation instability is a completely new effect of the interaction with a stable soft mode. This interaction also modified the criterion for the phase modulation instability.
Calculations show that the uncontrolled roll patterns are unstable against the perturbations with slightly different wavelength. However, in the absence of the control, traveling rolls emerge through the subcritical bifurcation within certain parameter domains. Previously, it was demonstrated that one can eliminate subcritical bifurcation by applying the non-linear feedback control [7]. But besides that, non-linear feedback control affects pattern selection as well. In this article, we reveal that the non-linear feedback control can suppress an amplitude modulation instability or produce a phase modulation instability depending on the parameters. Thus, the non-linear feedback control can destabilize traveling rolls against the longitudinal modulation at the same time as it stabilizes traveling rolls against the subcritical excitation.
Here, we examined only longitudinal modulations of the traveling wave pattern. This is sufficient if the region has a shape of a rectangle, which is long only in one direction. If the thin film is infinite in the
Data Availability Statement
The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Author Contributions
All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
AS acknowledges financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 20-71-00070). A.N. acknowledges financial support from the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 843/18).
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s Note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary Material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
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Keywords: thin film, Marangoni convection, modulated wave, feedback control, Benjamin–Feir instability
Citation: Samoilova A and Nepomnyashchy A (2021) Longitudinal Modulation of Marangoni Wave Patterns in Thin Film Heated From Below: Instabilities and Control. Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 7:697332. doi: 10.3389/fams.2021.697332
Received: 19 April 2021; Accepted: 30 July 2021;
Published: 12 October 2021.
Edited by:
Ulrich Parlitz, Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation, GermanyReviewed by:
Roman Grigoriev, Georgia Institute of Technology, United StatesSamuel Bowong, University of Douala, Cameroon
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*Correspondence: Anna Samoilova, YW5uc29tZW9pbEBnbWFpbC5jb20=