Acupuncture is widely used in clinical practice for the treatment of vascular diseases. However, the protocol, efficacy, and mechanism of acupuncture in animal models of vascular dementia are still controversial. Based on the above problems, we initiated this comprehensive study.
To analyze the literatures included in this study, 4 databases were searched and the SYRCLE's Risk of bias tool was employed. To perform the subgroup analysis of different acupuncture methods and the Review Manager 5.3 was applied. Meanwhile, the pairwise and network meta-analysis were conducted using Addis 1.16.8. The outcomes included escape latency, number of crossings, time spent in the target quadrant, and swimming speed.
Forty-two studies with a total of 1,486 animals were included in this meta-analysis. According to the results from subgroup analysis, GV20 + ST36 (Baihui + bilateral Zusanli) combined with 14-day manual acupuncture can obtain best improvement of the rats cognitive function among all acupuncture regimens (MD: −23.41; 95%CI: −26.66, −20.15; I2 = 0%;
Acupuncture significantly improves cognitive function in rats with vascular dementia. Compared to other acupuncture plans, (GV20 + ST36, MA) and 14 -day manual acupuncture can be used to obtain better results. The main mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of vascular dementia is reduced oxidative stress, neuronal inflammation, and apoptosis, as well as the increased synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitters.