Deterioration of cognitive functions is commonly associated with aging, although there is wide variation in the onset and manifestation. Albeit heterogeneity in age-related cognitive decline has been studied at the cellular and molecular level, there is poor evidence for electrophysiological correlates. The aim of the current study was to address the electrophysiological basis of heterogeneity of cognitive functions in cognitively Inferior and Superior old (19-20 months) rats in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the hippocampus, having Young (12 weeks) rats as a control. The midbrain VTA operates as a hub amidst affective and cognitive facets, processing sensory inputs related to motivated behaviours and hippocampal memory. Increasing evidence shows direct dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic input from the VTA to the hippocampus.
Aged Superior and Inferior male rats were selected from a cohort of 88 animals based on their performance in a spatial learning and memory task. Using
Electrophysiological recordings from the VTA and hippocampus showed alterations associated with aging
This study provides new insight into electrophysiological information underlying compromised cerebral ageing. Further understanding of brain senescence, possibly related to neurocognitive decline, will help develop new strategies towards the preservation of a high quality of life.